
Personal Mistakes Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I'm guilty of many self-inflicted wounds." - Elon Musk
"I think it's really complicated... But there's a difference between shame and guilty shame is I am a mistake and guilt is I made a mistake."
"What's the worst thing that can happen to you? Well, I think the worst thing is that you do something really horrible and you screw up your life and everyone's life around you."
"I've made so many mistakes and I feel I've been greatly forgiven and so you have to be able to forgive greatly if you've been forgiven greatly."
"I messed up royally and I'm going to try and make up for it"
"This is what just happened, we don't be serious very often but to be serious you know I get your point."
"As long as you get back on track, you didn't f*** up."
"Not setting things aside to sustain for the future, if anything had rings, I think that was my biggest mistake."
"Keep in mind, I screwed up for 27 years... immense amount of suffering that I had to endure before I finally learned the lesson I needed to learn."
"Honestly, you can't stop stupid. Your brother is making a huge, stupid mistake."
"Sometimes if you screw up and do something stupid, you know that's funny."
"I messed up and she had every right to break up with me for that."
"Regardless of how this resolves, let's just figure out how to give people an opportunity to live their lives even when they make mistakes."
"Miranda is always there for Carrie, ready to be supportive, even if she disagrees."
"The difference is, when you [ __ ] up, you just move on and shut up about it - that's what you do."
"When you make a mistake in life and you're just like, 'I'm so mad at myself.'"
"Hopefully talking to you about these wrong decisions that I made and why I made them helps you from making those same wrong decisions in the future."
"It's okay to make mistakes, you're not a bad person."
"I don't want you to paint yourself as this monster. Maybe you made a mistake."
"He messed up big time, but he wanted to save everyone."
"He just like anyone has flaws, he makes mistakes, and he's not always able to fully keep his composure."
"One of the only mistakes that I saw that he really made... was just not being... more forthcoming and more aggressive as far as defending himself."
"You can still be successful after you fuck everything up."
"If you can sort of recognize that that's a mistake a lot of people make and you might not want to make it and like find the little ways that are gonna feel good."
"I'm really sorry for not recognizing the red flags that this person gave off to me."
"Can we give somebody recognition that, yeah, I've done some jacked-up stuff, but I'm a human being and need to be understood?"
"I've made mistakes obviously, you know both personally and professionally through my 50-year career."
"Well, you were the dumb today, tomorrow probably me again but today Rex's smart."
"This really is a story about class and how it doesn't matter where you fall in that spectrum—you still make stupid mistakes."
"I'd miss all the red flags, I'd be so blind."
"You fucked up one of them like you fucked up millions of dollars for one of them."
"We're all individuals, sometimes we're going to get things wrong or sometimes we're going to have a different opinion on something."
"I made one mistake, and two years was just forever."
"Don't judge me for the mistakes I've done." - Jamal's request for empathy.
"I have a way... up all the simple things... I could [__] up a wet dream."
"Thank you for being one of my core fans that are not going to be shaken off by a bunch of rumors and my own stupid mistakes."
"You're no different than anybody else. Everybody's human. Trust me, I've made plenty of mistakes in my life."
"I am who I am today because God used my mistakes. He worked them for my good like no one else ever could." - Fantasia
"Everyone has made mistakes, but the real test is whether you want to grow from them."
"I'm pretty much making this video to one show you guys the, yeah I'm human I still make mistakes even though I know I should have waited I should have been more of an I should have done more research I didn't in it screwed me."
"The biggest mistake I made is I didn't practice self-care."
"Cheating carries the lessons as every mistake does... make sure you stay there, maybe make them a cup of tea."
"Take that as a sign that you miscalculated or just discovered new things about yourself. Congratulations, but don't stop there."
"It's okay to have fuck-ups, it's okay to not have a perfect life."
"Forgive yourself for mistakes that you made."
"The Holy Spirit doesn't abandon you, doesn't reject you, doesn't leave you when you make a mistake."
"...mistakes are made to be learned from."
"The message is real simple, mess up, learn, grow."
"We all do things that are wrong, we all screw up, we all mess up, so none of us is perfect."
"No one is perfect, you know. I have made mistakes in my life, but I tried my best to own up to them and move forward."
"People make mistakes, sometimes big ones, sometimes small ones. But through all those mistakes, this man's overriding concern has always been his children."
"I've accepted all my mistakes, and now I've come back to my senses. Let's start again."
"Pluto retrograde in Capricorn is giving us a chance... to review where they went wrong."
"I screw up sometimes, but I'm not a bad person."