
Family Tragedy Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"It's shocking that an entire family is wiped out and no one reports the missing."
"Knowing that your family member has been murdered by somebody that they loved puts you in a whole new space."
"My little sister Ella motivates me to play she passed away late last year from uh from brain cancer so you know everything I do I do it in honor of her."
"Tragedy had struck the family on March 10th, 2012."
"No ordeal is more horrifying for a family than to have a child taken."
"He then admits to the murder of his family and is imprisoned."
"What could cause a person who loved his family to commit such a horrific act?"
"It's highly unlikely, incredulous even, to believe that two very healthy siblings have suddenly died of natural causes."
"She did not want them to know that it was Alex her brother who had shot their father to death."
"A man who had just allegedly shot his mother in the back of the head gave a reminiscent smile when she was brought up in the discussion."
"So guys, we did it, we killed our whole family, poggers."
"Well, it was so quick. I mean, I think that was after losing Andy. That was crippling emotionally for all of us, for the whole family."
"It's hard enough that it was my father, but on top of that to have my sister committing such a horrible crime."
"From the outside the Kennedy name is synonymous with wealth, influence, and power... but on the inside it's a bloodline filled with endless suffering."
"It's like the ultimate betrayal being expressed in the killing of the child or children in this case to tell the partner who's now absent from their life if you had just stayed with me this would never have happened."
"Rosemary's life was a family tragedy, but the Kennedys also saw her story as inspiration to fight to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future."
"Will she ever overcome the horrific trauma of losing both of her parents in one night?"
"Alexander Jackson dialed 9-1-1 and the world outside the Jackson home learned of the unspeakable tragedy."
"The prosecution contended Alexander shot his family after his father told him to get a job or move out of the house."
"Reasonable Doubt is all over this case. He had no reason to harm his family."
"Your entire family is destroyed then you have nothing left."
"The Sodder Children Disappearance: their house caught fire and the bodies of the children were never found."
"This wasn't just kids killing kids, this was a kid killing another kid who was a family member."
"It's not ideal but at its core, our parents who have lost their kids for doing shitty things to their kids, it sucks for everybody."
"A father forced to face the truth: 'I said, well, your son's a monster.'"
"When you lose your child in these circumstances, it's there forever, and I would like people to know how much evil destroys family legacies."
"He confessed to the murder of his stepmother Molly all those years ago."
"He was in fact guilty for his mother and his brother."
"What made a loving father massacre his entire family and their friends?"
"We had a miscarriage in the family... and my wife woke up paralyzed from the waist down."
"The disappearance of Amy Lynn Bradley: when the Bradley family from America boarded the Rhapsody of the Sea for a week-long cruise, little did they know this would be their last holiday together as a whole family."
"Poor Patrick Bronte didn't just bury his two daughters, he buried every one of his children, and his wife."
"Chad plotted and planned his own wife's death, the mother to his 5 children."
"Parents should not be burying their children."
"Never did so many husbands and wives die together, never did so many parents carry their children with them to the grave."
"Any crime like this will rock a community and it will devastate a family who have lost someone under such tragic and such violent circumstances."
"At the end of the day, a family was absolutely destroyed, and three precious lives were taken."
"I have one thing on my mind, and that's to send all six of them to hell, and I ain't gonna rest until it's done." - Cynthia Hoffman's father
"Stephanie's family was further devastated when the police announced a second arrest in Stephanie's case Vincent's twin brother Marcus."
"Charles Chase Merritt was convicted of killing the entire family."
"Witnessing your father murdering your entire family will do that."
"Keep the fire burning, imagine this terrible scenario your only son is murdered leaving his two young children fatherless."
"The heartbreaking case of the Hart family massacre."
"Imagine that half the internet thinks that you killed your own parents."
"They are not only this tragedy, they were happy and funny, so very funny, goofy, kind, loving boys." - Rachel
"Alec was found guilty of murdering his wife and son."
"At that moment Hayom realizes that his enemy is the one who murdered his brother and sister."
"But there is one person and one person only responsible for the destruction of that family and that is the man who is meant to protect them."
"It's a pretty remarkable victory considering the forces that were behind my father's murder."
"Parents shouldn't bury their children, I keep going but this road ends somewhere, I just hope that they know me."
"We know that Jennifer Hart drove her entire family willingly off a cliff into the Pacific Ocean."
"The Amityville Horror chronicles the Lutz family stay in a house that had recently seen a gruesome tragedy."
"Was it possible that their five children could still be alive?"
"It's really unfortunate that this family is being victimized not only by the death but also by this callous and even cruel commentary spewing forth."
"It's heartbreaking whenever families hit this conclusion in these missing person investigations."
"The entire family was murdered by Bobby senior."
"His heartbreaking family history chronicles the tale of him, his sister, and his comrades growing up in an unfair world."
"He had apparently stayed behind and then driven to the cabin, killed his family, and then returned to Benicia like nothing had happened."
"Parents are not supposed to bury their children. They imagine leaving this earth before them, so they could avoid ever having to witness losing them."
"The one unforgivable thing is to kill your children."
"Tom's son Thomas Messick Jr said that the family has no idea what could have happened."
"I was just betting a little bit, and then a few months later, dad dies."
"And murder my mother, inexcusable."
"The case of Deanna Holland is a tragic reminder of the impact that violent crimes can have on individuals, families, and communities."
"I can't even imagine how it must have felt to lose both your parents and your sister."
"She went missing and never returned, causing the husband to care for the family on his own."
"Behind all the twists and turns, there lies the heartache of a family still grieving."
"A badass protagonist uncovering conspiracy after the death of his family."
"The house was occupied by a family of four; the father of the household took the lives of his two children and his wife."
"The Clutter family Massacre shocked the nation."
"It's very humbling to see the number of people that are still interested in that little girl because her family are still distraught and need answers."
"I wanted to do something good for charity after what happened with my cousin's little girl last year."
"It's about a death in the family and the things that happen after that."