
Moral Advice Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"But don't get into this idea that it's easier or cheating."
"Do not quit ever. You never quit unless you're wrong."
"Don't cast the stone until you cast it over yourself."
"Judge not lest you be judged. Don't bother your brother about the mote in his eye when you should pay attention to the plank in your own."
"Money shouldn't stand in the way of you doing the right thing."
"Avoid pornography at all costs. It is a poison that weakens your self-control, destroys your feelings of self-worth, and changes the way you see others."
"Stop being mean to people, be Christlike. Jesus loves you, man."
"Don't ever steal, guys. That's bad." - El Gablino
"It's so much work to do the wrong thing. Just do the right thing. It's a lot less work."
"Be a better person, don't be the worst person you can possibly be."
"If you're afraid to do it because you're afraid to offend your friends, guess what? You're not being a good friend."
"Hold yourselves to a higher standard, set a better example." - Andrew Hodge
"It's never too late to do the right thing. May the Lord bless you. Look at me. Don't curse your children. Don't cast them, bless them. Shall be well with you."
"The moral of the story is be excellent to each other."
"Love your enemies, you can. What else? The bizarre imagery thing, something about Pearls Before pigs and logs in eyes, salt, murder, rain, God."
"Just do what you're supposed to do, and that is right."
"Don't judge people until you walk in their shoes."
"The president, the party, and the pastors must humble themselves and obey."
"Do the right thing. That's all it is. That's it."
"Treat others as you would have them treat yourself."
"Stay on the narrow path, my child, at whatever cost."
"When you're trying to break that mentality, when you feel you owe something to a friend... You don't owe anybody anything that wants you to do something wrong because if they're really your friend, they're going to try to keep you out of it."
"It's not that hard, hey, open a door for someone, an act of kindness, it costs nothing to be kind."
"PSA ladies, it's rarely ever going to turn out good for you to date a married man."
"Judge people on the content of their character."
"Be nice today. It's always the right answer."
"You become what you do. If you cheat, you become a cheater. If you lie, you become a liar."
"Only when you flee, only when you run away, can you overcome this. Running away is the best advice we have when it comes to sexual sin because our flesh is weak."
"How do you beat hatred with more hatred? That stuff should never come up in your vocabulary."
"Not committing crimes, getting a job, graduating high school, getting married before you have kids are moral goods that everyone should advocate for."
"Jesus was warning us not to put acquisition of money and material possessions above our spiritual and moral lives."
"There's enough hate out there in the world, you should not be one of those people."
"Avoid gluttony, and all excess--it is very pernicious, and from the Devil."
"Make it right before karma makes it right for her."
"One of the worst things you could do is have knowledge and not share it with nobody." - Uncle Larry
"Don't mess with girls that are married or in relationships."
"Don't hate people that you don't know because it's not right."
"Treat others how you want to be treated, basic but often overlooked."
"Never steal because you never know what that could mean to that person."
"Revenge is never the answer, it just fosters despair in your heart."
"Just be a good person, that's all that matters."
"There's always a path to Redemption. Just be good, that's all the fans ever really wanted."
"Take the high road, treat people like you want to be treated."
"Treat people the way you would want to be treated."
"That's why you're supposed to take the moat out of your own eye instead of worrying about the beam in your neighbor's eye."
"Truth is simple, you know? It's just, 'Tell the truth, and always tell the truth.'"
"Whenever possible, be compassionate. It's always possible."
"Tell the truth no matter how hard it is. Tell the truth immediately."
"Don't be one of those 'I don't want to give' - it is in the Bible."
"Rather than let yourself become consumed with selfishness and the inability to admit your mistakes, exercise some empathy and put yourself in someone else's shoes."
"Never be greedy for something that was never yours."
"There is no happy ending in being unfaithful. Your spouse deserves better."
"Kindness costs nothing but it means everything."
"Just tell the truth, that's all you do. It's so [bleep] simple."
"When possible, be compassionate. It's always possible."
"Two wrongs don't make a right, bro, exactly, you know what I mean?"
"Tell the truth, tell the truth, tell the truth. At least don't lie, and that's a start."
"Don't lie in an attempt to make yourself look better."
"Telling the truth - whatever the truth is, tell the truth. Don't try to change it or minimize it."
"Never ask what he would do, just do what's right."
"Be kind always, even when someone doesn't seem to deserve kindness. Be kind anyway, for you know not their struggles."
"Return good for evil, love your enemy, and love those who persecute you."
"Don't be overcome by evil, overcome evil with good."
"If you bring your gift to The Altar and your brother has something against you, leave your gift at the altar and go and be reconciled with your brother."
"JLP would tell Hassan to hold love in his heart for all people, even white people."
"Stay committed. Don't be weary in doing good."
"Don't be a cynic, don't be a sadist, don't be a narcissist."
"Positivity, ladies and gentlemen. Treat people the way you want to be treated."
"Don't murder people right in general, good rule, all right?"
"Simple rule: whenever you are tempted, it's your fault." - Emphasizing personal accountability in resisting temptation
"You should always reach out and help other people up."
"Don't let anyone deceive you by vain empty words."
"The moral lesson of the movie is just be kind to people. You never know what anyone has gone through in their life until you see a part of them you didn't want to see."
"Don't cheat on them, don't destroy your family, don't lie. It breaks people."
"Just be charitable, be charitable, be charitable."
"If you do kind things, people will doubt you, but you should still continue to do kind things anyway."
"Guys, never cheat. That's very important. Ever."
"Promise me one thing that you'll start judging people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
"Tell the truth, tell the truth, tell the truth and shame the devil."
"Be a better person. Everybody can be better always."
"You will never win if you give in to hatred."
"Judge Judy on preventing legal disputes: 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.'"
"Be a good dude Jake just be a good guy."
"Remember what I always say: be righteous and kind, right?"
"Be good, be kind, and don't let it."
"You should always tell the truth or at least not lie."
"Do good, meaning don't do anything shady."
"Avoid evil altogether, that's true wisdom."
"Friends, we should always stay away from greed and always live honestly. Our truth and honesty supports us always."
"Do not owe anyone anything, however, love one another."