
Personal Reassurance Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"What's the most important thing? That they're not alone."
"It's okay, Zach, it's really okay. You're not gonna get replaced."
"This book just gave me so much reassurance about the future."
"I promise I am okay, but I do appreciate all the people that sent me kind words and lovely DMS because it means more to me than y'all will ever know."
"I do appreciate everyone worried about me but I do want everyone to know I'm good."
"Just bear with me, you're going to be excited."
"You're a great guy, okay? You really are. You come from a great family. And other people were receiving you as, 'Oh [__], he's coming' or something. Whatever it is."
"Trust yourself and take action. It will be okay."
"David, I want you to know that no matter what, I'll always feel it, you're my boy."
"When people leave you, you must remember that you have someone who will never leave you. You have someone who is always with you."
"You're gonna be just fine, Aries. I see you understanding what it is you really want."
"I promise I'm not going to disappear anytime soon."
"Maybe I felt a little less crazy at the end of the day."
"He just let me know he loved me... and he just was kind of like, 'You're still you, you're doing a great job.'"
"Every time I look at them... I'm like okay not doing that bad."
"Ain't nothing wrong with your profile, this is cool."
"If you felt denied, something better is on its way."
"No one will be disappointed in you for being you."
"If her friends and family know she's okay, that's all that really matters."
"You're trying so hard to fix everything to reassure yourself because once you have that thing in the bank account, you don't need faith anymore."
"Trust in what is happening in your life, doesn't need to make sense in order for you to benefit from it."
"Don't listen to those who say you're annoying, you're not."
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name, you are mine."
"Knowing you don't have Twin is very assuring to me in a lot of ways."
"You are loved by the father. He loves you more than you could ever know."
"And when all the noise gets really loud in my head, I am able to just wake up in the morning and he looks at me in that way and I just know that it's all okay."
"Your dad left because something was wrong with that dude, not you."
"Trust yourself that everything will be fine."
"People always think they're doing it wrong or doing something wrong and that's just not the case."
"But it oddly gives me a sense of comfort knowing that something might be trying to watch over me and make sure things turn out okay."
"God loves the whole world, but He loves you!"
"Your prayers are being answered, Leo. I don't know how else to tell you."
"God's promises in Psalm 91 are for those who truly know and love Him."
"I love you guys so much... obviously I've been through my fair share of acne situations... you're definitely not alone... don't ever do that again please don't ever do that again."
"You are protected, babe, and spirit is asking you to have faith right now."
"He's gonna be just fine, he has over 500,000 followers on TikTok."
"You will meet the right one, you don't have to worry."
"I believe everything you have said, cool, very nice to hear that finally, to hear like the church, those are the words that make me cry, merely maybe well up, James I believe you."
"Whenever your heart is broken don't ever forget your I'll be there be the light in your life."
"It gets better... way faster than you may have thought."
"I'm glad you said no that that gives me a lot of Hope and peace."
"I hope you can trust Aventurine, or rather, trust me and see the truth with your own eyes."
"Like with kids it's like just hug me just prove that you- I'll hug you more!"
"Just get out of it like realize that you are okay you're going to be fine."
"Understand that You Are Not Invisible and you are not alone."
"Everything in my life is okay as long as my daughter loves me."
"Everything's going to be fine... if only I'd have enough energy and the will to actually think about this issue."
"There's always more than enough. What's for you is for you."
"I will be the living example of everything's going to be okay."
"I wanted to tell you, don't compare yourself to others. Mrs. Melanie chose you for the lead role which means you're worthy."
"Real talk, Bishop, we are glad that y'all are okay. Like, this is not that type of party. We're glad that you're okay, right?"
"Hey, don't worry about it, Trent. You're awesome, dude."
"You will be safe. Let me say that again: you'll be safe."
"No matter what happens now, like you did your best. And I know that for a fact. Like I can go to sleep, I could put it on my mama. I did my best, you know? I studied as hard as I could. And whatever happens, happens."
"You handled it as well as anyone could. I don't think any less of you."
"You're not a failure, Christy, you're doing just fine."
"Just know that things are going to be getting better."
"You're exactly where you're meant to be; what is meant for you will never pass you by."
"Jesus loves you. However your day is going, don't be discouraged or disheartened, but take confidence in knowing that the power of God's love for you has never changed and it would never. It would only be good."
"So you know that I'm telling the truth, so you know that this poison ain't arsenic."
"Let the first words you hear in your heart be my gentle whisper: I love you."
"If I couldn't trust your intentions, that you had my best interest at heart, I think it would be like... thankfully I don't have to worry about knowing with or thinking that, 'Is she doing this or that?'"
"You're not running out of time. You're young."
"Miracles are happening for you my dear child."
"Don't you listen to that man, he doesn't know what he's talking about, you're the best horse ever."
"I'm Canadian. I have single-payer health care. The one thing that keeps me somewhat calm during this entire crisis is that I know if I get sick, I can get help and not worry about paying for anything."
"You are protected. Whatever this is or whoever that's for you are protected."
"Just know that your person has been definitely talking to other people about you, in a really positive way."
"I'm here to tell you to whoever this message is for that is gonna happen."
"Everything is happening for your highest good, and you've done nothing wrong."
"Life is hard right now but it's gonna get better, I promise."
"It's not your fault. You're a good person, Pippa, even if it doesn't feel like it right now."
"I'm really sorry this happened after you worked so hard, but this isn't your fault. And please don't let it ruin any of your hard work you've done with yourself."
"If you know you're a good person and you know you do good by people, don't worry about revenge."