
Fictional Politics Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"One of the underlying causes of the Clone Wars was the Republic's decision to rein in control of the area from the Trade Federation."
"Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows."
"Doctor Doom cares profusely about his people."
"What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of the dark lord of the Sith?"
"Who will sit atop the Iron Throne in your opinion?"
"That would leave Tyrion Lannister. Hand to the Queen and now King regent."
"Legitimately and are currently beefing with each other big time over the Skyrim civil war."
"Humanity looked at Magneto as a necessary evil, in the sense that with the rise of the X-Men, mutants would replace them."
"Thordan, the pope, is defeated, and Ishgard can finally join the galactic federation."
"Paul Atreides would rise to Emperor of the known Imperium, marrying the princess Irulan Kirino, daughter of the Emperor Shaddam the Fourth."
"Man thank you for doing what we've all been wanting to do since chapter one do you want to become the emperor instead of that pathetic man because like I know it's not a democracy but I'll vote for you."
"Technoblade: This morally bound anarchist initially joined the server to help Pogtopia... leading to him being outlawed from L'Manberg..."
"Nobody likes Moria, even the other warlords don't like him."
"Total domination of the continent, replacing the factions of men with elves, is enough motivation in itself."
"The Dominion would quickly overwhelm the remaining resistance and fiefdoms and that would be that for the United Federation of Planets."
"She seems very clever... pulling a coup off, essentially killing the king." - Olenna Tyrell
"Maven's manipulative prowess extends to controlling the Yarl, the guards, and many business owners."
"Padme Amidala brings a lot of viability to the Galactic Republic."
"If you're not human and don't worship the Emperor, then you are the enemy, a heretic, and must be exterminated; diplomacy is almost not a thing for the Imperium."
"Are the petty games played by the Westerosians 200 years from now the same ones about to be played by these a-holes?"
"No matter how you get there, John should sit on the Iron Throne."
"Caught at the heart of this struggle is the Prior Elizabeth Becquin. Will she stand with the Inquisition or with the Cognitae that raised her?"
"Other than enslaving their enemies, Mordor acquired a vast amount of slaves and goods from their tributary allies."
"The only hope for true peace is the disarmament of the Dragons, but because of the dragon's animalistic nature, the Targaryens have this persisting belief that they are meant to control them as weapons."
"When the lords play their game of thrones, it’s always the innocent people who suffer."
"The public began to see the republic as a whole for being too cruel to the Jedi."
"Madge's home is not only starting to look dramatically different, she's got a brilliant cash for clutter total."
"I think Cersei has one of the most devilish imaginations ever."
"Betting on the Rebel Alliance was the right move."
"She's definitely undermining Dany at every turn she can."
"It's always healthy to question your Thalmor overlords."
"Mon Mothma has to rally support from Mon Calamari if we're gonna stop the Black Sun push in the north."
"Perhaps when the people of Westeros discover that Littlefinger was a driving force behind the state's sinister now, he too will be publicly made an example on."
"If it wasn't for Vol'jin, the trolls and the blood elves would have probably left the Horde and then it would have just been a matter of time until the Alliance would destroy the bloodthirsty Garrosh and his orc."
"The camarilla has faced many challenges in the past few years."
"Vegas shall have the fate of democracies. Look out the windows. House very clearly has mankind's best interest in his heart."
"Albedo wishesfully expresses her desire to meet Renner, which the latter promises her after the Sorcerer Kingdom is created."
"the Roy siblings have installed a false king, and as a result, the world is out of order, breeding chaos and unease."
"Fulgrim did what he needed to do but definitely wasn't xenocidal... when he discovered some Elder Maiden worlds he declared them so beautiful that the Imperium would not claim them."
"Despite being warm us, Horus was actually very open to Xeno diplomacy."
"Only the Ronso Maester seems bothered to hear about Seymour’s murderous past because everyone else is extremely corrupt. And dead."
"The Thalmor and the Rarindra share a similar goal to remove the leader of the Kijiti."
"What if Tyrion is just making moves and like... scheming and wheeling and dealing?"
"The dissolution of the seven warlords has disrupted the balance of the planet."
"Fudge went down in history as one of the worst ministers of magic."
"Men would soon put the realm to the torch and see a woman ascend the iron throne."
"Women can't rule as being silly. Characters like Rhaenyra and Alicent, we're watching them and wishing it could be different, rooting for them to break the mold, to change the rules, to usher in a better Westeros."
"The world government does not deserve to have them because they're just going to mess over all the pirates."
"Worf is directly responsible for two massive governmental changes in the Klingon Empire."
"In the game of thrones, you win or you die."