
Regime Change Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Senator Lindsey Graham calling for regime change, removing Putin."
"America is truly the Ronaldo of regime change."
"By making this invasion, Putin has done more than anybody else to bring his regime to an end."
"But in the final sum of things, spear carrier or not... a small load, but a rich one with a few specks of gold."
"The hate of men will pass and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people."
"It's not just the CIA doing regime change Wars that's one part of a global agenda."
"The Iranian regime has been teetering on the brink for quite a long time."
"NATO's actions could very well lead to the unthinkable, a permanent proxy war which will, in their eyes, lead to a regime change scenario in Russia."
"The CCP... is at its end... because if you look at modern industrializing societies, regimes fall because of revolutions in cities."
"The faster this regime falls, the sooner people of China and the world at large can truly benefit from China's economic development."
"When you cut off the money flows, that's the end of the Putin regime."
"The ultimate solution to this war... is the collapse of the Russian regime. There's not going to be any peace any long-lasting settlement or agreement with the current Russian regime." - Alexander Rodnyanski
"We've all now... been able to imagine what the end of Putin's rule could look like."
"Envy, resentment, and hunger for that matter are not satiated by the downfall of the old regime."
"Anybody that backs the regime is going to be held accountable. Okay, there's absolutely no doubt this regime is going to fall."
"They hadn’t restored the Ming dynasty perhaps, but the Manchus had been overthrown, and native Han rule had returned to China."
"There can be no doubt that it did achieve the successful end of a brutal tyrant and regime."
"Let's go Brandon is about let's get rid of this regime."
"The Iraq War demonstrated that regime change is always fundamentally evil and will always fail."
"Regime change is about destabilization, not the success of a country after intervention."
"War with Tanzania in 1978 quickly led to Amin being deposed and exiled the following year."
"Regime change in Kiev is the single most important and inevitable goal."
"In a way Caesar saved Rome by destroying the then-unstable and unworkable Republic."
"The whole conflict was always about regime changing Putin."
"After 42 years, Gaddafi's reign of terror is over."
"When you get down to it, the heroes were often just fighting one authoritarian regime in order to prop up a different authoritarian regime."
"When individuals unite isolated protest activities into an organized movement demanding fundamental systematic change, it becomes a serious threat to the regime."
"I came to be convinced that with the 13,000 North Koreans who escaped to South Korea and with the participation of different people, we can overthrow the Kim Jong Il government in North Korea and bring democracy to North Korea."
"The Russians are clearly now thinking about Kiev thinking about possible regime change there."
"If North Korea uses nuclear weapons, it would mark the end of the regime."
"As long as the CCP is not overthrown... none of them will work out. The system is corrupted to a degree that's passed the point of no return." - Zhang
"We want to see Russia weakened...to pursue a regime change type policy."
"An end to the CCP regime is possible... process is beginning."
"George Soros had organized the overthrow of Mosovich just like he had organized the overthrow of the Eastern European Communist governments."
"Millions of Russian citizens are currently counting down the days for their country to be freed from Putin's dictatorial regime."
"Putin is extremely unsuccessful in international politics as well as in state administration."
"All dictatorial regimes in the history of world politics have ultimately collapsed one by one."
"Could these drone strikes, along with the visible weakening of Putin’s hold on power that has followed in their aftermath, really be the beginning of the end for Putin’s regime?"
"How many examples of regime change blowing up in our faces do we really need before realizing it's a disastrous policy?"
"This is about firing not only Donald but it is about firing that entire regime."
"The end game from the administration is a de facto policy of regime change."
"If the scoundrels of the old regime all went unpunished, there was no justice in the new system, and so good didn't triumph after 1991."
"The invasion of Iran... a classic example of regime change."
"Putin is a war criminal and his regime must go."
"Every evil regime has fallen apart at some point. You know what comes has to eventually go."
"There has to be a movement... to replace this very brutal racist colonialist regime called the State of Israel."
"Seriously, regime change in Beijing? That's a big, big problem."
"You just see a mad scramble for dollars, until it just broke, and then we'd be in a whole different regime."
"Change in Russia...calling for regime change in Russia...kind of dangerous."
"I don't think they're going in for chemicals. They want to go in and overthrow Assad for a long time."
"If that didn't happen, then our history looks like one thing and if we've been living under a regime that is not elected and decided to take power and not relinquish it, our history means something entirely different for 60 years."
"Want regime change in Russia? These guys are going shaking his hand. They'll do a regime change in U.S. Mark my words."
"Sooner you remove Kim Jong-un out of power, better the chances that you can save millions of these lives that otherwise will be sacrificed for these paranoid dreams."
"The corrupt puppet regime in Niger was overthrown by its own people and its own Armed Forces."
"If they are successful in getting rid of the communist regime... that would change the very dynamics of what is happening across Latin America."
"The US is almost now openly saying we're going to overthrow your government."
"Well, first of all, did Joe Biden say he wants to regime change Vladimir Putin for God's sake? This man cannot remain in power."
"It is seen as a matter of time before the end of Putin's regime."
"Political experts predict that if the war ends with a Ukrainian Victory the Putin regime will end in Russia very soon."
"The U.S. policy right now is regime change in Russia."
"If World War III ends with NATO and its allies dismantling the authoritarian regimes in Russia, China, and any country that joined them in their fight, other dictatorships could collapse soon after."
"Absolutely we would also be better off if a regime was out of power which is regarded widely in the world including Europe as a menace to itself and to the world."
"Regime change can happen uh now that being said I think that modern polling and I think that modern economic theory and political Theory and social theory I think that the powers that be understand this."
"The regime is shaking right now because the Cuban people... are on the brink of collapse."
"Because they realized this building and this area and his government was about to fall to the anti-communist protesters."
"it wasn't the military that suffered the most in the aftermath of regime change it was the people."
"Moral conviction, eloquence, moral authority is able to ultimately defeat even the most encrusted authoritarian regime."
"We no longer have an emperor; long live Empress Catherine II."
"She fought against everything; she wasn't willing to play along with this new regime."
"The only thing that breaks down a regime is internal contradiction."
"The emphasis on preemption, the emphasis on the idea that the nature of a regime is inherent on how the behavior of the regime is; you cannot change the behavior of a regime that has the wrong nature, you can only change it, you can only defeat it, you can only eliminate it."
"We might see the end of his reign very soon."
"The death of the dictator set a people free in a mad orgy of festival and delight."
"The most important thing is that regimes change, norms change, but your data is forever."
"It is not the job of the revolutionary to overthrow the regime, it's to make sure that everyone is prepared to blame their preferred enemy when the regime does collapse."