
Travel Plans Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Since I'm gonna be in that hemisphere we're gonna shoot over to Greece for a couple of days before we come back."
"It's like when we get there, are we going to go into the day rooms or are we gonna shower at the venue or are we going to just you know hit the hot spots and let God do his work?"
"So Germany and then next week is America, perfect. She's gonna take over the world."
"Life is a mystery, and people who miss that are missing out on life."
"I gotta live her best life okay like I'm gonna be gonna go see I just want to like see you know like experience like new things so yeah me and Peyton are gonna plan a trip to go to Tulum."
"We are going to Siberia in 2019... we want you to come with us."
"We can't wait to meet you guys we'll be hanging out in the city we'll be over at the beach we'll just be chilling"
"What's next for Shoban Sumon is traveling more."
"Love from Vancouver... spending a few months in Vancouver next year, doing some cooking stuff there."
"We got our samies we're stopping for lunch Cal brought the switch and I got a lot of board games and we're going to practice Blackjack for Vegas for Vegas"
"I'm loving it. I'll be headed out to LA, and hold, I gotta tell you."
"We're going to Alaska right now, today. Just kidding, it's gonna take many days, weeks, maybe a month."
"We are literally planning a Sydney trip to do a few more things there because I see some TikTok in Sydney with their food, oh my goodness, I just want to try everything."
"I'm actually going to LA next month, which is so exciting."
"If the world's in a good enough spot, I'm planning to fly to Japan to see this when it first comes out."
"So, we'll make a pledge to you now, Car Guys viewers, that once the covered nonsense is out of the way, we're going to take the Talbot up to Scotland. How about that?"
"Crashing my parents trip we are we're going to go to Korea and Japan the way that I am crashing your family trip but like but you're my sister."
"I miss New York a lot. I'm going back next week."
"He was just a happy-going guy that liked to you know joke a lot make other people around him happy."
"We will overcome this night and drive to our holiday by tomorrow."
"I am definitely doing a road trip and I'm not gonna go further north."
"Basically, we're gonna go to Brazil for a whole month! And if you just happened to randomly click on this video, yeah, I'm from Brazil, so Eileen is coming with me."
"The movie ends in a really cute way with Cameron and Paget going on the Euro trip that was supposed to be Indonesia's."
"Life's good. We witnessed one of the greatest Champions League games of the last few years, and I'm going to Madrid to get fat on me bonds on Tuesday and watch my team. I don't give a [__] what anyone says." - Steve
"Are we doing David Rubin while we're down there? No, he's going out of the country."
"I forgot to tell you, next Sunday, I'm flying out to England."
"Your travel plans are gonna be made decision by your spouse, the way you communicate and who you communicate with, whether in person or online is going to be made that decision by your spouse."
"We're about to get on the road to go to the PCB. We were gonna go on a cruise but plans changed, so we're going to PCB."
"They're planning to come to your city or town, they can't miss the opportunity to see you."
"I'm coming to Houston I'm wheel whever I'm coming to Houston and I'm joining officially Sunday morning."
"I leave now at 9 30 um so just pray that she doesn't FaceTime me while I'm on that plane."
"Change of plans, we're going to visit eight Welsh stadiums."
"I'm looking forward to the summer. I've got a trip um I'm going to hopefully if I got the bike back by March I'll be going away over Easter on it."
"We are going to get back um get the bedding washed in here and stuff for our next trip um and some point along the way we've got to edit all these videos."
"We're in Crete tomorrow, an official excursion, so we're going to get some shut-eye and get up nice and early and visit Crete. Never been before, so it should be good."
"How cute is that, and we're gonna move on to some stuff for the yard and then we've got some really cool travel stuff coming up as well."
"So, how's every intention of going? Don't know if he's gonna make it. What? I thought we were gonna go Acapulco. Here we come."
"More than likely we'll probably be out there in November cuz that's when our lease is up here in the US."
"We're looking at going to the Alcazar tomorrow, apparently it's going to be really good."
"I immediately started thinking about when I could plan a trip out west for a visit."
"...I got a land in Miami Saturday morning, Saturday in Miami, that's Saturday party when it's actually hitting and it's over Johnny, could be a rough one, it's over Johnny..."
"Change of plan, we're actually going to head to Scotland. No one ever, ever thought I'd say this, but we're gonna head to Scotland to try and avoid the worst rain."
"Right, so you are going to come back to Menorca, okay. But it's more than likely going to be, wait for it... Cala'n Bosch. That's good."
"We're planning a group trip to Greece next year in 2024, and we'd love if you would come along."
"We are going to Disney this year before the end of the year, so excited!"
"We're going to spend a couple of weeks in Vietnam; Hanoi is just the first stop of many."
"I'm definitely going back to every single one of these places, I can't wait to like show friends around."
"I'm really looking at making a trip overseas here hopefully in the somewhat near future."
"We have to wake up at 2 A.M. to get to the airport by 3 A.M."
"I'm going to VidCon this year in America, in Los Angeles. Oh my gosh, I've never been to LA before!"
"Speaking of meeting up with junior park rangers, did you know that we're getting ready to go to England this summer for a fan meet and greet?"
"We're going to Santa Barbara and we're gonna go to the beach."
"Thanks guys, this is cool. I will definitely visit once COVID is over."
"Let us know what you think of this review, do you have any plans to come on the celebrity Ascent?"
"I'd like to take a week up there and just hit up the five boroughs."
"We're hoping to get back over to Europe sometime this fall."
"This is the year I'm gonna start traveling again, and I'm really excited about it."
"We're going to take the van through Croatia, Slovenia, and then do Dolomites and a little bit of Italy."
"More fun to come, we're going to try to do some Vancouver excitement."
"We're not going to rush to go buy anything to fill these holes in; we're going to travel some and hopefully find some things that are interesting."
"One moment you're comparing backpacks, and the next you're planning to hike Machu Picchu together."
"We're gonna get the hell out of here, we're gonna see you in Vegas here in two hours."
"We want to travel, we have a few countries in mind."
"We're gonna head there, probably sit and have a nice coffee, and then make our way for our next road trip."
"We're gonna head over to the shore today, I think we're going to Ocean City."
"I'll take my grandparents on a trip. I cannot wait to show them how much I've grown."
"I'm planning to hike across Iceland this year; that's the plan."
"I finally bought the tickets; I'm so excited, the trip is confirmed."
"I'm gonna go experience that before I go see the original Japanese one in Japan."
"We're going on a vacation, honey. Doesn't that sound fantastic?"
"We're moving on tomorrow morning to Penang, back on the coast again, back at the sea."
"Dugway is certainly one of them [places I plan on returning to]."
"We're going to do a little traveling this summer around Alaska."
"We hope at one point to bring Taylor back here because part of our two months trip around Europe next year will involve swinging past Nice."
"We'll definitely come back to Croatia."
"We are going to Disneyland Paris and I am beyond excited."
"Are you really gonna leave whenever your flight is, regardless if the competition is still going? Yeah, shut your mouth, yes."
"I love Asia and I definitely am going next year."
"It's only been city driving so far, but my wife and I are planning a little trip somewhere."
"I'm feeling good today and we're going to make the drive to Rosemary Beach."
"We're planning on being very active this summer with our camping and taking this camper all over the place, so please follow along."
"I'm going to Jamaica next weekend with my friends or whatever, you know I'm a vlogging, don't worry about it, I got y'all."
"We're going to Disneyland Paris at the end of January."
"Beautiful diva, where are my guys headed? We're headed to Mississippi tonight."
"Plan duration of stay: a number of months would be 12."
"I'm actually heading to the airport in a couple of hours."
"It's confirmed, I'm going to Japan in the month of September this year."
"We're going to be heading to some coves and beaches, and I'm really excited to see some of Cornwall."
"Hey monster dude, yeah dude, we got tickets man, we're going to California dude!"
"I've been thinking about it for months. I honestly think I'm gonna keep this and travel around with it."
"After we put this boat into the water, our very first plan is going to be to sail up the BC coast to Alaska."
"What are we going to do in the summer? Travel. Travel where? Bora Bora."
"It's Florida coming up for me next week, so I look forward to that."
"I'm going to LA because there's exciting things coming."
"I'm actually, COVID willing, going to be in Normandy next April, end of April, beginning of May."
"I'm planning to go to South Korea or Japan later this year."
"I'm going to Japan next year, like I mentioned to you guys like a few days ago, I'm absolutely going to Japan."
"We're going to have a day of relaxation and then travel."
"You guys trying to go international? Are you trying to travel?"
"Should we go to Florida for a Jar trip? Should we go gator wrangling?"
"Top of our list was Norway, which was something we planned to do this year definitely."
"While I was lying in bed this morning, flipping through my phone, listening to the birds chirping out of the window, I found something online that has me concerned about my summer travels this year."
"We've got a few more Disney vlogs coming. We're heading to Universal tomorrow."
"I'm desperate to go on like a Lake District trip, so yeah, all the plans have been made."
"My plan is to do a year abroad in Japan."
"We're ready for a full day out in Oxford."
"I'm excited to go traveling again next year. We've got so many exciting plans coming up."
"I'm happy to be going somewhere because I've wanted to travel, like I want to go back to Europe so badly, but this will be fun as well."
"We're going to Europe again this year, very exciting."
"My next cruise is coming up, is going to be Freedom of the Seas May 20th."
"I'm very excited for it, my itinerary is sick."