
Life-changing Events Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"Winning it was great and it obviously changed my life massively."
"Seeing Declan be put to sleep, that kind of made a big change to the way I think."
"That day would soon turn her and her family's lives into a nightmare."
"Your blessing is coming and once it comes, it's going to change your life."
"If you have to tell someone something is life changing, then it probably isn't that life changing."
"The effect of Savile, the effect of exposing Savile has changed people's lives."
"It's about the ultimate change, a big huge massive change in your life."
"It feels like there's been literally A.D. and B.C. period in your life."
"When the selfishness kind of vanishes is when you grow up. But it's also when you have a life-changing event."
"One of which might at any moment change your life by passing through a tiny transistor and crash."
"It's happening and once we come to that realization it really changes our whole perspective in life."
"It's amazing how something as simple as a letter can change your life."
"If this little girl had not appeared, I would most likely have been a corpse."
"My life completely changed the day that I received the Medal of Honor."
"There are a very small number of things that actually just change your life and this is one of those."
"Near-death experiences generally follow a pattern... a broader experience... a peak experience they've never had before."
"The moment the child came out, everyone's perspective changes."
"There are many people who can walk away from that one instance with an entirely new life."
"It changed the whole trajectory of his career."
"Everything changed and their entire life was turned upside down."
"I went to heaven and I got to thank my donor."
"The heart attack was honestly the best thing that ever happened to me because it saved my life in so many damn ways."
"He opted to take the lump sum of more than 14 million dollars."
"You let them [__] kill your own blood brother, man."
"Something so important yet so unexpected, so life-changing yet so improbable, so true but against everything you ever thought you would believe."
"Prophets train all their life for moments like this to do something that's gonna create a whole new era."
"This is going to be very significant, life-changing indeed."
"The things that occurred that day changed my entire worldview, from being a healthy open-minded skeptic to not just a believer but an experiencer."
"They're just so incredible. It's the luckiest thing, the best thing that ever happened to me."
"Prison can absolutely change your life forever and in some cases you may never get another chance to have your life again."
"His life has changed forever now. Ain't nothing that you just gloss over."
"He noticed something in the night sky that would change his life forever."
"Sometimes it takes something like drastic to happen in your life for you to realize."
"Boom you get the biggest clue ever, and I feel like one thing leads to the next, that leads to the next, that leads to the next, and before you know it, boom you win a whole new life."
"The Life is Strange series brings you three beautifully written episodic adventures about choice, consequence, and how one extraordinary day can change your life forever."
"Moments like this, hopes and dreams and lives are changed permanently."
"November 2022 is going to be an absolutely mind-blowing time for you, everything that was happening in your life so far was preparing you for this moment."
"Whatever this meeting is, it really could change your life."
"It was sheer chance that brought so many people that morning to a time and a place that would change their lives in an instant."
"The birth of my daughter was absolutely transformative."
"This is gonna be mind-blowing because the very much so the last two days of november are also going to highlight this very important potential which is about to slowly start changing your life and i cannot explain how important this is."
"This is the day everything changes; this is the day where the miracle has our name on it."
"I truly think that it's one of the most life-changing things that will ever happen to me."
"The best thing that has happened to me is meeting amazing people."
"I mean this seems potentially like one of the biggest stories of my lifetime."
"I've had the best couple of weeks of my life so far."
"This discussion today is going to be life-changing."
"Questioning the system changed my life. We had the most profound 13 days of our life during my mom's final days."
"I miss my dad like like [ __ ] but but I think that that was uh you know a turning point for me."
"As he leaves.. He is completely unaware his life is about to change forever."
"Tonight is literally going to change the trajectory of someone's life."
"You're about to experience an absolutely remarkable, mind-blowing moment in your life."
"It's interesting how one little thing can change your whole life."
"I attended this event back in 2012... it really shaped my life..."
"Probably the greatest thing that could have ever happened."
"Every adoption journey is different, but adoption is incredible."
"It really only takes one to change your life."
"The decision or the moment that happens, the signing of the contract or when you open the door to the new place, this changes everything."
"That one thing, one thing that happened changed everything."
"Miracles are not only a possibility, but a reality that unfolds before your eyes."
"She reflected on the fact that meeting Hong was the best event of her life."
"This could be a very sudden new beginning that is very, very earth-shattering."
"This is going to be a very, very important moment."
"Your priorities really do realign completely."
"It's crazy how one thing can change your whole life forever. Nothing like it, you know?"
"It changed my life... that was my first entry into it."
"Some kind of gift, some kind of surprise that is here to change your life for the better."
"The end of the month will bring a mind-blowing moment that will change your life, along with a negotiation and a powerful sense of achievement."
"This is an unbelievable true story that really happened to me. This happening completely changed my whole life."
"It is just I still can't put into words like how much this means to be and like the fact this all happened this year is unbelievable."
"You're about to receive the blessing of your life."
"I was one way and now I am completely different and the thing that happened in between was him."
"Success is on the horizon; something huge is about to happen in your life."
"She went on to win several awards for her courage and strength following the attack that changed her life."
"This month is literally going to change your life."
"Some good came out of that graduation party... introduced me to my future wife."
"You'll either die or your life will change forever."
"This was the biggest pattern break of my life"
"You never know where you're going to find a nugget, you never know where you're going to have a life-changing event."
"She investigates the truth about the stranger and unravels things that will change her life forever."
"The most surprising thing that has ever happened in my life was not meeting the heptapods, but rather, it was meeting you."
"Are you kidding? Getting out of that swirling eddy of despair? Best thing that ever happened to me."
"I had this stroke and I was stuck in my bed and I just felt like that was my life from that point forward."
"It's going to be a big year, a life-changing year for you. Your life is going to change next year."
"That night I came face to face with the unknown, and it changed my perspective forever."
"Wow, this is going to be the opportunity of a lifetime, I promise you."
"I'm not going to lie to you, I was scared witless. I haven't been that scared since the day I woke up in the hospital in Chattanooga, knowing my entire life had just been changed."
"When seasoned police officer Michael Daniels pulls over a car for a routine traffic violation, he has no idea that the woman behind the wheel, Laura Caldwell, is about to change his life forever."
"Nothing compares to that moment when you're meeting your baby."
"I think once the baby actually comes, it's like, 'Here's a real human.'"
"Everybody starts to hear about it right oh hey Cliff or hey Jim I heard you're having your first kid awesome man it's awesome it'll change your life."
"You can pass a lifetime without ever facing a choice like that, but it changes you forever."
"Are you about to change your life?"
"Life-changing moments, I got diagnosed with ADHD and hardcore dumpster diving."
"When that day happens, your life as you knew it is over."
"Marrying into the royal family was a dangerous game, as it had the potential to totally change Farid's life."
"I was injured for life... I was with friends, I had a job I loved, and in the moment everything changed."
"Those moments in life on which the entire trajectory of your life can turn."
"You've changed the course of your life by having this baby."
"It only takes one yes to change the course of your life."
"Prepare for the most extraordinary event of your lifetime, an event that will forever alter the course of mankind and womankind."
"2024 is an amazing year, it's an absolutely amazing year, it's a powerfully charged year and for you, it is a life-changing year."
"I was very fortunate that 25 years ago I met my wife. It changed my life."
"The best thing that ever happened to me was my situation that forced me to move to Mexico."
"Sometimes being in the right place at the right time can change everything."
"Finding him could change her life."
"Something dramatic happened that changed my life."
"A split second changed my whole life."
"So, with that money, I was like, 'Whoa, that's life-changing.'"
"When you have a situation that changes your life forever you tend to remember it."
"There's these moments in your life that you look back and you're like, 'Oh yeah, that changed everything.'"
"A life-changing moment for both parties."
"Isn't that the magic of travel? Around every corner is the possibility of a life-changing event."
"Somebody every day waking up and having no idea it's their last day or that their life is going to change forever."
"We became parents on a Tuesday morning."
"When I first moved to LA, I was really good friends with Jennifer Love Hewitt. She did something that changed my life."
"Life-changing situation ever, it's like my Halloween organization."
"What's the most disruptive thing anyone's ever said or done to you? My husband my first husband leaving me with a one-year-old changed my whole life and changed the way I saw life forever."
"If you were to tell me a month ago that walking into a television station in south nebraska would change my life forever i probably would have laughed my head off."
"On November 30th, my whole dream changed."
"A moment of synchronicity can be a life-changing event."
"One day can change the trajectory of your life."
"Crystal's life changed in the blink of an eye."
"Charlie was born, which rocked my world in all the right ways."
"The events that will start happening to you, they will literally change your life for the better."
"It's shocking how sometimes one spontaneous act can turn one's whole life around."
"I hate when they do that. I was gonna say earlier, like in movies or in real life, you sometimes see that too, like when somebody is living a normal life and they give them news that you know that before this news and after this news their life will never be the same."
"I took my dog to the vet and my life was changed."
"Anything that can happen can change your life."
"My life has been turned upside down. It won't ever be the same again."
"Well, we did five years ago and it absolutely changed our lives."
"But it changed their life completely."
"It's a really significant thing, man. It's really significant."
"One night can change the rest of your life."
"This eclipse is preparing the scenario for some potential wonderful blessings that are going to be life-changing."
"War became the dominant experience in the lives of Europeans, period."
"It was right time, right place, and what we did was we didn't leave it there, it became our lives."
"It's the moment that destiny and reality meet."
"I'm so grateful that you stuck around and that you changed my life."
"Sometimes the most pivotal moments in our lives come from the most unexpected sources."
"Seeing your best friend fight for their life like that stays with you forever."
"The loss of my father... was a big moment in my life."
"It's one of the best things that's ever happened to us."
"I don't want to go super deep but like right before the night before my son was born, I had a dream where my son was born."
"It changed his life forever, humbled him beyond."
"That event is what set in motion a series of events that really changed the topography of life on Earth as we know it."
"Some things happen in life that they happen so powerful that you don't have time to learn; instantly you're changed."
"We're told that this was one of the key moments in Alexander's life."
"It just changes your perspective on everything."
"It's a miracle, a miracle happening to everyday people, changing their lives forever."
"I met a bunch of awesome people through it, including my wife."
"This is the night that changes your life forever."
"It changed everything, it really did."
"Every time I marry someone, it's a kind of miracle, bringing together two people in the eyes of the Lord."
"How could anyone deny you when you see your child being born? You just go, 'Okay, forget it, that is just over the top. How can anyone not believe in you?'"
"It changed who I am in every way."
"You are about to have the greatest testimonies of your life."
"It's never the same after that, ever again. And it's the best thing that ever happens to you."
"It's a miracle, this is a thing that you, it's a life-changing thing."
"...I do feel like it one of the best things that could have happened to me because like I say without this I don't think I'll be where I'm at today..."
"There are some moments that haunt us all our lives, moments upon which history turns."
"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever done and he has brought so much joy into our lives."
"It's just one bad day, all it takes is one bad day, and everything goes to hell."
"A lot of lives were changed that day, mine included."
"This is laying the groundwork for what could be the biggest moment of your life."
"It's like honestly the best thing to ever happen to me in my life."