
Artistic Community Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Shout out to all the up-and-coming artists who I see rocking arenas. That's a real fan base."
"It's like coming and bringing artists together and developing that Creative Vision with a whole range of talent."
"It's important to remember that we're all creative here."
"Your voice and my voice will make sure that the future that we live in is an ethical and fair one to artists."
"We did it all for free, because we want to work with these artists and build something in the future."
"Don't view your fellow artists as competition."
"Eventually, it goes around. Eventually, I don't understand how artists in particular don't understand."
"I love being around creative people because they inspire me to want to create again."
"That's my new mission right now is to create a network of independent producers artists video directors editors just whatever it takes."
"Thank you for watching. Let me know if you're working on a sketchbook. If you don't feel a sketchbook. That is completely okay."
"This channel does attract a great and creative audience people who create music and create art and create scenes and poetry and it's it's so awesome."
"Thank you to all the creators for all your incredible work."
"You're going to school with the best artists in New York City pretty much."
"Every step up I got in the industry was from fellow artists."
"Seriously, where else can you meet such a dynamic group of artists, creators, and just awesome people from all around the world?"
"I really want to thank everyone for their participation. It is just a mind-blowing wonderful honor that you're all contributing to this exciting group experience of being an artistic community."
"Surround yourself with amazing artists, you tend to win things."
"I can't wait to see your future fan creations. Own or gift these books now!"
"To the puppets of the world, this may sound absurd, but this is the place you need to be."
"They aren't just getting rid of the artists, they're driving off the fans."
"But they also happen when those artists admit and embrace that they, like us all, are part of a wide web of people and communities and influences and political and environmental forces."
"I'm one of them artists that give people chances and opportunities."
"In the late 19th century San Francisco was full of creative people with a can-do spirit."
"You're going to be able to offer something that they can't offer and just you being yourself and trying to be true to yourself is going to add value and add something to this like overall conversation happening in the art community."
"All art is inspired by other art and that being seen as a bad thing or a reason to harass other artists is doing nothing but harm to everyone in the community."
"I love doing this stuff more than almost anything... I want to collaborate with my friends more."
"It is about coming together in community in artistic forum in order to support one another and to grow."
"I think a lot of celebrities are leftist because to be in the arts and I know a lot of artists people that a lot of artists our people who consider themselves sort of outcasts as sort of the weirdos in their communities."
"Musical theater people are pretty wonderful... it's always with love."
"We just want to give a space for POC artists to be celebrated."
"Greenwich Village became a kind of hub, a Center for a new kind of culture in New York."
"I'm at a stage of life where I want to help young artists who need to show their work."
"The only people I would care to be with now are artists and people who have suffered, those who know what beauty is and those who know what sorrow is. Nobody else interests me."
"What they don't understand and what they will never understand is what it's like to be in a community of creative artists interacting and being excited about giving something to the world without worrying whether it's going to be accepted or not."
"I feel akin to the creative spirits that participate in Creative Life and paid attention to my work and the work of my peers."
"We're here on the amphitheater floor at the Corning Museum of Glass, an amazing place that glass gods of all kinds have graced."
"Inspiration plays a lot, and a lot of it comes from other artist friends."
"The University District, I think, is sort of a favorite haunt maybe, of artists."
"Hyperpop is like an ecosystem with artists all giving and taking inspiration from each other."
"These camera clubs were basically salon groups of photographers who would get together and they were really serious about getting photography really accepted as an art form."
"We got producers, we got songwriters, we got stylists... we're giving you the umbrella for everything."
"Welcome to the Stoughton Opera House, where this gorgeous theatre captures the spirit of the city we're discovering today: charming, artistic, and full of life."
"I'm very thankful to have had the experience and I met some wonderful artists who shall remain friends forever."
"It's quite a thing to be surrounded by all of these artists and the amount of gratitude that I feel is hard to measure and I don't have words for that."
"The furry fandom is built primarily behind many talented artists."
"The resort of the lonely they called it, drinking and dining with artists and poets."
"Great big art hugs and I'm looking forward to chatting with you soon."
"Well, happy Indie day everybody, or can it just be like Indie May? Can that be it too? Can just like all of May be about Indies?"
"And there you go, ladies and gentlemen, come and see me and the rest of my fellow artists over here at the Animation Academy."