
Social Tolerance Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"People are very tolerant until they're not. It's not all black and doom and gloom, so take heart."
"How far can I push this before sensible, rational, tolerant people say this has to be a troll?"
"We need to meet people where they are and not assume that someone who might disagree with you on something is automatically a bad person or a rabid right-winger."
"We can agree, disagree, and still respect each other. We can still be friends in real life if we have a different view on politics or religion."
"I don't think he should be canceled. I don't think any of them should be canceled."
"This map shows where people are the most and least racially tolerant."
"Leave people, let them live their life and accept people for who they are individually."
"If you get upset at the sight of a pride flag, that is quite sad."
"It's not criticism that bothers me, it's not contrary views that bother me, it's not the presence of brown skins that bother me."
"This is the key right here: just because your opinions are stupid doesn't mean we can't be friends."
"You don't have to agree with people on everything, it's not necessary to have a relationship with them."
"You're asking people to simply make room for more understanding and compassion. Meaning, you don't have to like it, you don't have to go to the pride parade if you don't want to."
"It's a progressive place invigorated by a time-honored spirit of live and let live."
"Disagreeing is one thing, but if you think that someone's opinion is untenable reflecting ignorance, intolerance, or lack of understanding, that's another thing."
"There's a lost virtue in the modern day - getting along with those we disagree with."
"We should not have guilt by association and we should not be willing to be friends with people who hold diametrically opposed views to our souls."
"The minute someone comes in that is that kind of [__] or wants to bring bigotry to the environment you now have the paradox of tolerance."
"In the name of tolerance, we are allowing antisocial behavior to become entrenched."
"You need to get new friends if they can't tolerate your differing views."
"You're not a loving, peace-loving, tolerant society when you literally call the cops because you see people who are too close to each other outside."
"People have to get used to other people doing things they don't understand. I mean, we all have rights in this country. Like, if you decide you want to do something, I don't have to approve of it."
"You are allowed to be friends with people whose opinions you completely disagree with."
"There's a paradox of intolerance... If you're tolerant of the intolerant, your society is going to fail."
"As long as you're successful, people will put up with pretty much anything."
"This career mode is quickly becoming one of the best, legit, the one to beat on this shed."
"We have forgotten like what it means to actually seek someone's best interest and instead just we just think it means acceptance and tolerance of all kinds of behaviors and choices, affirmation of all kinds of stated identities."
"However, keep in mind that for you to be yourself, means others too are allowed the same right, even if it makes you cringe or offends you."
"Tolerance doesn't mean unquestioned beliefs."
"A good sign of free speech is, is someone you don't like allowed to say something you don't like?"
"We need some live and let live, some tolerance."
"Having others near tempers our dogmatism and softens our intolerance."
"Stop policing other people! Just let people identify with whatever they're comfortable with."
"In this country, there's plenty of room for different opinions."
"There has to be that space where you give people... being annoyed."
"There's a difference between toleration and acceptance."
"You are allowed to have opinions that other people don't agree with."
"Black people we need to draw a line and there's certain things that we tolerate."
"Not being an ally, as long as you're not harming people, you're not harassing people, you're not posting on social media that these people suck, then I don't think you're a bad person for that."
"Just live and let live principles. I understand that people, there's always going to be a supply of people that just don't like you for one reason or another."
"It's okay to disagree, respect and tolerate each other's views, even go for a beer with someone you've argued with."
"It's a bumpy world out there. People are going to say offensive things. If you don't like it, change the channel."
"We need to respect everybody else's choices."
"Mistakes are crucial... instead of being so quick to cancel people, why not give everyone an opportunity to do better?"
"At what point does it get so bad that people go we can't have this anymore?"
"Everyone has a different tolerance to how much they want their private life out in public, and you've got to respect that."
"The level of tolerance is incredible by any historical or global standard."
"This study showed that over time humans evolved to produce less testosterone which makes them less aggressive, more socially tolerant."
"Your death-related anxiety decreases, feelings of intimacy increase, and you have a greater tolerance for outsiders the more you reflect on your own experience."