
Historical Trauma Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"No matter how satisfying it seems to our historical trauma to have this antidote... a tremendous injustice, historical injustice has been committed against another people."
"We have the problems that come from the psychological trauma that we suffered in slavery."
"This Sky High Tower is said to be haunted by The Souls of those who fell..."
"For those who found themselves suddenly ripped away from their ancestral homes, an awful existence awaited in the new world."
"After 465 years of all types of inhumane treatment and trauma... do our ancestors deserve for us to fight and to fight now?"
"We didn't forget, it was knocked out of us, beaten out of us."
"Post-slavery trauma isn't just a slick term. It's being damaged by deliberate efforts psychologically, spiritually, and physically."
"Is it right to deport someone permanently to a country they've never known? What happens when the children of war and genocide are displaced all over again?"
"so why do ethnic groups with comparable historical traumas insist on perpetuating the crabs in the bucket mentality"
"Slavery is a trauma that black people to this day are still dealing with."
"Channy Wenjack tried to escape the horrors of the residential school he attended in Kenora, Ontario."
"The trauma inflicted upon the students of the residential school system has profoundly impacted those lucky enough to survive."
"Families were violently separated, torn apart, never to see each other again."
"You will not see descendants of Holocaust Survivors get on stage playing a violin of a descendant of a person from the Third Reich while twerking in a million years."
"It's heartbreaking to learn what Isadora and so many young Romanian children had to live through."
"You know you don't have to be an Auschwitz a holocaust survivor to have a version of this story all of you when you look back and do a genogram will have versions of what happened that isn't told or is told and that is alive in your body."
"Frightened of it really is important to understand that one of the main reasons for this fear was of course the use of gas in the first World War."
"Nobody wants to get over slavery more than black folks."
"It takes three or four hundred years to metabolize a trauma culturally... to return to a state of normalcy."
"Trianon is often seen as a national trauma in Hungary."
"The destruction of the Jewish towns, the displacement of its people, and the appropriation of land."
"No amount of money could fix the horrors of the past. Us black folk need to learn to forgive and move on."
"There is no silver lining in slavery. What slavery was really about was separating families, about mutilating humans and even raping their wives. It was just devastating."
"It was really a hard time... I won't even fly over Oregon again after there were Klan meetings happening still there."
"They set us up to fail. People always say historical trauma doesn't affect you. Why don't you let it go? Let the past go, but it really does."
"I must maintain hope that the immortal evils I witnessed do not ever surface again."
"They flooded a whole black town. What y'all mad at?"
"Tulsa's Black community is not celebrating the centennial of the massacre; they are mourning the loss of their community and the loss of opportunity."
"A holocaust we've never really looked at but we've been told to get over."
"Black women deserve the absolute best. I do believe that. We've been through so much. First of all, we were sold into slavery. We've dealt with betrayal to the core. Can you believe that? We were sold by our own men, their children."
"The Black Death caused a kind of collective trauma, a mental shock that inflicted a wound deep in the social body, producing a revolution of feeling and practice."
"On my worst day, I don't have to go through a tiny amount of what our ancestors had to go through."
"We don't take this image at face value. We see in it not just a banal view from a hotel window but echoes of the Holocaust."
"It is Morrison more than anyone who measures the trauma and triumphs of the enslaved, who creates in her work a living monument to our shared past and our far-off future."
"The disaster of Salamis traumatized Xerxes."
"That's the Zeitgeist of the Russian security apparatus, the sort of national trauma from World War II."
"The scars of slavery run deep, etched not just on the backs of individuals but on the very fabric of society."
"History in here is very traumatic and emotional, but the most important aspect is the lesson that we learn from this place."
"Rape and incest are among the most prevalent and devastating experiences people around the world and throughout history have lived through."