
Database Quotes

There are 1187 quotes

"After a few seconds, the MySQL instance will be provisioned, and we'll see a dashboard like this."
"Now what we're gonna do is set up a few kind of configuration properties here for our app to define some stuff to do with the database."
"We can now add data directly to our database here using the platform."
"The pages should be there, so in the next section of the tutorial, we're going to create the database."
"The community needs an independent not for-profit decentralized community-owned database of patterns."
"The Charlie Project: A website that contains over 14,000 cold cases of missing people."
"Blockchains give us a whole new way to add accountability to our database systems."
"If you want your database to go fast, you know, these rich documents are the way to do it."
"How do you find documents that don't have a radius field? There is an exists query operator and a not query operator."
"The Black 2 Pokédex contains the largest game that offers a regional and National Pokedex."
"This is the American tiers database, enjoy it, let me know how your saves go."
"Now we have a table in our database called 'article' with all of these different columns specified for it."
"Database modeling ensures a formal and accurate mapping of real-world scenarios."
"We're the only company that has this large database."
"DynamoDB is built to be elastic, to buffer that throughput and give it to you when you need it."
"When you're writing simple queries like this one and all of the information you need is in one single table, and joins are not necessary at all."
"Using inner joins is very, very straightforward because it will follow exactly the same pattern as what we've done here."
"Fauna DB is the cloud database that I've always dreamed of."
"AllTrails is a database of over 400,000 hiking and walking trails around the world."
"Index can easily look up a whole column instead of just an intersecting value."
"We need to have a national database for law enforcement officers who commit bad acts." - Bakari Sellers
"Cloud Spanner, released in 2017, supports relational schema, strong consistency, and multi-region deployment for massive scalability."
"Cloud SQL is a fully managed cloud-native relational database service that offers MySQL, Postgres, and SQL Server engines."
"Cloud Spanner is a fully managed relational database service that is both strongly consistent and horizontally scalable."
"DNS or Domain Name System is a global decentralized distributed database that lets you store IP addresses and other data and look them up by name."
"PubMed is a database of all of the research papers currently out there right now."
"With all of our tables set up, we'll now be able to write the SQL queries necessary to create views of the database that will in turn allow us to build the dashboards Ben needs."
"Awesome, first step is now done, now the record has been written to the database."
"With Cosmos DB it lets me pick. It has this whole idea of variable consistency."
"One cool feature you can do in SQL is join two different tables that have different data sets."
"We're only going to get the titles back, and Inception, Forrest Gump, and Toy Story are going to be the three movies that contain Leonardo DiCaprio or Tom Hanks."
"We're going to create two different tables and then use a join to create one."
"We're going to set up a database using Postgres within a Docker container."
"The select command is going to be a frequently used command by everybody who uses SQL."
"I think the key to good marketing is a customer database."
"Let's go ahead and try it out. We're going to build something with Postgres."
"You can provide an implementation of a driver for a SQL database without shipping a data source."
"For the longest time, we've had the JDBC template in Spring, and this has given us a nice abstraction to communicate with the database."
"DynamoDB is a highly effective nosql database that's ideal for key value lookups."
"...there's also tables like the user table, the user table stores any user that has a license of power apps in this environment."
"We're building a database for Journey the Western World so that people know importantly they can judge what is the health of their gut."
"This is the power of outer joins."
"So, joining a table with itself is pretty much the same as joining a table with another table."
"To recap, be aware of the implicit join syntax, but write all of your joins using the explicit syntax."
"The most popular use case of Redis is to cache data that comes from the database to minimize the number of requests."
"Redis is an in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker."
"Now, let's imagine for our movie pages that we wanted to create a default template... now, if I wanted to add a template page... so now, when I create a new movie, it will."
"A star schema essentially is where you have one central fact table and then you have many dimension tables surrounding it."
"Now immediately we now have two columns that are in our dimension customers."
"So we need to understand that a star schema model consists of one central fact table with your values and then surrounding that we have dimension tables that consist of descriptive information."
"Now the next set of information we're going to create and our next dimension table is our regional information."
"Now we have created our second dimension table."
"Now every single one of these records is unique in a sense where it represents a different order."
"Now we have a perfect star schema, which has been set up correctly."
"SQL is truly the bread and butter of data analysis."
"So this right here will return all of the associated records for sales territory key of 1 from the Internet sales table."
"SQL is used for crude operations, admin tasks, backups, security, user management, database access, so on and so forth."
"Queries are essentially just requests made to the database management system for specific information that you want to retrieve."
"So tables are split into rows and columns; each row refers to an individual entry, a single observation."
"Let's say there's a scenario where I want to look at jobs but I only want to look at jobs where a skill is available, this is where inner join is going to come in."
"We just created our entire database from scratch using CSV files."
"Renaming conventions are just really weird... somebody that's not familiar with this database just wants the quick information about what it is real quick."
"...why don't you build a tool similar to chat GPT where I can ask a question in a human language and it somehow converts that to a SQL query executes it on a database and gets me the answer."
"You must query Only The Columns that are needed."
"Use it if you think a table is a good candidate where you don't update it very often."
"...if you delete a foreign key you can set that value to be null or Cascade which will delete the entire row."
"...it increases performance and is more secure and administrator can grant permission to a user or an application to use a stored procedure."
"...when an event happens a trigger does something."
"Before we update it we will change the salary of this employee from fifty three thousand dollars to over six figures."
"Theoretical number of columns you can have in your GIS database is unlimited."
"Money is a database for resource allocation across time and space."
"Being able to create, transform, and analyze databases with precision using SQL is an essential skill for the modern analyst."
"The SharePoint list, as you can see, are really powerful. It is kind of like a lightweight quasi-database and a form input control baked into one product."
"Because this is a retail store, the primary business process is sales. We could have a sales table that includes information such as quantity ordered, total base amount, total tax amount, total discounts, and total net amount."
"I'm going to show you how you'd go about designing and building a relational database from scratch."
"This project will demonstrate a load of different skills that you'd be required to have for working with SQL databases."
"Normalizing the data is the process of organizing it to reduce redundancy and make it more flexible and efficient."
"I'm going to show you a cool tool we can use to make our job of designing and building our database much easier."
"Dataverse is not like Access. This is not something that is designed to be used standalone on a server. You need to have an internet connection to access Dataverse."
"Cosmos DB was built for the cloud, designed for global distribution."
"You are working with the wrong constraint, which is the amount of items you can fit in a database row, as opposed to the number of things that you can fit in your finite time of your calendar."
"Those are all the basic functions of FastAPI and querying, and you kind of see how you make API endpoints and then create utilities as functions for those endpoints to interact with the database."
"We decided to create a database freely available."
"Fun fact: SQLite is the most deployed and most used database."
"There is more SQLite on your computer than Netflix."
"... a knowledge agent can summarize and extract specific information stored in a vector database so that the next time when this agent has a similar situation it can try to do a vector search and retrieve relevant information."
"When you're working with Spring Data JPA, please keep in mind there's a database in the backend where queries get executed and you should only select the information that you need and you should select them in a way that's ideal for your specific use case."
"...allows you to do constant time lookups... very convenient in terms of enhancing your access patterns."
"This line will create all of the tables and columns in PostgreSQL."
"When designing data models for relational databases we usually start with defining nouns in the system."
"Let's go ahead and set up the workflow to complete the whole process and see our new user get created in the database."
"Dimension table contains qualitative information, such as customer ID, product name, or category name."
"Now, we need to join this header invoice level table to the header table."
"The other factor that impacts the choice of database is the query pattern that you have."
"So in any real-world scenario you would have to use a combination of such databases to fulfill the functional and non-functional requirements that you have."
"So for those cases, where you need to add a little bit of extra information to tell SQL model and SQL alchemy underneath to tell it, hey, this does this thing with the database, then you can pass additional parameters and additional configurations."
"Because we do stents more than probably anybody else, we have a lot of tracheal collapse dogs come to us and that has provided us with the ability to get a huge database of patients where we can look back and learn a lot about this disease."
"The power of a relational database."
"So, if you have a single referential integrity violation, your model is flawed. There is a problem somewhere, and you need to fix that."
"Queries let you ask questions from your tables."
"Towards the end we started dabbling in advanced features like calculated fields."
"I can update any number of records."
"A lot of these problems get solved by having the right database schema."
"with column you also have something called row"
"The 'where' clause in SQL allows you to filter rows based on specified conditions, reducing the data set accordingly."
"So we're going to do what's called a create table statement."
"Then you can do that with this function. If you need to return more than one row, you can stick that within a loop like a while loop. And that is how to query data from a MySQL database in PHP."
"Storing, integrating, and analyzing scraped data involve choosing database solutions, using ETL tools, leveraging Big Data platforms, and ensuring ethical and legal compliance."
"If you see an entity that could be linked to different objects, you might have to create a linking table for it."
"Dataverse is more than a database."
"One of the essential database services is DynamoDB. It is a flexible NoSQL database service which offers fast and reliable performance with no scalability issues."
"We entered both Bradley Martin and Carolyn King in NCIC."
"Now that I have a table that stores travel request information, let's go ahead and build a modern power app."
"Always prioritize optimizing the query first before considering other solutions."
"AWS provides a suite of Amazon relational database Services which are fully managed relational databases."
"When data disagrees with itself, that’s more than just a problem of bad data. It’s a problem of bad database design."
"In scientific and technical fields, business, and medicine, a database search can squeeze an hour or a month's worth of research into a few minutes."
"Each recommendation comes with an explanation of the recommended changes the schema or query that it will affect the exact ddl that will apply the recommendations as well as the option to apply the recommended changes to a branch for testing into a safe migration."
"Adding indexes for inefficient queries is important and so much so that this might have saved that person a very very scary moment."
"Removing redundant indexes while indexes can drastically improve query performance having unnecessary indexes slows down writes and consumes additional storage and memory."
"Adding a new index instantaneously the amount of latency and the amount of effort it takes to do each of these queries goes down this is really really cool stuff."
"This almost like co-pilot for your database where once it's running it's telling you hey maybe you should do this hey maybe you should do this."
"P50 is a pretty base low average it should be really fast the much higher up ones like the 99 percentile is like this is all of our queries are falling within this range."
"Dataverse is the best, right? Also, there's other considerations with Dataverse."
"Give your table a meaningful name."
"This is the primary key for this table."
"These are two tables that have a relationship, and that relationship is that show ID is referring to this actual ID here."
"Foundation DB is really made possible by this tight integration of the language, the concurrency runtime, and this testing facility."
"Cosmos DB is quickly becoming the database of choice for the world's AI workloads."
"My favorite functions in all of SQL are window functions. Now we're not going to get into window functions today, they are a little bit more advanced, but I love window functions."
"If you're doing some form of aggregation and you want to filter down by the aggregation, you actually have to put that in something known as a having clause."
"Very fast load times - we loaded 500 million rows into the database in three minutes."
"The Azure Cosmos DB table API supports multiple read replicas, making it the correct answer."
"The correct answer goes option D as your Cosmos DB because the read latency for all consistency level is always guaranteed to be less than 10 milliseconds at the 99th percentile."
"You can directly use search to look for something in all schemas or tables."
"Key aspect of non-relational databases: store data in a natural format."
"Your goal with a database is efficiency and safety."
"Method is a database program that's been around for a few years now... it is awesome."
"So we want to capture that using CRUD operations."
"If I refresh this list, we should get two students now and that is right. So we are getting the list back from the database and this is what the read in the CRUD stands for. So we are reading and creating students."
"So, great. We now know how to register, we now know how to create documents in a database that are kind of linked to the user."
"I see huge value in the power of your database."
"The RDS makes it really easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud."
"It's extremely fast and supports the most demanding database applications."
"The RDS supports several database instance types and provides access to six familiar database engines."
"The watch register is literally just a database to type in any serial number to see it's been involved with theft loss fraud."
"...because we know that creating this Vector database is a time-consuming process so go for a coffee break come back and hopefully it should be created."
"Let's write a SQL query where we take these employees and we're going to join this on the salaries table."
"The African Names Database provides personal details of 91,491 Africans taken from captured slave ships or from African trading sites."
"Everything is set for MySQL, so run it."
"By using Timescale DB, we were able to take a query that took 12 and a half minutes down to 10 milliseconds, all while remaining within a Postgres interface."
"Most of you agree with me: Postgres remains the most loved database on the Stack Overflow developer survey."
"With stable diffusion, you can provide a database of images and watch as it slowly develops a realistic image from a faded noise image."
"Create a database that holds required information for chat applications. Allow users to sign up and log in. Establish web socket connection to a chat server. Allow your front end to listen for messages. Render those messages on the screen."
"Linking those stories to cards within a database within an app so that as you're exploring and you're going through it you know if somebody's created a piece of content around the 48 Jackie Robinson or something like that."
"Select for update causes the rows retrieved by select statement to be locked as though for update."
"With cluster collection, you're doing a single read, you're doing a single write, you're changing one thing instead of two."
"All collections have an ID index, and unclustered collections store the ID index separately from the document."
"Understanding how PostgreSQL works will shed light on all the pieces and components."
"Every client connecting gets its own backend process."
"R2DBC is an enabler for client library authors to build on top of."
"We have an AWS wrapper for the JDBC driver...So this significantly reduces that gap time."
"Every backend engineer...you need to know what indexes and how indexings work and what is the benefit of indexing."
"Amazon RDS eases the process of setting up, operating, and scaling a relational database in the cloud."
"Now, let's talk about a key-value database."
"Each database type has its specialty: Relational for structured data and ACID compliance."
"Now the next thing we want to do is hop into our models where now we're going to be creating our table for SQLite database."
"Graph databases are not suitable for scenarios when the queries don't include a specific starting point."
"Key value stores are perfect for caching because they can quickly retrieve data using a unique key."
"We won't rely so heavily on managed database services."
"Partitions help us query the data more efficiently."
"Dragging a cell down to autofill the cells within a database: click on this cell here, click on this little circle, and drag it down."
"We're going to make a single page called 'Back End,' we're going to fill it with inline databases, and then we're going to create standalone pages which just give us little views of those inline databases. It sounds weird, it'll make sense."
"Congratulations, you understand the most important principles of database design."
"It's an item database and it has a whole bunch of different items in it."
"So basically, if we want to join two tables, we can create that master table by using a common column between both the tables."
"The external filter context can be defined as whatever conditions are coming from the row, column, or filters."
"If there is an update in the source, we will insert the record with the effective date being today's date and update the end date to system date."
"Dimension table is nothing but it will have a primary key and attributes."
"MemoryDB customers get ultrafast vector search with high throughput and concurrency."
"Window functions are powerful because they are the first time that we have functions that can work on a table, sorting the table and navigating through it."
"Index gives you the capability of grabbing one row from the table, like give me the first row or the second row or the last row, and it's a very easy way to extract one row from a table that is sorted."
"In this course we're going to focus... on advanced database functions."
"So let's go create a query using the query design window."
"Put your video on pause and come on and join me there by going to the expression builder."
"So put your video on pause and go start Microsoft Access, and then come on back."
"It's plain English for what you want to do in relation to your database."
"Relations allow you to associate data in one table with data in another."
"It's just another database. It's a distributed, immutable database that is decentralized."
"DNS is a globally distributed identifier database."
"We call a key irreducible if it has only the attributes it needs to have."
"A super key is something that contains all the attributes of a candidate key plus potentially some additional attributes."
"The surrogate keys values only have real-world meaning within the context of our database."
"A composite key is a key made up of more than one attribute."
"An intelligent key is a natural key made up of multiple parts stuck together with each of those parts having a meaning of its own."
"Intelligent keys work best when the components that make up the key value really are essential to its identity."
"Cross apply, you can do a lot of things. What cross apply do is for each record coming from the left side, it will run this sub-query."
"Partition elimination, if somehow your database is partitioned, your query is not using the partition properly and you make them use it, there will be a huge change in performance."
"A view is just a definition of columns that you want to look at on the screen."
"By the end of this video, you’ll understand what these situations are, and why you might sometimes want to either denormalize a table, or avoid normalizing it in the first place."