
War Effort Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Each city block, each village, each farmstead, every ditch, every bush, every forest will be defended by men, boys, old men, and, if need be, by women and girls."
"They wanted to win the war and they wanted to do everything that they could in order to do that."
"Britain is now making more warplanes than anyone else in the world."
"From now until the conclusion of the war effort, I will be reimbursing all war effort material purchases with five percent interest."
"In the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
"Without it, we would not have had the pilots with the skills necessary to prosecute the war against Japan."
"Goebbels' writings glorifying the war effort were rarely absent."
"The one thing we were not going to do is to surrender. We were going to get back to our air troops somehow. We had to win the war, and we were determined to do it whatever happened. Everybody was going to fight right to the bitter end."
"As the whole world now sees, Ukrainians are fighting enormously with all the fury due for their land."
"Video: everyone has to do their bit for the war efforts."
"Popov's war effort went far beyond funneling funds to the allies and inspiring future literary icons."
"Millions of Ukrainians are now each in their place bringing victory over terror closer in the war for freedom, values, and independence."
"The war is underway. Volunteers are flooding city halls."
"Despite these myriad complications, British India sent well over a million soldiers and laborers to the war effort."
"Despite the Allied aerial bombardment, war production had soared."
"Consuelo quickly involved herself in philanthropic and charitable work to aid the war effort in her adopted home."
"Not every ship and not every person contributes to a war effort by firepower alone."
"The war effort needs your effort at work, at home, in your community."
"The only downside was being contracted by a fascist government which meant they once again had to make airplane engines for a second war effort."
"Fearing the worst, Roboute Guilliman would take stock of his circumstance in the war effort."
"To the great American question ‘What can I do to help the war effort?’ the commonest answer yet found is ‘Knit.’"
"The range of people and groups creatively seeking to help the war effort is astonishing."
"At heart they were all dedicated to winning the war."
"A useful propaganda tool to rally the Australian people behind the war."
"The Allies would need concrete and lots of it."
"The American war production job was probably the greatest Collective achievement of all time."
"Let all these kings and tycoons and masters of business and all those workers in industry and all our senators and governors and mayors pay half of their monthly $30 wage to their families and pay war risk insurance and buy Liberty Bonds."
"One way or another, almost every American became involved in the war effort, even the children."
"Every war saving stamp and every war bond that you buy is a bullet or a bomb or a tank or an airplane between you personally and the horror of a Japanese or Nazi world."
"If enough weapons, food, and men could make it across the Atlantic to Britain and to its Russian ally, Nazi Germany could be defeated."
"Electronics is a science that applies these tubes to the service of man, to the speeding of production, to the winning of the war."
"She oversaw Canada's production of Hawker Hurricanes during the Second World War, earning her the nickname 'Queen of the Hurricanes'."
"If everyone in Omashu were as dedicated as you, this war would be over."
"During World War II, the British used nearly a quarter of a million birds across multiple branches of the defense services."
"Women are important not just as Housewives and mothers and girlfriends and seers on of buttons but vital and essential if we are to win this war."
"The United States wasn't just a sleeping giant... when they hit us, they surely aroused the American ire to a point where we had a terrific military machine going which supplied half the world."
"It is to wage war by sea, land, and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us."
"It is said that with the help of the entire community, Hutzler's contributions towards war efforts raised upwards to 19 million dollars in war bonds."
"The WASP flew 60 million miles during the war, delivering all types of combat aircraft from the factories to the air bases."
"Dayton was finding a new pride in itself; the prestige of war work was being hammered home."
"Over the next eight years, women across the country would confront the perilous demands of this homefront war."
"The war effort needed more than weaponry; Lord Kitchener was building a new volunteer army."
"This issue of volunteering in a country that is at war is the collective union of many forces in a country for the same objective, the same cause."
"We must get to France before the war's over."
"This is industrial America at war, the arsenal of democracy delivering the goods."
"Berlin's war industries have been almost totally destroyed by recent allied bombings."
"Women's labor was essential to the war effort during World War II."
"It was the great American war chest: the fruits of science, the smokestacks, the canneries, the arsenals at Hartford, the Minnesota forests, the machine shops, the vast fields of corn and wheat... they carried it on their backs and shoulders."
"Let us, while this war lasts, forget our special grievances and close our ranks shoulder to shoulder with our white citizens and the allied nations that are fighting for democracy."
"As supreme commander of the Allied expeditionary Force, there is imposed on me the duty and responsibility of taking all measures necessary to the prosecution of the war."
"The liberators that have been left behind in England had not been inactive."
"He forced the Allies to treat France as an ongoing partner in the war effort and not as a defunct and conquered nation."
"They built the jet plane in under 130 days, they also did it under budget and it was a huge success story in the war."
"This machine shortened the war by many years."
"Rosie the Riveter... this idea that women were encouraged to help in the war effort and they did so by working in factories."
"We had to build a whole new industry in order to feed this war machine and to enter defeat the axis which we did in a matter of about four years, which was absolutely amazing."
"It's going to be industrial production of the United States that is going to be a key factor for the Allied victory."