
Political Legacy Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"If you want to end up like Reagan, you've got to stick to it."
"History's not gonna be kind to Donald Trump."
"This is the story of how Dr. Kwame Nkrumah went from being Ghana's messiah and faultless hero to a political pariah."
"There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain."
"Santa's passing marks the end of an era in Italian politics leaving behind a legacy of dedication and impact."
"Donald Trump has given us all of these judges."
"The remnants of the Trump era will stay with us forever."
"I think we're thinking we're only at the very earliest stages of that. I think the left from the days of London has basically died and in its wake has left a great deal of quite destructive cultural intellectual and political baggage."
"Richard Nixon the number one the biggest gangster in the world."
"The greatest accomplishment of President Trump is his stacking of the courts."
"Hopefully he knows his legacy is on the line... preserve his legacy by issuing indictments against the people who perpetrate these crimes."
"Lowry's legacy in Arkansas's political and educational landscape will be remembered; tributes to Mark Lowry."
"But what the first Prime Minister John A. Macdonald did for this country, I believe that is a great history."
"Churchill's views on the creation of Israel were not always consistent."
"Stalin inherited a fully-formed terror state, he ramped up the scale of its oppression but the machinery was there and taking over Lenin had built it."
"It's not just going to be that he was President, it's about how he worked to spread peace."
"Joe Biden shares John Lewis's belief that every vote matters."
"Donald Trump is one of the greatest presidents in American history. Roe v. Wade is no longer the law of the land because of Donald Trump."
"President Trump's legacy will only become more significant if he focuses on moving the country forward."
"You walk into Senator Kennedy's office, and it's like history."
"We created a republic, madam, if you can keep it."
"Joseph Kennedy: Wealthy, hated communism, trained his sons for presidency."
"France's Colonial impact on Mali's political Legacy and fragmentation has had enduring repercussions."
"Pinochet's ghost haunts them as he rightly should."
"I ask Mr. President to take immediate action to ensure that the way the U.S. leaves Afghanistan does not become a permanent stain on his legacy and America's legacy."
"If Trump had only been impeached once, that might tarnish his legacy, but the fact that he was impeached twice by these same crooks... seems to help his legacy."
"I think the most enduring legacy of the Trump era will be cracking finally that patina of credibility that the mainstream media and the political establishment had."
"When she finally left office, she was widely recognized as the most significant British leader since Churchill."
"John Lewis became a titan of the civil rights movement and then the conscience of the congress here in congress John was revered and beloved on both sides of the aisle."
"Mitch McConnell will leave behind a shameful legacy."
"Jeremy's legacy when it comes to anti-austerity and the green new deal, for example, would be safe in her hands."
"It's one of the strange standout things from the Trump administration that's just hanging out there, and we're all wondering what was it, what was all that about?"
"They can justify their own evil and they do it very very well and they even years later even when it is so objectively truly demonstrably totally pure scumbag evil that they have concocted like a Stalin they will still have fans a century later."
"Moi's legacy is a contested issue with proponents arguing that he stabilized and united the nation."
"Bernie Sanders is going to be remembered fondly...very critical and important."
"I think Reagan's the last president who did that and I hope that if I'm the nominee it's my responsibility to deliver a landslide like Reagan did in 1980."
"So, from our side, he'll be very, very sort of missed but hopefully, you can, I'm sure you will, on the American left, take his legacy forward."
"It did not hurt John McCain, in fact, only elevated his status and made all of America realize just what we lost."
"President Trump's four years were a most consequential presidency."
"Overall, Trump's presidency will be remembered for both its controversies and achievements, with his legacy continuing to shape American politics and society for years to come."
"Lyndon B. Johnson, the hero of the Democratic party for passing groundbreaking civil rights legislation in the 1960s."
"I began campaigning for the Roosevelt tradition and the Roosevelt legacy when I was 10 years old."
"Why there's a political legacy in America so strong, so personal, it is known simply by his first name: Bobby."
"He will be remembered as a historically consequential president."
"I'm not ashamed of the work I did in the House of Representatives. I feel like everything I stood for, I'm so proud of the legacy I leave behind."