
Version Control Quotes

There are 396 quotes

"Deploy to production on version tags associated with releases."
"We think this is a really powerful feature that enables you to do smaller commits and get a better overview of the changes you make."
"Learn git and become familiar with version control."
"Git lens: visualize git context around files and lines of code."
"Page versions and recycle bin...get you out of a jam if you inadvertently got rid of old things."
"And that's the general workflow now of how branching in Git ultimately works."
"Changes not staged for commit," which is a fancy way of saying, files that have been changed, but I haven't said I would like to keep track of them in the next commit.
"If I screw something up, well, I could just jump back to a previous version."
"One of the great things about having this commit history is you can always jump back to previous commits."
"Let's create another branch to make this change, and once we're satisfied with the change, then we can merge it back onto the main branch."
"Git is version control. It allows you to save your code, go back, and forth, time machine for your code."
"A pull request is a request that I merge the contents of my local branch into the master branch."
"Git tracks every change that has ever been made to the code you tell it to manage."
"Git allows you to change back to previous versions of your code with a single command."
"Remember before we commit anything to master, we always want to pull down the changes in case any changes were made while we were working on our feature."
"In Git, files transition between three different states: modified, staged, and committed."
"Git is distributed version control. It has two big differences with traditional version control systems."
"Git coordinates work between multiple developers and tracks every single version and every single change."
"Each version number has a meaning. The patch version fixes bugs, the minor version adds new features."
"git gives you a way to keep track of all of these changes."
"That's us back into the BIOS, and we can see we're now running the latest version."
"You can think of branching as you're sort of creating a copy of your version history."
"Using a version control system as part of the development process for your deployments is a great best practice to follow."
"You don't need github to use git."
"...a branching strategy takes advantage of the branching system in a version control system to enable concurrent development in the code base."
"Git stash allows you to experiment with changes and save those changes without actually committing them to the Git repository."
"Git can do a whole bunch of things that you may not know about."
"Git status is a very useful command and you'll find yourself running git status very frequently."
"The two-stage commit process begins with adding changes from the working directory into the staging area."
"We can use git checkout to switch to a different branch."
"Staging changes allows you to commit changes that are logically related to each other."
"Adding files to the staging area allows you to commit changes that are logically related to each other."
"Git log command shows all of the metadata related to a commit."
"Creating separate commits for logically related changes is a good practice."
"Modifying the main branch directly can cause the codebase to break for everyone."
"HEAD is essentially 'you are here'. It tells you what the current state of the git repository is by pointing at a specific commit."
"Another way to think about a commit is that it's just a difference."
"This talk is really for... people who do use git often--professionally perhaps--but for whatever reason you feel uncomfortable when you're using git. You don't understand what's going on."
"So you can have multiple commits in git, so git has to identify them in some way, and generally the identifier is this kind of like random string of characters, it's a checksum."
"GitHub makes it extremely easy. You can very easily see changes and merge code together."
"So I just want to say congratulations! Because we just recreated the version history feature of google docs and Microsoft Word using git."
"Git is a distributed version control system used to track changes in source code during software development. In DevOps, Git is used for version control, collaboration, and to automate through CI/CD pipeline."
"Git add, commit, and push are essential commands in the Git lifecycle."
"With versioning turned on, I can go into any of these files and make changes confident that if these changes go bad or if they're not necessarily what the team collectively decides is necessary, we can revert back to past versions of it."
"To access past versions of a file, you have two options: you can either click on the ellipses next to any file or right-click on it and select version history."
"Save your app. You do have to save it. Once you've saved it once, you're in a happy place where you're in version control and auto save, but please remember to save it as soon as you've done anything."
"Version control system will help us because it gives us the capabilities to track the different versions, it lets us have metadata, hey I can put a comment in what was the change, I can track who did it when they did it."
"Git commit semantically, commit only topics in one commit that belong to the same overall topic."
"Do not change commit history of things that you have already pushed."
"Git reflog is like git's diary, where every movement of the head pointer is recorded."
"Recover deleted commits with the reflog."
"Undoing mistakes with git is as easy as hitting command z."
"Interactive rebase, what can you do with that? You can edit old commit messages, delete commits, combine multiple commits into one, split commits, a lot of different things."
"Git is helping us undo things and recover from mistakes."
"Git has been a huge success story."
"The reason for this is you could have your entire system built and configuration set up, but then there's one key file that you forgot to add to the repo and commit."
"Git is used to manage all the different versions you have for your application. Git helps you manage different versions also revert changes if there are any issues."
"Cloning means we take a copy of what is current in that repository."
"It's simply a way to version control your endpoints."
"Git blame command can be used to figure who edited what line of a file."
"If I do 'git stash,' it will revert my working directory to the state it was in at the last commit."
"Another really neat command is something called git bisect."
"Just like that you've used version history to manage your list and you've gotten a quick tour of the new modern list interface here in SharePoint."
"Both the comments and the suggested edits become automatically linked to the parts of the document."
"One other wonderful feature in Google Docs is version history."
"Solutions are really that path forward. You have better version control."
"Every time you make a change to your files, Git creates a version for you."
"I commit it once I'm happy I'll merge it into main."
"I'm essentially just using this so that's one way I can use branches."
"Source control is an absolute must."
"It allows your infrastructure changes to be version controlled by checking in your code into a Version Control System."
"We will use the Docker schema version of 3.7, which is default. Don't worry about that."
"The ability to track changes is a very important feature of Git, regardless of whether or not you decide to push your changes to a remote."
"So, if I push a commit to this git repo, GitHub will then make a post request to the webhook that Qualify has set up."
"A GitLab pipeline is a version-controlled YAML file called gitlab-ci.yaml that lives at the root directory of a GitLab project."
"To practice the GitLab flow, let's modify the project readme file."
"This version control is tracking the different versions of our changes, and that also allowed us to revert to a previous version if we needed to."
"... you don't want to accidentally push something to the main branch which is always supposed to be clean and fully functioning."
"One of the most common things you'll do here is execute commands for version control using Git."
"Developers can collaborate and build features in their own feature branches."
"Moving changes from feature branches to master branches requires creating pull requests."
"Finally, the last primary benefit of having source control is traceability."
"Snapshots allow you to create a blueprint of your data over a certain period of time... allowing you to go back to an earlier version of a file if needed."
"Your new best friends deserve to be in Version Control."
"Version control is one of the first things that's worth learning well."
"Learning a tool like Git is just gonna save you so much heartache down the line."
"For every pipeline you run, you have access to previous runs, so you can easily track and compare different versions of the models."
"Continuous integration reduces the amount of change that can happen prior to the merge."
"Check Git to see all the changes that we made."
"Git helps us track all of the changes that we made."
"Once we've saved those changes into Git, any new changes that we add will start showing up here."
"Now let's actually take these changes and save them into Git so we can track new changes."
"Branches offer a way to work on a new feature without affecting the main code base."
"Git has three levels of configuration: system, global, and local."
"Git is the most popular version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects."
"...the fetch is interesting...the fetch will bring the changes down to your local repository but it won't actually merge them into your local workspace or local working tree..."
"...reset all the way back to the first commit...the only good thing that I've got here in my life is alpha.txt."
"You know, git isn't hard to learn and with a great tool like Source Tree by your side, it's even easier to master."
"In order to do collaborative work, you need to pull changes down from the server."
"...commits are like save points in a video game..."
"And then do git commit and production ready."
"Versioning in S3 will help you retrieve the deleted files."
"The idea is to keep those feature branches relatively short-lived."
"The benefit of having a separate branch is that it creates an audit trail."
"I don't want 9.0.0 and you have 9.0.1. There might have been some change in that minor change that could make our code a little bit different."
"Now I have a new change and what I'm going to do is tag again so I'm going to tag this as latest so this now is the latest image that contains our changes."
"You can just, you know, view the diff of everything that's changed."
"Merging keeps your original history intact. It is forward-looking. We have a fully traceable history."
"When you fork a project, you are literally making your own version of that project."
"Rebasing is about the scariest thing that people can do in git and people make it a lot more complicated than they need to, so let's see if we can make it simpler."
"Also doing small changes, you don't want to do a massive, say if you're adding like an entire driver, you don't want to just put it all in one commit because it's really hard to review, it's hard to debug if anything is wrong, so try to break things into logical changes."
"Integrating Git with Jenkins involves configuring the repository URL and branch name."
"Why are deployments greater than individual pods? Deployments allow you to set the number of replicas, roll out new versions, and have rollback options."
"This is really good for you as a developer to track all your changes."
"Changes as you can see that's pulled the changes updated the version 2.0 you can see here it's terminating and it's running so the newer version of my app is now running ages 7 seconds."
"Maintaining a version control for requirement documents is a critical aspect of successful project management."
"Version control ensures documentation integrity, traceability, collaboration, and helps in risk mitigation."
"Changes in requirements are inevitable due to evolving business needs, and maintaining version control ensures efficient management of these changes."
"How to check the version: go to Systems and Status."
"We can version control this template so that it's easy to maintain."
"...there's no harm in having more information in your commit messages than less..."
"Even as we are both making changes at the same time in the spreadsheet, Microsoft 365 is keeping track of those version changes as we go."
"Once you've completed your task, go ahead and merge your branches back into your base branch and then delete the branch."
"Git is one of the most popular distributed version control tools of recent times."
"Do you want to track this file? Yes, I definitely want to track this file."
"Git is a distributed version control tool used for source code management."
"You can pull any changes that you have made to your full remote repository to your local repository."
"The benefits of a VCS system demonstrates that you're able to store multiple versions of a solution in a single repository."
"Git is a tool that allows all of the developers... to have access to all of the code."
"A centralized version control system has a central server where all the files are stored."
"I lost a lot of work using 'save as new version.'"
"When we're using source control like Git, it's just a good idea to make commits to your repository as you're developing."
"So good news, it is present. If I go to my D projects folder, I have the repository now there and it does look like it's initialized with Git because I have the .git folder present."
"We'll also create a new controller in v2."
"Code gets checked into, let's say, Git and some of the tools where you can run the Dockerize commands could be GitLab or CodeBuild or Jenkins."
"And when they like their changes, when they'd like for those changes to be merged back into the original version of the code, they'll submit what's called a pull request."
"We're very, very excited to announce an automatic synchronization with Git repositories where code will be synced between a branch that you choose and a staging Snowflake."
"Hey, I am happy with my changes, go persist them, commit. That's what it commits me. Rollback, you know what? I think something went wrong, rollback, abort, abort, abort."
"Speaking of regressions wouldn't it be great if we could instantly roll back to any previous version of our application."
"You have the opportunity to automate it, have it Version Control, and you can also reuse these configuration files."
"It's useful because you can pause the upgrade, restart, resume, and even undo to roll back to the previous version."
"I suggest you create a copy of this code base and you can use it as a base for different gameplay experiments."
"It's always important to set yourself up with a git repository in case you have to backtrack and undo some stuff."
"I actually finally got Source control set up on GitHub."
"It's a standard, it's text-based, it's easy to use in version control, and it's scalable and really powerful."
"The great thing about hosting this dot files directory in Git with Stow is that anytime you make a change, it will act as a traditional Git project."
"A Version control system enables you to record changes to files over time."
"A commit saves the state of the files at a particular point in time."
"Version Control Solutions help you control revisions to files and enable you to track any changes made to those files over time."
"Our infrastructure is now versioned, it's now in scripted form, we can reproduce it, it's immutable."
"Version control is a foundational idea in continuous delivery."
"The nice thing about just the monorepo is that you sort of have a single source of truth for your project or team or potentially even company."
"It makes it far easier for people to do meaningful comparisons for differences between versions of your file."
"Because this is an HTTP file, it's just a text file on disk, I can check this into my source control."
"The most powerful feature in Git for a solo developer is its ability to jump back to any point in time where you've made a commit."
"You can put any repo into your project by submoduling it in."
"Git is an awesome way to manage code and other projects."
"I personally use Git to version control all of my code whenever I'm writing it."
"We have quite an established standard for having git as a version control system."
"Knowing how to use Git is a must."
"Git is a version control system, just a way to basically keep track of your code as you change it."
"Protocol buffers are better for versioning."
"Git is actually the software that used to manage different versions of source code whereas GitHub is used to have a copy of the local repository stored on the service on the website itself."
"Git keeps you the new features you're working on in separate branches until you're ready to merge them back in with the main branch."
"Git add adds one or more files to your staging area."
"With Docker, every application has its own framework and suitable version."
"Our Git is successfully linked with GitHub."
"Now that our local repository and our remote repository are linked, we can push our local file onto our remote repository."
"Git is used to track the changes of the source code and allows large teams to work simultaneously with each other."
"Git is a very good version control system which we have all together."
"It's not a dedicated tool for developers; anyone who wants to utilize the features of version control system can make use of this specific tool."
"Git can automatically merge changes only if the commits are on different lines or the branches."
"You've got the ability to share it, source control it, and work with it in a different and fairly contemporary way."
"Every commit is like a save point."
"Git revert, and git cherry-pick, maybe even connect this project to that remote GitHub repository as well."
"Rebase achieves the same result but it plays around with your history a little bit to give you a linear history and eliminate that superfluous merge commit."
"Don't be afraid of the rebase; it's just a way to keep your commit history clean."
"Best way to fix a merge conflict is to not have them in the first place."
"In case of rollback, I will definitely go back to 1.0 directly, so I will not do the modification to my source code but instead, I will roll back my source code to the previous version called 1.0."
"Version control system helps us to collaborate or put up all these source code into a single location."
"It's kind of a system that records all the changes made to a file or a set of files."
"Git push command is used to push the changes from your local repository to the remote repository."
"GitHub as a repository and Git compatible is a fantastic solution."
"I think the source control panel makes it really easy to pick the changes that you want per commit."
"Next up let's talk about branches, branches are easy to do from within VS Code."
"Git Lens gives you a lot of flexibility for moving around your files and seeing what's going on."
"Our local repository has been pushed to this remote."
"Git is so widely used now and it's really the de facto way to share code... I think it's one of the most important skills to learn."
"Stash is like a temporary shelf where you can keep your code."
"Commit all and sync will first save the changes to the local branch, then it will pull the changes from the remote branch into the local branch, and then it will push the changes from the local branch into the remote branch."
"If you want to really get started using many different file types, many different setups, you really want to get going with Git from day one."
"It is almost like saving a game, just like we have checkpoints in the game, exactly like that we can have checkpoints in the software as well."
"This whole thing is known as version control system or the versioning system in the software industry."
"Release cycles basically allow you to have like version one, version two, version three."
"Tags allow you to mark a commit; a significant lightweight tag just adds basically a human-readable name to a commit to target it."
"The best way to manage your dot files is to keep them in source control."
"This is really useful for publish operations for release tags."
"What git allows us to do is do version control on different versions of our code."
"Git is a version control system... tracking the changes to a specific file but instead of only tracking changes in one single file, it does this across an entire folder structure."
"Git now runs not just the Linux development model but the vast majority of developers only know Git and only use Git."