
Metaphorical Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"When you give someone the keys to Pandora's Box, don't be surprised if they open that box."
"It's like taking a person that's bothering us and putting it in a little drawer, a box. Stay in this box."
"The Chinese economy is like an ocean, not a pond."
"That's the whole goal: it's like putting a stick of dynamite in every room at your house and then detonating them all at the same time."
"We're between you and the pitchforks, guys. And you need to just acknowledge that."
"God speaks. He downloads. He talks. He conveys. He conversates. He articulates."
"Wherever that light is reflected, Darkness has to dissolve."
"This is truly what's to come for you guys, you don't have a clue yet, you're in the paddling pool, the ocean is still out there."
"You want to kill stuff like that, you want to show them you know how to do it."
"Trial by combat, winner gets to run, loser stays in the yard forever."
"Trapping tools is the fertilizer that spawns a new financial philosophy."
"Saving your father from the belly of the whale."
"Change is like death, you don't know what it looks like until you're standing at the pearly gates."
"If people stop feeding the monster, it dies."
"Let the fury of the sea wash away this corruption."
"Until next time, my friends, you have fun smashing the kingdom."
"We are in a financial system which is being held together by duct tape effectively at this point."
"Life represented by the sun is or can be, at least for a little while, stronger than what represents Pluto."
"Life is a salad baby and the lord is my vinaigrette son."
"When you're dealing with the devil you don't want to send in Mr Rogers, you want to send in a Terminator."
"That's what crackheads do. I don't want you to be a financial crackhead."
"We should think of them as flying keys to longevity and resilience."
"Let me see, we shall see said the blind man."
"We're like Santa Claus but with a lot of balls."
"Getting the brain and the heart working together, that's when we create worlds. That's when we're god."
"You are the Sun in their life, their source of happiness and joy."
"The devourer has devoured enough to become hench."
"You can either be struck by the lightning or be the lightning."
"Hell is what we make for ourselves here on earth."
"Forgiveness is warm, like a tear on a cheek."
"Sacrificial beast, take heed, for a crown cannot sit upon two brows."
"We are in the apocalypse - the uncovering, the unveiling."
"Expressions genetically jacked athletically stacked."
"A difference between a grinding advance and banging your head against a stone wall."
"I am a lord... A wee flame, belike, but I shoulder the world… Forgive me. Oh please… I am not to blame. I’m not."
"My head still feels like it's literally in the clouds."
"He is the hero that Manchester United deserves but not right now." - Jack
"I love this story man, it's kind of like a Cinderella story."
"Let's be honest, we've all got a few skeletons in our closet, some of us literally."
"Connecting galaxies, connecting all of our own galaxies."
"Remember stars are born through explosions of love. Love illuminates all things. Never forget you are truly a shining star."
"Sometimes life isn't about smooth, safe jumpers and nice pastel shades. Sometimes life is mirror."
"That it's about more than just a game of football, I don't know, it's a life in football but it's also a life."
"Partial eclipse of the Sun accompanied by full Eclipse of knowledge and reason."
"You stay where you are, you don't progress and that is death."
"The Kraken was released several days ago. You're just beginning to see the signs." - Cindy Powell
"You are the key to their heart... you're their queen bee."
"When there was a problem one needed to cut off the infected part to prevent the entire country from being doomed."
"The curtain has been pulled back, we've seen the wizard."
"It's the people like you who are our pressure cooker valves."
"Threats are like Obstacles with time limits."
"With the choreography of a crane in the snow, she defeats her foes in a dance of frost."
"You're not just a data battery, you're also a living computer."
"Tariq is ghost on earth, learning and changing before our very eyes."
"They're basically like these star factories."
"You cannot describe passion, you can only live it." - Enzo Ferrari
"We need to build a bridge to the 13th century."
"I want your heart, I want to eat his children."
"Your connection brought them back to life, awakening them from a deep slumber."
"He's like Father Christmas just calling in the presents."
"They're sort of like the Wizard of Oz, and Dorothy and the Scarecrow, meaning us, we the people, haven't yet pulled the curtain back."
"Hold your pants up, you can hold your life together."
"There's a war going on, and I'm not talking about a war between countries."
"I'm lit like a candle, kinda like a dog breaking off the fennel."
"Within this storm of political might, a tapestry of narratives weaves, inviting everyone to ponder the implications of a figure whose rise seems inevitable."
"In every feeding environment, there's a snake."
"Make the elephants you want to see in the world."
"It's not hard to see a storm coming down the horizon."
"You've lit up the way in the lifeless night for me."
"Invisible mending. It becomes part of your DNA and is there for the rest of your life."
"You're walking towards the light, and what can you expect."
"No metal can quantify the strength it takes to do that."
"He doesn't want to kill you, he wants to kill what's killing you."
"The phenomenon called life is a delicate balance. To tamper with that balance is to upset it, and to upset it is to create a monster."
"The beast is gone, but a piece of it remains behind."
"Keys are these ancient objects of power that contain the ability to fast track and unlock evolution."
"You are lit up... there is plenty of light around you."
"The only thing that could tear down the house of the dragon was the dragon itself."
"A sword of fire that will cleanse the world."
"Where there is darkness, there are secrets waiting to be uncovered."
"Watermelon Sugar is like an experience you're wading through."
"We have a strict 'eclipse chimps get the wall' attitude here."
"What do we have in our deal with the devil? Yes, we always go for the pact."
"It's like a switch has been flipped in his brain, turning up the colors and sounds of the world around him."
"It's like psychotherapy for the entire human species."
"With great power comes great responsibilities with the beam."
"We humans, a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness."
"How can you choose to turn a man's green light on?"
"We could be through with the warden sending them into the abyss."
"The crown is in my mind, it's not on me, it's in me."
"Civilization ends with a whimper not a bang."
"The universe offers a cup, but you have to take the first step."
"He's sort of this glue or a patch that you can just slap on whatever you need." - "He's sort of this glue or a patch that you can just slap on whatever you need."
"The prophetic chess pieces are moving on the board."
"He's still blind but he sees more than he has ever seen before."
"Khadira is definitely the caller of the small."
"Their angels were surfing on the river of life."
"Love can only be singular? Have you ever seen a teapot with only one teacup?"
"The tide has always been lifted and our boat ain't never lifted with the tide."
"In rivers and bad government, the lightest things float to the top."
"Driver: San Francisco is sort of permanently trapped between life and death, and there's something a little romantic about that."
"Judge them by the fruits, not by individuals."
"Every card has a purpose. Even the seemingly insignificant ones."
"The Lord made us all out of iron. Then he turns up the heat to forge some of us into steel."
"That's massive... that's Titanic in proportions."
"The big bad wolf embodies the unbearable weight that weighs down on the hero's shoulders."
"Kind of marinate you from the inside out so you'll be seasoned when the time comes."
"Ambition is a persistent thing for the dinosaurs left behind."
"Things get better as soon as you start throwing cobblestone about."
"Life is a game. This whole [__] is we're out of spin."
"We're like swans, we look like everything's going smooth above the surface but you get under that water and you just see feet just kicking kicking kicking."
"Lifetime welcome, power has left you blind in one eye."
"This isn't even a slaughterhouse, this is a fun house!"
"Before things can get too homely here, she's whisked away by Dr. Handsome. Don't be afraid, it's only a wolf that must have just fallen into one of my traps."
"Unlike the cold taste of death, this one carried nothing but life."
"The town changing based on emotional baggage."
"I'm like a panther, these are Charlie subtly scooped."
"A fate resting on his small frame yet carrying the weight of the world."
"There's nothing like it, dude. It's like a drug that can't be created."
"We finally got rid of all evil in Block City."
"The enemy struggles might lift a huge stone only to drop it on its own feet."
"When Mazzara is announced, the old will then fall away like a scab on a wound."
"The self as a sort of wave briefly written on this larger ocean."
"They've faced their fears... realizing that their wounds were eclipsing the Sun."
"There's a release when you give those prison guards farewell and send them away."
"On that ride, problems are not solved, they are dissolved."
"We're the sword that kills. We're the sword that gives life."
"The horror of that hit me. I'm the boat driver of the boat of death across the river sticks. I'm taking these young men in to be killed."
"Every day's a spooky tale, just waiting to unfold."
"There's new love coming into your life that leads to people wanting to jump out of the tower, you know what I mean? And this will be a beautiful death."
"Life is a sea of confusion, sometimes you drown, sometimes you don't."
"Love is a fruit in season at all times and within reach of every hand."
"Maybe the real plot was the friends we made along the way." - "Maybe the real plot was the friends we made along the way."
"This to me is like if someone took an oil and turned it into a cream."
"To comfortably say we've moved on into the age of steel."
"Projects have a chance to rise like a phoenix."
"It's like the world's fastest but clearest GPS for punches."
"He didn't walk on water, he walked on the word."
"Realizing something, waking up. This is a wake-up call of some sort."
"They're a bunch of small-minded privileged and smug schemers operating in secret to fight the influence of an outsider whose courage they despise so they're not super straight they're sex luthor."
"There's a metaphorical death occurring here and a rebirth."
"They literally send him to heaven because he can't live anymore, you know? That's the idea."
"I'm Dante with a pen I'm just describing your journey through hell come this way I come away Gibson this point you're just a fun race"
"His big black pole was so strong and it could disintegrate icebergs."
"Ain't no skeletons in my closet, okay? We open up like an open book."
"In the Grand Arena of love, the end is just the beginning."
"It's the kind of messy that's a beautiful disaster waiting to be consumed."
"Are you just gonna sit there and watch all the other dinosaurs as the gates lose their electricity and you can actually be free and have the life that you want?"
"The dark winter is coming, this time it's real."
"I'm a dragon, bro. I'm a dragon. And I know this is, I know your dad the coach. So I got to be real careful how I let this dragon out. This a kid. This is a high school kid. Got a lot of confidence. But I'm a dragon."
"The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west."
"This tastes like adulthood a little salty a little crunchy but at the end of the day it's indulgent and nice I don't even know this makes sense but I'm happy and I'm talking."
"The expensive team have cycled to a pond."
"Once you get past the blood, it's not dry though."
"The whole dish is just a punch to the face this is the Mike Tyson of Cuisine coming at you with an uppercut."
"Genius filmmaking, disturbing, metaphorical."
"Jesus comes and turns tables. There's coins everywhere, animals running out, people running out, and Jesus is chasing them with a whip."
"...he decided to ignore it however as he was now just a flower with a big mouth."
"You're gonna be high level metaphorically, figuratively, be all of those things."
"Set yourself on fire, but metaphorically."
"You've been stuck in a prison that has no bars."
"I went to sleep that night like a little baby tucked up against his mother's breast. Not even Satan could touch me."
"and running it our border still turns blue."
"Feeling like someone swapped your stomach for a cement mixer."
"We have found a solution. The solution is to build the worst fire ever. You don't want to burn, you want to smoke."
"I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones in a faith forgotten land."
"The cremation of care ceremony is more metaphorical than anything, the whole point is for you to forget your issues at home and take a break."
"I leave him black, blueberry-dog drinking through a straw."
"While I can't claim to have never flinched or shaken because I have spent most of the past year and a half very, very shaken and flinching multiple times a day, metaphorically and literally."
"I suppose if I wanted to be a little bit more on the nose about it, a little bit more clunky about it, I would have simply said, 'We live in the zone.'"
"Jonathan John Khan real this horse still a stone."
"A divine execution through sixteen bullets descending from the holy skies."
"He was like watching a comet streak across the heavens."
"Obviously her parents did not murder her and bury her in the backyard, but in one sense they did kill her; they did so slowly through callousness, insensitivity, and a devil may care attitude."
"Our life, it's just a continuous shot."
Kind of puts a whole new spin on the phrase, "cooking with fire."
"Deep inside his chest, there is indeed a heart."
"Prophecies very often are not literal."
"The thought of her burned inside the stomach as if he had swallowed a match."
"Between this database and Album Easy, you can literally, metaphorically speaking, rule the world."
"They were just little windows into other possible futures that eventually snapped shut once they'd served their purpose."
"African people are metaphoric by nature."
"We speak in metaphor; we look at life in metaphor."
"The rain was coming down like big fat teardrops straight from Heaven."
"You find your bodies looming up towards the Sun, a forge in the sky."
"I quite like 'Wine Under The Bridge'."
"An infinite blackness, unwarmed by the fires of your love."
"Only his heart was hurting, not in a physical way."
"The metaphorical and poetical approach to the Bible, say, should be given more weight than the literal."
"You gotta fix what's in here, more like what's in here, but you get what I mean."
"I felt this immense weight lift off my shoulders."
"The giving over of one's life doesn't have to be only literal; it can be the quality of one's life in that moment."
"One was a book thief, the other stole the sky."
"This is a drink that tastes like a thunderstorm on a Friday evening."
"The tea always stays green, and the lions always stay roaring."
"He fights the devil; he literally fights Satan."
"I've fallen into that deep, black hole long since I destroyed that tree."