
Childhood Wonder Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Science is a learning experience and we should have this childhood curiosity in us as scientists."
"Children possess a fascination with their everyday existence that is very special and would be very helpful to adults if they could learn to understand and respect it."
"Having the freedom to draw trees like this one is sort of a way to connect with that childhood Wonder of nothing is against the rules."
"It brought out that sense of bewilderment, that curiosity to learn more and to explore the unknown, feelings not that different from what we experienced in our childhoods."
"Dad, this is the biggest truck in the whole world!"
"This opening sequence, whoo! My mind as a kid, this is the whole concept of just flying around in space."
"When I started understanding how to put things into depth and creating depth on the image, you know on a 2D plane, that really was like magic to me as a little kid."
"There's a Wonder here of just being open to things without putting all these constraints on it like adults would."
"Let yourself be dreamy like you were when you were a kid."
"Magic was at work when you were causing a crystal to light up. You were right to think that was magic."
"Made me want to believe in Santa Claus again."
"I love to see the world through their eyes and I love to see take them to Disney World."
"That sense of wonder and curiosity is so important, and when do we lose that?"
"My goal is to give people an escape to reignite childlike wonder."
"In being like a child, he takes a cartoony form that evokes the wonder and freedom unconstrained by expectations cemented through maturity."
"The glory of a child's imagination, am I right?"
"If I was 10 years old and I had this, I would think it was absolutely amazing."
"Is there a Santa Claus? Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus."
"He speaks to the child in all of us, and I think that's why that show was so amazing and still is today."
"It's the Polar Express! Where is it going? Why, the North Pole of course!"
"There's a child in all of us, and that place brings out all the wonder of childhood."
"Disneyland is a place where you skip, where you leap, you buy balloons, and you hold them proudly."
"You get a chance to re-experience everything for the first time through the eyes of your kids."
"Bringing the wonder back, bringing that inner child back."
"It's Disneyland, the happiest place on Earth, a glorious magical land for kids of all ages."
"It's super common to have a quarter life crisis because you grow up as a child and the world seems so magical."
"Santa would have consideration with him for being a kid of Christmas, so he feels magical and special."
"To a 3-year-old, that place is like heaven."
"There's just something about the story and the wonder of it that brings you back to being a kid."
"There is this nice juxtaposition of the wonder-filled mind of a child and also the adults who had that mindset when they were young."
"This is what come to me to do," she said. "I going to the store and buy my child a little windmill they sells, made out of paper. He going to find it hard to believe there such a thing in the world."
"Wow, Daddy! Look at all the snow!"
"The space under the bridge was a real sight for young eyes."
"If I was a kid, I'd be like, this is awesome."
"Every time you talk about Casa Bonita, your eyes light up in a way that it doesn't happen in any other way, it's like a magical place for kids."
"I was like a child put into a big toy shop at Christmas."
"Like a child hopes for more than one Christmas, we wish November was two months long."
"Every child should have a nice fancy prism in the window."
"That white fire wasn't made just by great minds. That white fire was made of every child who's ever wondered."
"Those aren't lights, Caillou, they're fireflies. Let's see if we can catch one."
"Life is still so interesting to these young children, isn't it?"
"Nothing like being a kid at Christmas, is there? Merry Christmas, Emmy."
"The bell went off in his head lit up like a little kid on Christmas."
"It was so exciting this year because my niece is kind of like starting to understand Christmas."
"Me, honoring little me by making time for play, wonder, and amazement."
"Why not have a unicorn moment? Honestly, I don't ever want to stop having that kind of childhood energy."
"Keep that inner child, that 'what if' wonderment, alive now as an adult."
"It actually allows a lot of warm, fuzzy, joyful, childlike energy."
"I feel like a little girl going to Disney World or like in a candy store."
"He loves space, the moon, everything. He's obsessed with stars."