
Religious Fervor Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"It's not okay to be just okay, it's only good to be outrageously in love with the Father."
"Be careful about being lukewarm or apathetic about God. That is dangerous."
"By Him in whose hand my soul is, I would love to be martyred in Allah's cause, and then come back to life and then get martyred."
"Persecution madness against truly spirit-filled Christians who love Jesus Christ."
"I'm literally going to release my lightning strikes in dry territories, and they are going to become a blaze with the power and the fire of God." - Ryan LeStrange
"The spirit of Elijah is a warrior for God anointing."
"The kingdom suffers violence, and violent ones take it by force. This fierce anointing will violently shake demonic strongholds and empower believers to be skilled and effective warriors in the spirit."
"We want the fire to go ahead and burn out everything that's not of God right now."
"Bless these explosions and just wheelbarrow them in. Why not in the Emperor's name?"
"You are looking at the real Witnesses, that's right, go ahead, because the Holy Ghost, go ahead, it makes us the witness, that's right, go ahead."
"What the church needs today is not more machinery or better wine, not new organizations and more novel methods but men and women whom the Holy Ghost can use, men of Prayer, mighty men in prayer."
"We need to be obsessed with getting closer to God."
"A generation that earnestly seeks after God influences culture, setting standards, and being a beacon of hope and truth."
"Glory to God and we're just going, we're going."
"A revived person will be an Evangelistic person."
"A big wave is coming: a big wave of glory, of miracles, of revival, of transformation."
"He said the assailant had convinced himself he was saving the girls and delivering them to Jesus."
"The tragedy of today is that the situation is desperate, but the saints are not desperate."
"Revival tents and outdoor meetings on a radical scale are coming."
"It's time for you to be lit up with the fire of the altar."
"Full of faith, full of the Holy Ghost, full of power."
"There's a move of God coming to Kentucky that will change the course of the land."
"We aren't politically correct... we are just on fire for Jesus Christ Yeshua."
"The Word Bearers were just super dedicated to whatever cause they're following and that's why they were so ardent about their Emperor worship and why they're so ardent about chaos now that chaos is answering them."
"He saw the Volstead Act as a victory over Satan himself."
"When the sisters of battle administer the Wrath of the ecclesiarity to the enemies of mankind, they're a terrifying, unbreakable force to be reckoned with."
"I'd rather be a burning one than a lukewarm Christian."
"The church is an army, and God wants to use your praise and your shout as a ballistic home-seeking tracking missile to break down the gates of hell."
"Lord, raise up firebrands, put something in your heart so a flame is so bright no demon or devil in hell can touch it."
"Some people are out there who probably ended up starting a religion after seeing this guy perform."
"The power is now with those who are all out for God."
"All true Catholics who still have the spirit of the Apostles and of the Christian martyrs should weep."
"Militant Catholicism... that's the thing that scares the hell out of the demons."
"I don't care about your cheap color. Don't obey God? Die hell, your britches going. Going, all right. Hallelujah!"
"But prayer for him was being made fervently by the church to God."
"You've got to be lit up with the knowledge of God."
"There's coming the greatest Revival across the globe that we've ever seen."
"When you're trying to be one of God's Champions, your heart is pounding."
"Implant fresh faith, fresh fire in our souls to believe God for the impossible."
"Let's fight like people of God. Let's not surrender and just justify this."
"Call me any name you please and they departed from the presence of the company false prophet, amen."
"The book of Acts... Radical, revolutionary, mighty."
"People can actually, like I said, be okay and then just fall straight, you know, there's that old saying that, you know, 'the converts are the most devout.'"
"We want to start a fire. We want to start a eucharistic revival."
"The Enlightenment sparked a reaction in the form of a Great Awakening of religious fervor."
"I am desperate for you, God. I'm going after you."
"We will not give this country up to the devil, God still has a purpose for America."
"I said deliver! Lord have mercy, we ain't done one of them in a long time. I said I'm delivered!"
"He's gonna utilize it in a powerful way also he's gonna be sharing about a massive live of God millions of people are gonna be saved things are gonna be happening so powerfully and the church God's gonna bring in a harvest."
"I got hungry for God. I got thirsty for the Lord."
"Don't forget God and the excitement of your youth. But in your youth, honor your creator. Now's the day to worship God. Now's the day to go all in. Now's the day to be radical for God."
"Father, we just say that we are good ground, do what only you can do, let your power flow through us. God, we're vessels and we say yes to your spirit."
"Lukewarmness is poison to the body of Christ."
"We want to reclaim the Maranatha cry of the early church, the burning passion for the return of Jesus."
"When folks walk around get all hype come out of a good service jerking around and shaking all that stuff that way ain't paying you no mind."
"You can't make Revival happen, but you can make yourself hunger and thirst."
"He had a burning passion to reach multitudes for Jesus."
"Now is not the time to retreat; it is the time to charge forward with the battle cry, 'Long live Christ the King!'"
"Love it guys, love the testimonies, love the fire of God, God is on the move."
"There's a fire coming alive in God's people and that fire is going to cause a glory to be seen on you."
"The red woman herself represents ultimate intensity in your passionate zealous like faith."
"The fuel for all this is faith, a fanatical religious devotion and righteous zeal that manifests itself on the battlefield in holy miracles."
"Fervor increases monthly, but can be influenced by various factors."
"Low fervor increases the likelihood of heresy outbreaks."
"No more are we gonna lay back and let the enemy wreak havoc through our families."
"My friend, next week, next month, next year, ten years from now, you'll keep burning and burning and burning until Jesus comes. Say Amen."
"Is your life on fire with Jesus? It's because you've been searching for him."
"Your fire is all-consuming, God. We thank you that your fire is not just a small candle but it's a forest fire that burns all compromised."
"His rallies are church and he is the gospel."
"When it comes to God, it's a serious thing. Okay? It's not a joke. I'm not an enemy of Chris. We're not an enemy of Chris, dude. I'm an enemy of lies. I'm an enemy of deception, right? Yeah, because you're getting screwed up by lies and deception."
"I want to feel again, I want to return to my first love, I want my lamp to burn again with holy oil."
"Satan you have no power we cancel every contract every assignment and every plan of the enemy every spirit of suicide we cancel you now in Jesus name."
"Man, it just felt like something bubbling up, it was the Holy Spirit in me."
"If you twerk for the devil, you better praise dance for God."
"The fire of evangelism: the Holy Spirit's presence ignites a desire to see souls saved."
"A real sword of God, seeking out heretics to destroy them."
"This is all being done to build up and put the fire under us so that we can come to a realization and for the body to move and for Christ to be working."
"The big thing here is that Saints would not bow to it, they would stay true in their faith in Christ no matter what the consequences are."
"May hell tremble father for those who do not know you I pray almighty God that they would tremble that they would tremble at your name that they would tremble out your word."
"The awakening is already here, the fire of God is falling."
"You should have heard it high on the mountains, repent, repent, repent."
"You trippin', man! This the Holy Bible, the Word, man. Do you understand what Christ Jesus came for?"
"He evolved from a conscious fraud to convincing himself that he was indeed a prophet of God."
"May there be a fire in their bones, may they be dangerous, may they be provocative, may they be powerful in the preaching of Your Word in this generation."
"i grew up in the bible belt and we still didn't go that hard"
"Come on get excited about it I need some life and fervor in the sanctuary there's nothing better than knowing Jesus."
"If you really got the Holy Ghost you could work yourself up into a frenzy right now just thinking about everything that God has done for you."
"Is there anybody here that loves Jesus? Put your hands on it, let's go, put her hands on it, let's go, let's have a party tonight, New Life, let's go, is there anybody here?"
"The fire of God is here, holy ghost let your consuming fire."
"You're feeling a warmth on your body. That's right. Get up out of that wheelchair in Jesus' name and start walking."
"Oh, that he would now tear open the heavens and come down among you! Oh, that there may be a stirring among the dry bones of this day!"
"There was a weight on the platform. People couldn't stand. And Steve comes up and snatches the microphone and says, 'If you're lost in this place and you don't know God, get down here.'"
"It's like missing God so much with all your heart, mind, and soul, missing Him."
"Their zeal for Christ was palpable, their love for the poor was palpable."
"The sheer chaos of fandom behavior in the age of the internet is so passionate, it is so concupiscent, steadfast and just unwaveringly relentless and resolute that it's almost... well, it's almost religious, isn't it?"
"Lord Johnston was passionately prayerfully longing that God would raise up a generation of spirit-filled preachers."
"I need the fire of God in my life."
"You need to have passion for the scripture."
"Give me 100 men who fear nothing but sin and love nothing but God and I will shake the gates of hell."
"We want the fire, we just bam, and these five pastors from Belfast received the anointing."
"I'm a Jesus Freak; He loves me, He lives in me, and He loves you."
"Religious fervor over their veneration built according to the degree of importance of the relics."
"Your passion for revival, don't let it go because God said He's still going to use it."
"He is setting hearts on fire like never before."
"Thank you, Jesus. It's gonna set our office on fire."
"Remember how passionate you used to be about Jesus."
"It's bubbling in my soul; I'm singing, I'm shouting, no one can understand it, but I can't keep it quiet."