
Video Blogging Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"But all that being said, I'll see you guys next time. Bye!"
"Stay tuned and see you in my next video. Peace, love, and life."
"I hope to catch you in my next video and as always I hope that you have a great day or night wherever you are in the world. Bye."
"Haley really does have this sort of natural way of just speaking to the camera like she would talk to a friend."
"Hi family welcome to my master bedroom transformation video."
"Well there's a lot more to show you but it's running too long so I'm going to call it quits there... this is Mr. Pete saying have a Merry Christmas and stay tuned."
"Sorry if this is gonna be a long video, but alright." - RogersBase
"This actually may be one of my most important videos I've kind of ever made."
"That's all for today, and I'll see you guys next time."
"People don't realize a lot of YouTube is like, 'Hey guys, what's up? Welcome to my channel.'"
"Thank you all so much for watching. I will see you in another video soon."
"There's a point a man reaches in his life where he feels the need to make at least one cooking with a Jack video a week, otherwise he will lose his sanity."
"This video is a day late, but I'm thankful for this career."
"That's the final look, guys. It is my last video of 2021."
"Nobody talking for like 40 minutes I haven't recorded a video in like literally five weeks so I'm done."
"Hope you've enjoyed this, we'll see you in the next one."
"Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you guys soon again. Bye."
"I just realized vlogmas is halfway over. How insane!"
"You guys are being my Sam in these vlogs and you're helping me grow as a person and develop and become more insightful."
"Welcome back to Coffee House Crime, folks. My name is Adrien and today I have a very interesting video for you."
"Thank you guys so much for joining me... thumbs up if you liked it... thumbs out if you don't."
"I am NOT going to be able to monetize this video, but I would still try though."
"Thank you very much for watching this slightly more rambling rather extended video and with us I will see you next time."
"Keep it tight, keep it clean, see you on the next one."
"I just wanted to do one video just outlining everything that we know from start to finish at this point."
"It would be a really good idea if you take over the vlog."
"I appreciate you so much, thank you for watching my video and I will see you guys in my next YouTube video."
"That's it for this analysis video guys, and I'll see you later."
"That's about it for me, thanks for watching and see you next time."
"Spread love 'cause it's too much hatiness. Work love, you guys. I'll see you in the next video."
"For now thanks for watching and I'll see you next time on this beautiful monitor see ya."
"I got a lot of stuff that I really liked and that's what this video is about."
"Thank y'all so much for watching, and I will see you guys tomorrow for another video."
"That's it for me and I'll see you guys in the next one... later."
"All right y'all, we are back with another video... it's been a minute since I made a video about Jack Smith..."
"I'll see you guys next time, take it easy, and goodbye."
"You can make videos literally about anything as long as you're passionate, informative, and entertaining."
"Thank you guys so much for watching... I will see you very soon in my next video bye."
"Starting today, I'm gonna be uploading... tomorrow I'm gonna be double uploading."
"I felt like I kind of speed ran through this so if you have any questions drop them down in the comment section below."
"We love you guys so much and we'll see you guys in our next video, adios."
"Love you, thanks for watching, and as always, I'll see you in the next video. Bye guys."
"I've been Russo, thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video! Like, subscribe, two videos a day, notifications, and have a good day guys, hi."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and we'll catch you guys later."
"I thought for one video I wouldn't have to get it out but I'm gonna have to get Amblynn."
"Well, thank you so much for watching and I will be sharing that Vlog... I hope that this was encouraging."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, thanks for hanging out with me today, I hope you are doing really well, and I will see you very soon with another video. Bye!"
"Be blessed and we'll catch you in the next video."
"That's it for the video guys, hope you enjoyed it. If you did, go ahead link on down below let me know what you did. If you're not, leave a comment down below letting me know what I can do to get better."
"What an escape! Well, there we go, that is going to be it for this video. Thank you all very much for watching and until next time, aye goodbye."
"I've really enjoyed filming it, let me know if you want me to do more of these kind of videos."
"Until the next video, guys, I'll see you next time."
"I hope you guys enjoyed today's video as always."
"Sending you all a ton of love, I'll see you for the next video!"
"What's up guys today I want to film a quick and by quick I mean very not quick because we're not editing this much sit-down video where I talk to you guys about the things that I've learned over the weeks."
"Thanks for watching guys, see you on the next adventure."
"Most of this video is probably going to be vlog footage with me doing voiceovers over it."
"Here's Peaches to tell you all goodbye until next time, I love you guys so much. I'll see you in the next video, bye."
"I do hope you're gonna have a great day whatever you're doing and I look forward to speaking to you in my next video take care of yourselves bye for now."
"I'm still gonna be recording videos that may be a little hard I'm sorry like I'm on medication a bunch of it a bunch."
"Everyone on Crispy's channel, I hope you enjoyed his vlog. Absolutely amazing time hanging out with everybody!"
"Thank you guys for watching this one one of my like favorite videos that I've recorded in a while."
"That's better, record that vlog, Shaboom should be just fine."
"But yeah, this is a very long-winded video I know, but for those of you who love my channel who like my content who love my honesty I know that you guys would have watched through to the end."
"make sure everyone around you is doing well and now you know your vlog peace."
"I love you guys, I'll see you in my next video. Bye."
"I'm making another video here because there have been a lot of developments that have happened."
"The medium and the message have to align. Are you doing an up-close hand-held vlog style video? Well then you have to make it raw, unpolished, a bit more off-the-cuff."
"Anyway, anyway, let's get on with the video."
"Thanks for watching guys, and we'll see you in the next video."
"So yeah that's gonna wrap it up for this video guys I have the final cost sheet here."
"I did say that would be the last one without the cap I don't know I I I don't hope that anybody's upset I do really do not but that was one stinking of one things speaking of fun things."
"But I love you guys and I'm very thankful for you so thank you for sitting through this long vlog if you've made it here to this point."
"So thank you guys for watching I'm sorry this is super long so I'm gonna explain myself and proud myself for not crying and yeah thank you for watching."
"I absolutely love what's in my handbag videos...it's so much about the person."
"I honestly can't believe I've made it to 50 days of uploading videos every single day."
"Hope y'all enjoyed this Vlog. Like, comment, subscribe, and I'll see y'all in the next one."
"Thank you so much to Princess Polly for sponsoring this video... I love you guys so much and I will see you in my next video bye."
"It takes courage to start posting videos, it's hard and scary, but it is so worth it and you got this."
"My videos are like, what would I tell them? That's exactly what my videos are."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Siddhartha and yes, somehow by some strange miracle I remain alive and well even though it has been a solid two plus months since my last video."
"This is quite a big shift from my last video."
"Good night from Batticaloa, see you on the next video."
"I thought I would make a video about it because so many of you are always asking me what I would recommend."
"Thanks for your time watching this video. I will see you all in my next video. Bye bye."
"You already know it's the Dooley King and I'm back with another video."
"I love you, I'll see you next video. Bye now!"
"Good morning everybody, I think that the video is actually quite far along and I'm finally saying hello for the day."
"That's more than a vlog though, that's like an elevated edit Vlog, it is great."
"I genuinely love meeting viewers in my videos."