
Economic Performance Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Donald Trump also uh you know he's he's best economy ever for black people."
"President Trump delivered the best economy in our nation's history."
"The Biden economy has been strong, strong job growth, historically low unemployment, rising wages, growing consumer confidence, strong economic growth, lower inflation, and a stock market that's breaking records."
"It's the first time in 50 years that we've had unemployment under 4% for two years in a row."
"The GDP numbers that just came out smashed at 3.3% year-over-year in the fourth quarter."
"It makes Trump look good when the economy does better."
"The Trump economy... it was sailing, we were on a great trajectory."
"The US economy is definitely remains on strong footing we got that GDP report last week us e economic growth expanded 25% in all of 2023."
"We're outperforming where we thought we'd be at this point in time when we didn't know that we're going to have a once in a lifetime pandemic and economic downturn right smack dab in the middle. That's How Strong Biden's economic record is."
"Unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate in 51 years."
"Trump is better on the economy; job growth has been strong throughout his three and a half years."
"Very strong GDP numbers especially on the consumption side."
"We now have the biggest budget surplus in the history of."
"Florida, we have a 2.5 percent unemployment, second lowest on record, and we just did the biggest tax cut in Florida. Thank you, Governor. That's time."
"Under Obama, the black labor force participation rate hadn't been that low since they were keeping stats. Under Trump, black unemployment is at an all-time low."
"We're at the best job market in the history of the world."
"America has now become the hottest economy anywhere on the planet Earth."
"We have the best economy, best unemployment numbers, most people working."
"Profit was $40,000. We spent 13,000. We averaged $157 per barrel on the right side."
"The overall Singaporean semiconductor sector continues to do alright."
"We had the best economy... in modern American history possibly American history ever."
"The economy generated over 9 million jobs in the last three years."
"President Trump gave us the strongest economy America has ever known."
"Florida's private sector growth rate is three times faster than the nation as a whole." - Report on Florida's economic growth
"President Donald Trump created the greatest economy in American history."
"Those businesses are doing just fine, so they're not actually just buying up the fat that settles to the bottom; they're buying up the cream too and padding the government's balance sheet."
"Global GDP actually went up following its collapse."
"We've hit all-time highs under Joe Biden, oops."
"Well, obviously, the economy has always done better under Democratic presidents than Republican, so my point is, if you live in a society, not alone but in a society, we all have to rely on each other."
"Much like in the other two categories, Texas ranks second among all states in GDP."
"We are the hottest economy in the world, we're the hottest place in the world and you're doing a fantastic job, thank you very much Ivanka, thank you."
"On paper, the economy looks pretty damn spectacular... GDP growth keeps beating expectations."
"The reason the US economy has been doing well is because Europe is an absolute basket case."
"Gold has outperformed everything else over time."
"Financially D&D did very well during the pandemic, now we're seeing a lot of brands that did well during the pandemic not do so well."
"We had the best economic performance in the last 17 years."
"Record cash flow profits in the midst of a pandemic - everyone else is shrinking."
"Our country is doing very well economically and we've done a lot."
"The United States right now has the hottest economy anywhere in the world."
"Gap net income more than doubled to 12.5 billion dollars."
"Unemployment rate is at 3.4 percent, a 50-year low."
"We've still got another quarter here where they're breaking records left and right."
"The economy was booming... things were going good."
"Verano saw much more growth than True Leaf year over year."
"Their total payment volume of their small and medium-sized business is up 70% year over year."
"The economy has not improved under Trump. We don't have a booming economy."
"This economy right now is 85 percent of it is running in super high gear..."
"Growing GDP equals good, diminishing GDP equals not so good."
"We're employing record numbers of people, unemployment is at record lows, and thanks to Brexit, wages are increasing faster than inflation."
"Revenue growth coming in at 32 percent year-over-year."
"Record low unemployment, wage increases, and a thriving stock market - what did this man do that was so horrible?"
"President Trump delivered the hottest economy on record."
"Financial report shows strong growth in almost all sectors, with healthy market growth in aerospace tech and mining industries."
"So the opening weekend numbers for both of these movies were strong not just because of their box office performance but because of their budget."
"The economy creating 943,000 jobs, unemployment slipping nearly half a percent to 5.4 percent."
"The lowest unemployment: African-American, Hispanic-American, and Asian-American unemployment rates have reached the lowest levels ever recorded. Think of that."
"Historically low unemployment for blacks, Asians, and Hispanics."
"Our economy is doing fantastically, and if you take a look at the previous administration, they weren't paying interest, they had no interest rates, they have loosening not tightening."
"Look at it this way as well, you look at last week, gold hit its all-time high against the second and third largest economies in the world, in China and Japan."
"The Japanese economy is one of the few advanced economies that is doing better in 2023 than in 2022."
"The economy isn't booming, it's muddling along at best."
"The government's fiscal strategy has surpassed many expectations, performing well on fiscal goals such as cutting the debt to GDP ratio."
"The castle class locomotives were very reliable and economical, they worked the principal services over the whole system."
"U.S. economic performance has been good. The labor market has strengthened substantially."
"Stock market performance depends on the performance of the economy."
"The US economy has been performing very well lately."