
Pests Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Alabama has a pretty bad problem though with mosquitoes, termites, and cockroaches which can pose health risks and cause significant damage to homes and businesses."
"Who do I ask when there's a bug in the house and you're not there Ghostbusters."
"They chew through a lot of homes and cars, they could destroy your Mazda."
"Mealy bugs are quite easy to see with the naked eye because they are quite big and they look like small furry cotton balls."
"Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous and pesky pests in the world. They are vectors for a wide array of diseases."
"This is a reddish we talk about reddish fumigating the soil it gives off a sulur odor the Slugs like the outside of the reddish because it's sweet."
"I love it when I find aphids in my yard."
"If you used 100 of these in your aquarium at home, nothing else, no other types of plants, fresh soil, fresh Hardscape—absolutely no chance of snails."
"What's going to happen is you're going to have high levels of these baconated wasps ready to move from your cover crop to your crop."
"These things are known, they're kind of notorious for rusting right here in this panel and they get mice in there too. Yeah, you can get, hey [__] off, those in the back."
"...don't think that this is going to stop the cane borers from getting into your roses."
"Normalizing having pests on your plants from time to time isn't a bad thing."
"I think normalizing having pests on your plants from time to time isn't a bad thing."
"Bed bugs have just got to be the worst."
"Bed bugs only eat blood. Termites only eat cellulose or wood. If that's their only source of diet, then they will seek it."
"Blueberries are well adapted for the Pacific Northwest, and so we don't have a ton of pests and diseases."
"He's been out collecting ticks and we have to keep pulling ticks off him all the time. This is just this time of year until we really get a hard, serious freeze."
"I've always wanted a fully metal trash can so that I will be safe from the cockroaches."
"Many a snake has ridden home in seats or parts, only to take up residence in your garage."
"The number one pest issue you're likely to encounter with prayer plants is spider mites."
"Bed bugs are basically vampires. They come out at night to suck your blood."
"Bed bugs only come out in the dark to feed at night."
"Bed bugs are tricky and sneaky. You're not going to feel them crawling on you or biting you."
"Bed bugs are definitely vampires because they can live up to a year without eating."
"Water will actually Shed off of it... ants, termites, they don't like to eat through it."
"If there's one thing I'd like you to take away from this video, it's this: the next time you hear a strange scuffling noise coming from your attic, there's a good chance you don't have an annoying mouse infestation after all."
"We don't mess with him in this house, y'all see him? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot the flies."
"When it's as healthy as possible, it has the ability to resist pests and diseases much more easily."
"Moles are stubborn little animals."
"The most common problem with pests on Dracaena is mites."
"The first step in pest management is to accurately identify the pest."
"It's more common that you get pests on your plants than a nutrient deficiency."
"These are all of my philodendron poles, I have four poles that are in my cabinet and of course they're all philodendron so if I get a spider mite problem they are the culprits."
"This house has been empty for several months. Scorpions come whether the house is clean or not."
"Avoiding pests is wise, but learning how to deal with the inevitability of pests is way more valuable."
"If you don't pay attention to your food, the flies will eat them."
"The most important thing that I have found is finding out literally after we got rid of the it was two mice okay we found where they were coming in through so you can eliminate that and clear up that problem."
"Once I had roof rats, the scariest thing to deal with, they were vicious the size of a house cat."
"Varroa mites are still the number 1 killer of our bees."
"If you have sticky leaves, the number one thing that is likely going on is you do have pests."
"Mealybugs, for example, excrete a sticky residue called honeydew."
"A food pest is an insect or animal that lives on or in human food."
"Pests cannot really develop any type of resistance to it."
"Who are farming's biggest bad guys? Some say the government, others say the supermarkets, right now we reckon it's the crows."
"Continue to scout because insects research and have flares of secondary pests."
"Slugs and snails... are only active at night and they are hard to find."
"Just make sure to check in on them, look for pests."
"These bugs were sent here by Satan."
"So I hope you've enjoyed this video, there are lots of tips to help you with your ant problems."
"Make sure that your apartment doesn't have a rat and mice problem because then it becomes very difficult to live over there."
"But today I want to talk about the stress that bed bugs can cause you, and how you can try to fight this stress."
"But the reason I'm not afraid... is because I know how to kill them."
"Bores exist everywhere, and when you guys look at the history of American forests, borers have largely been one of the biggest reasons for forest regeneration."
"Termites are a big deal; they cause the most damage out of any pest in the country, billions and billions of dollars worth of damage."
"No spider mites on it, no spider mites."
"Bed bugs can happen to anyone; don't be ashamed if you have them."
"Cockroaches are associated with health risks as they can carry bacteria and allergens that may cause respiratory problems."
"Pests are going to happen and just try to stay ahead of it as you can."
"Don't assume that every single pest is bad."
"Lions host so many pests; it seems like they're constantly riddled with something or the other."
"Don't panic, there's not a lot of serious pests of pawpaw; you can grow them organically."
"Cats came into our lives because we create pests, and we allowed it because they removed pests."
"I'm so excited because I'm gonna actually have strawberries that I don't have to battle all of the slugs and snails for."
"Your best line of defense to getting pests early on is seeing those early signs of pest infestations."