
Technological Leadership Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"NVIDIA continues to be the number one accelerated computing platform."
"I think it's unfortunate that Microsoft is choosing to set this one out because Sony is going to have the performance dominance if they do produce this console for a good four years potentially this generation."
"Tesla's lead is unassailable they are in a league of their own and they have won the decade."
"Russia certainly is right that technologically sophisticated nations that aspire to lead have a special responsibility to secure the world order and contribute to widely accepted norms of peace and security."
"Tesla is objectively about five years ahead of everybody else in terms of EVs."
"This has allowed TSMC to surpass Intel to become the world's greatest manufacturing technology on the planet."
"China has a head start, a massive head start."
"Cyrix quickly became the technological leader of the pack with their 6x86 processor."
"The iPad Pro is way ahead in so many different departments."
"Innovation and technology is still strongest in the United States."
"The Snapdragon 888 is the smartest and most powerful chip Qualcomm has ever produced."
"The United States must retain its leadership role in the global financial system by nurturing the development of future technologies."
"I don't have any major concerns because Tesla continues to be several years ahead."
"Tesla's got the brain. People aren't understanding that the brain is what really matters."
"Make no mistake about it they have the most developers right now."
"Nevertheless, America has definitely led the way in secret space program development."
"Apple has traditionally set itself apart in the camera department."
"It's kind of set the highest end standard of VR for the past 2 or 3 years."
"The real point of emphasis on this legislation is making sure that when it comes to technology development, the US leads the way so that we might outgrow, out innovate, and out compete the Chinese Communist Party."
"Tesla is not only moving in the right direction, they've already scaled the mountain, they're now in cruise control."
"There are only two companies in the world that really make high-performance CPUs. There are only two companies in the world that really make high-performance graphics. And we're the company that does both."
"The bottom line is that we believe Tesla is among the leaders in autonomy and in the long term we believe software and digital services can be a meaningful driver of its business."
"The U.S leads the world in Innovation and the development of high-tech Industries giving it a foothold an upper hand in such matters."
"American companies must lead the world in cellular technology. 5G networks must be secure, they have to be guarded from the enemy."
"AMD is back on top, and this keynote is just absolutely proof as to why."
"Ethereum is ahead of its competition by approximately two to three years from a technological perspective."
"Tesla will always be generations ahead. No one's catching them."
"People will see AMD as the leader when Zen 3 comes out."
"America recognizes that they're not the leader in the fourth industrial revolution but they're gonna be that's what the executive order is basically saying."
"Apple had snatched the performance crown and they have not looked back since."
"It is literally impossible for anyone to catch up to Tesla."
"A plan for research and development... to reach and maintain the United States leadership."
"The 7600 was unquestionably the fastest computer in the world."
"Innovation, technology drives this country. It always has."
"I don't think anyone is ahead of Tesla in FSD. No one is even close to Tesla in FSD."
"Tesla is at least five to ten years ahead of everybody else, especially when it comes to battery technology."
"When it comes to electric vehicles right now, the Koreans are A Cut Above the Rest."
"Companies follow Apple, for better or worse."
"It's been 13 years since AMD held the performance crown."
"Tesla currently leads the world in battery technology by a preposterous margin."
"India is a phenomenal superpower in science and technology."
"It's not an accident that we're the leader in every technology field."
"OpenAI reigns supreme over academia."
"The U.S. may be a leader in technological innovation and an economic powerhouse, but it’s almost dead last when it comes to countries with high-speed rails."
"The UK really ought to stay at the Forefront of those sorts of Technologies."
"The country that succeeds in becoming the technological leader in the semiconductor race will be in the best position to overtake the military and economic power of any other power."
"NASA, the leaders of space technology travel exploration in the world, always has been until now."
"It's a great company, they execute well, always at the forefront of technology."