
Strategic Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"That is the power of the himras yes it won't When The War by itself but it can and has negated Russia's biggest Advantage"
"DS Peach Gardens: pleasant, endearing, with a deceptively large amount of shortcuts."
"Lelouch from Code Geass... need I say why Lelouch is on this list..."
"That was a very strategic maneuver with our strategic Bonk."
"They have an offense that is complementary to how good they are on the defensive side of the ball."
"The lion has returned, Lionel Johnson Primark of the Dark Angels he's returned to The Fray at a critical time let's be thankful it just wasn't Dawn."
"Lawrence was not an accidental hero, he was someone who set out quite deliberately to become a hero."
"Pyra is a trapper character on the ledge or in the air to get a strong hit."
"Jake is perfect at just getting known, getting what you want."
"Ukrainian Special Forces make historic offensive assault in Zaparazia."
"The prophetic chess pieces are moving on the board."
"Ukrainian forces have achieved remarkable results when it comes to striking enemy positions."
"Trust me, let's just say I thought I could end the game before it got started."
"He's done it on purpose. We're seeing some next level play here."
"Willy's declaration of war ultimately forced Eren to get a head start on his attack on Marley."
"He did a lot to mitigate some of the strengths that Jones had."
"It's intense... it's very strategic and surgical."
"He's actually a pretty strong hero when played defensively."
"If NATO dissolved, you would see Russia becoming the predatory hegemonic power that the US is now."
"Voltaire used his lottery winnings to invest in various business opportunities, often using information he learned from well-placed individuals, like when to buy and sell certain shares of various ventures."
"Mana Drain is not just a counter spell, it's a burst in ramp."
"It does look like they got some of the long-range attackums that's great."
"It's teaching the properties and the shortcomings of the weapon class, which is a good thing to know."
"Conservatives love reading the room and really leaning into it."
"I wanted Bullet Bob to be the face of Smoky Mountain Wrestling... our ace in the hole."
"He's gonna take it in a phenomenal game 5 and that's really well placed micro clinical at the end."
"He made it all real by assembling an arm of 25 men in five different cities."
"King could be that linchpin where it's like, 'Yeah, you got Call of Duty and that sells Game Pass, but King is mobile and King reaches people that don't consider themselves gamers and it just prints money.'"
"Could not ask for a better unit to allow your gun lines and your cannons the time they need to explode enemy armies."
"To try and twist these two votes is going to be your hardest feat and you're not gonna have enough time to do that in this moment."
"The game's good but it's really [__] hard, so like enemies can attack your limbs, you can attack theirs as well so like you can chop off an enemy's arms."
"Buying him was absolutely correct. He's exactly the sort of player that we needed to bring in to provide quality in the midfield."
"His signing looks to be a shrewd piece of business for Arsenal."
"She's been that silent killer the past two matches, filling in for Milo Pablo."
"He was a basketball genius. He'd be a step ahead, a thought ahead, play the game like a chess game."
"It felt like real players playing around a table and attempting to outsmart the dungeon master."
"People that I follow, like Issa Rae and Quinta and Yvonne Orji, they're strategic, and the stuff they make, they catapult after that."
"So, even though at heart I was still unsure if I wanted to call myself that, I knew it was important to identify that myself like that strategically in the portfolio. So, I said that I was a visual designer."
"Powdered vegetables: a strategic approach to ensuring essential nutrients are readily available in any situation."
"He's always thinking one step ahead."
"that's called strategic uncancelization right there that's what I call that God damn that is a perfect accident I love it"
"The B-52 was our primary means of deterrence... it prevented World War 3."
"You're someone here who thinks 10 steps ahead."
"I feel like they are the type to go after what they want and they're not afraid to like bend the truth or they're not afraid to kind of go after it in like a roundabout way."
"Before they dive into a problem, they ask themselves questions: How will this problem impact the team's strategic goals? Can it cause mission failure? Is it worth my time and effort to engage in? How bad can it get if I leave it alone?"
"I've never been so strategic and how I feel my body and it made the biggest difference to my mental health my brain fog was gone."
"We must sit down with the Word of God and get knowledge. Please, get knowledge. We must get strategic knowledge, not just any kind of random knowledge. Knowledge is located for the empowering and the maturing of the saints."
"He's a very difficult person to read, and again, he's very strategic. His plans are quite elaborate, to be honest."
"Yeah, like I guess this will help me with your jury vote down the line and like this isn't a vote I really care about so like here you go here's my thing."
"Everything you do has a reason and it's strategic."
"He knows the game, he's intellectual."
"Support for Ukraine is not simply a nice-to-have, it's a vital strategic investment in our own future."
"You've got to be kind of quick on your toes doing motivational interviewing to again be strategic when it comes to the client's thought process."
"Don't go forward blindly every single year not making any adjustments to your plan."
"Creating a trading plan and learning how to stick to it is by far the most difficult yet rewarding key to making as much money as you want."
"The victory at Mill Springs cracks the Southern defensive line in Kentucky and opens up Tennessee to Federal invasion."
"Best choice we could have made for our career as well, I mean, it was so much easier to work the country from Manchester."
"The reality is that South Africa's ports are way too strategic to give up on."
"The reason Yemen has mattered to foreign powers is because of its significant geographical position."
"He talks about how Cirie contributed the most to his game and helped him strategically."
"There's something about being calculated."
"The Hanish Islands unquestionably have strategic value, lying at a critical 'choke point' for global trade, not all that different from the Strait of Malacca."
"Product marketing has really evolved over time from being this nascent department to really having it become more of a full function of strategic thinking and partnerships across the organization."
"He's been waving home Kane twice this postseason brilliantly."
"I love the way the battlefield changes during the game, it's dynamic, it is flexible."
"He's strategic and usually stays a step ahead of his enemies."
"Tibet is one of the most strategically important regions of the entire world."
"For as long as there are troubled spots that require military action, a president's first question will always be 'Is there a carrier in the area?'"
"80% of the entire world's Maritime oil trade flows through just three narrow passages of the Indian Ocean."
"We have gained, I believe, a toe hold in the Southwest Pacific from which the Japanese will find it very difficult to dislodge us."
"Somaliland stands on one of the most strategic commercial sea lanes in the world."
"Joaquin/White... he's basically the perfect counter to Bam."
"The politics in this are really great and the way that the author has thought through how one kingdom relates to another."
"What a great pick that would be for the Cowboys."
"People need to understand that military space is critically important to everything the US military does."
"He makes it look like he's not doing anything, except he keeps winning games."
"I loved the maneuvering aspect of it."
"She was someone that in my eyes was in more control of what was going on strategically."
"The Horn of Africa is comprised of about eight countries... It's a region that is strategically located, specifically when it comes to the Bab-el-Mandeb, it's one of the most important maritime roads for international trade."
"It's the right choice for the movie because it allows them to funnel the resources into making it consistently scary."
"He has strategically placed each one of you... so that you may bring the light of the Gospel there."
"Whoever controlled Prairie du Chien controlled the whole upper Mississippi River."
"She had a really good read on the game."
"We need to have an Engaged and really devoted approach that targets these Investments towards the areas that we need."
"I'm very calculated with everything I've ever done."
"The Persian Gulf stands as one of the globe's most strategically vital waterways, serving as a conduit for a substantial portion of the world's oil trade."
"It's a lovely variation on this line now, just moving the point of contact a little bit more, getting themselves an inroad into this."
"He moves with purpose, speaks and functions with the end goal in mind."
"I really want to say that's a smart move by Bandai and I think it's a smart move that's going to pay off for them in the long run."
"That game was very instructive for a variety of reasons."
"It was so measured, so strategic, that it gave me chills."
"So you can tell by the numbers it's a very dynamic opening obviously."
"He was such an irreplaceable asset to that Sir Alex Ferguson team; his vision, his understanding of the game, he was a clutch player."