
Structural Analysis Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"One of the responses to the threat posed by the parallel military structure represented by Wagner is to build up an additional parallel military structure represented by Rosgvardiya."
"Suicide Squad is structurally unsound, a film held together by a broken skeleton."
"Our studies prove that the structure does not cover just the top but also wrap around the slopes covering about 15 hectares area at least."
"The mysterious parallel lines at the top of the ancient structure."
"Our immigration system is built on a carceral framework."
"If you can find a dogmatic contradiction then you've disproven the whole Roman system and the whole papacy because it's all built on this house of cards."
"The limestone is playing as a soft base for the whole structure."
"How did her bow become separated from her stern by a staggering two thousand feet?"
"The foundation is kind of screwed, and that's why it leans four degrees."
"South Park has remained so successful over the years: satire and structure."
"Critique exists to redefine words so that they are understood in terms of the structural power dynamics."
"All the pieces are of a slightly concave nature indicating that this has either exploded or imploded at some time."
"Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could prove that those roundhouses were in use at the same time?"
"Knowledge is power: Illuminating the structure of negative beliefs gives you an edge."
"At the end of the day, it's an organization."
"Mythopoesis is defined primarily by its structural evolution, not by its origins."
"Palisade on top, yeah it's just fantastic, revealing it isn't it because you suddenly realize that underneath all these smoothed contours when this was new it would have been much more angular. It would have looked like a medieval castle."
"Fundamentally, the structure is the same. The battery structure, the energy storage system structure, fundamentally the same."
"The way the structure is collapsing, this was the result of something that was planned. It's not accidental."
"We need to cultivate and merge our moral outrage with a structural understanding and the structural logic of this global system."
"Understanding structure, the structure of the market."
"It's crazy to see how many movies really have based so much of their structure on this. For good reason, this has been incredible."
"Hopefully you were able to get a little bit more clarity on how to play against this structure."
"You tend to flex over quite a bit, it's angled probably, yeah, it's probably I broke in this angle and it's kind of like difficult doing an angle."
"This very simplistic approach... tells you quite a lot more than these elastic solutions. It tells you about stability and collapse."
"Finding SMC Concepts is kind of like stumbling upon an encyclopedia of information. You really got to break it down and feel the structure. I think that can be a journey on its own."
"This mirrored structure suggests a linkage between the two tales, even if it's not a direct one. It prompts us to analyze and appreciate the narrative in tandem."
"Large deflection effects are accounted for during the analysis."
"As mathematicians, our job is to look for patterns, to look for structures, and then to understand what's going on behind the scenes."
"Remember, you've got question two which is the language question, question three which is a structure question, and question number four which is a mix of both."
"Words are the syntactic building blocks of sentences and have structural criteria that determine their syntactic category."
"Carbon 13 NMR tells us information on how carbon atoms are arranged."
"Structural analysis... not only helps them with reading in general but also... if students are able to identify roots and prefixes and suffixes then when they see vocabulary in science they're able to analyze the word and figure out what it actually means."
"The principle of superposition simply states that on a linear elastic structure, the combined effect of several loads acting simultaneously is equal to the algebraic sum of the effects of each load acting individually."
"When you know why structures behave the way they do, then understanding and applying the code becomes easy."
"These features that we're seeing here are really quite good in terms of the overall structures and things that we're doing."
"It's very modest in terms of complexity, but I want to show you how this could potentially change the way we think about certain structure motives."
"This is Corey Bauer, a simulation manager with Go Engineer, and we're gonna look at the analysis of welded structures."
"Can you believe we did all of that for that number? So which of my shapes contributes the most to the strength of this beam?"
"The change in moment is equal to the area under the shear diagram plot."
"The method of joints is tedious but it's thorough; it will give you the force in every member of the truss."
"So now that we've identified that there's a load-bearing wall on the first floor supporting the roof ridge beam, the next thing I want to do is to check if that wall continues down onto the ground floor."
"It's very important in the field of structural analysis and vibration analysis to understand the various forces experienced by the tank due to the sloshing."
"It helps you analyze small to large structures within the industry."
"The centroid has X bar and Y bar, which are very important in the strength of material."
"We use the integrated analysis toolset SolidWorks to solve a simple structural effects due to temperature distribution."
"You can also carry out detailed structural analysis of the line girders."
"Once you learn these ideas of looking for structure and block elimination, it will come up in lots of places."
"From the response spectrum, we get the values of maximum displacement and maximum forces which might occur on the structure."
"Once you know the load in the column panel zone, the next step is simply to determine the strength of the column."
"There are three different ways to actually apply time histories in ETABS."
"The cracking moment is \( F_r \cdot I_g \) over \( Y_t \)."
"As structural engineers, you like to understand the load path in a building."
"Linear triangular elements are also called CST or constant strain triangle."
"Structure determination is not just the structural formula of the compound; it is the complete three-dimensional structural information."
"The moment capacity of the beam is 90.153 kilonewton meters."
"If you are getting a positive value after calculation, it means the member is in tension; if you are getting a negative value, then the member is in compression."
"We know that if we integrate the shear force diagram, we get the bending moment diagram."
"By having an understanding of the relationship of how the structure behaves, you should be able to roughly work out where your peak forces are going to be."
"The sign convention in bending moment and shear force diagram is this: sagging moment is positive, and hogging moment is negative."
"It's just a T-beam design, and you've just got to check at several places to make sure the capacity of the T-beam is adequate throughout."
"If we want to do a gravity load analysis of this frame, we source an RC framed article, create a load pattern, create an analysis object, perform the analyze, and then we want to do transient analysis with load control."
"Welcome to this work class example where we're going to be looking at calculating loads on structures."
"Moment distribution method is great because we can use it for any degree of indeterminacy."
"A normal force develops which is a force that goes along the direction of the beam, a shear force developed which is transverse to the direction of the beam, and a bending moment develops which prevents the rotation of the body."
"Try to draw the bending moment and shear force diagram before you actually compute then using calculator using the concept of structural analysis."
"Torsional buckling means basically flexural torsional buckling will come into picture."
"Lambda E is equal to square root of k1 plus k2 lambda vv square plus k3 lambda phi square."
"Structural analysis is very important, and people have more and more realized how important this is over the past decades."
"When we do structural analysis, we should keep one method in mind, namely that in a geometrically nonlinear analysis, a flat shell, referred to as a plate, goes very rapidly over into the behavior of a shell because of the curvature that develops as the plate deforms."
"The sum of all horizontal forces must be equal to zero for a structure to be stable."