
Controversial Views Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"If you don't think Saul Alinsky is sinister enough, he dedicates his book, and I'm not joking, to Satan."
"Meeting with someone body that has views that are deplorable doesn't make you that person that doesn't mean that you agree with that person."
"Half the world thinks, 'Oh, this is BS.' Good."
"Abortion is a euphemism. What's done isn't an abortion, the only proper word is murder."
"It's a surprisingly controversial position to see children as full human beings who deserve agency over their own lives."
"I think if you love film, this is worth seeing even if you hate it."
"What do you know to be absolutely true that other people disagree on? There's more for us after we die."
"Cryptozoology is as valid as biology and astrology."
"Freedom of speech means defending even incorrect or dangerous speech."
"Hydroxychloroquine was shown by doctors worldwide to be the most efficient treatment for the coronavirus."
"Elon Musk thinks that the largest, most advanced particle accelerator is demonic and evil technology."
"You can almost think of homosexuality as an affliction and not just a sinful choice."
"There's no such thing as a safe abortion. It is inherently unsafe."
"Parenting is mostly gaslighting if we're being honest."
"Abortion is the high sacrament of the religion of secular possession."
"Conspiracy theories are simply six month spoiler alerts."
"What if the anti-natalists, the environmental hysterics, and the global warming freaks want us all dead?"
"I'm not a rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want, I like being free."
"Ain't nothing racist about our country. I don't see no slaves."
"Not to sound like an edgelord, but Christianity is fundamentally a doomsday cult."
"They were all committed to Zionism, much more important than the desire and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs."
"The belief is that Lucifer is God and that everything else is an imposter."
"But again, this is what these people want because apparently we're throwing straight Pride right in their face because you know heterosexuality is more common."
"Integration has delivered no great benefits for any of us."
"Sometimes open relationships work, sometimes cheating works, so that's facts, that's fast."
"If I was the governor or whatever and I could decide how schools work, there would be no schools."
"That's the true virus that these Babylonian priests are terrified of - the virus of truth." - Sasha Stone
"The idea [of God]... has caused more misery... than any other single idea."
"Abortion is murder, killing a human being that was created in the image of God."
"Having a disdain for men is certainly a part of the feminist ideology."
"I am a firm believer that the man loves his side girl more than he loves the main girl any day."
"The reality is, if we could warm the world a degree or two, it would be the greatest single blessing we could provide."
"It's easy to write off MGTOW as a weird group of goofy celibates."
"The Mormon religion is made up by a dude in America to Americanize religion... Joseph Smith is his name and he's a pedophile."
"If you don't discipline your kids, you hate them."
"Wokeness and progressivism is just racism in disguise."
"Evil cleanses people, evil brings good to sinners." - Steve
"Human history is far more interesting than you've been led to believe but be warned Paradigm destruction can often be distressing."
"A god who would subject his own son to a horrendous suffering death on a cross is not only a god that you never want to worship, such a god is a cosmic abuser."
"If you import the third world in mass, you become the third world."
"Most people rejected his message. They hated Jesus because he told them the truth."
"World War Three is starting, and it's not about supporting the Ukrainians, it's about the military-industrial complex siphoning tax dollars."
"That's the primary reason why 9/11 happened."
"Free speech is meaningless unless people you don't like are allowed to say things you don't like."
"That first twilight book is right out there with like the greatest literature of all time."
"Whiteness as a parasitic disease for which we must find a permanent cure."
"Men who take on more than one wife should be looked at as kings. It's a noble act."
"Terrorists can fight for the right things. Even the American Revolution was a terrorist act."
"If people have the right to marry their object of sexual desire, even if they lack the corresponding sexual parts, then I should have the right to marry my preferred sexual object."
"The world worked like that since Bible times. The moment humanity screwed up is women's suffrage."
"Trump is real about terrible things that he believes and wants to do."
"It's a dumbing down of society, it's a retardation of society, it's a legalization of a mentality that leads to our destruction."
"This is all by Design, and so they take someone like P didy very sexually fluid and they give him power and money and fame to go out and sell prison culture and prison values."
"Jesus said things that show the Quran is trash and Muhammad is an antichrist son of the devil."
"The solution to porn is to love porn stars and to reveal more of them."
"Why is it that all artists talk about is money? Money, that's the true meaning of art."
"If you are not defending the St. Louis gun couple, you just don't get it."
"For these hardcore Christian Republicans, the countries that most match their moral values are radical Islamist countries."
"I feel like you have to earn your pronouns. If you don't look like a woman, don't expect people to address you by female pronouns." - Miyoko
"You're just a cis person? Like, I can call everybody transforming each other trans people? Like, I think that's a pretty [ __ ] take."
"Antifa are domestic terrorists, yes, but they're also enormous dorks and let's never lose sight of that."
"Dating for marriage is an oxymoron. Dating is from prostitution. Meeting people at restaurants or buying them gifts and drinks and meals is prostitution. It came directly from prostitution."
"Pokémon GO is as infamous as it is cherished, but you can’t deny that it’s made an impact."
"It's rooted in an attempt to claim America as a white nation."
"I do believe there is a very strong core group of people that do believe what is going on inside of Ukraine is is really for the greater good of Russia as a whole."
"Freedom of speech is sometimes freedom to be an [ __ ]."
"Drugs are great. They should absolutely be legal."
"The Confederacy is the logical vessel of the American Revolution; what the Confederacy really was was the carryover of 1776. 1861 was 1776. That George Washington, they will argue, was the founder of the Confederacy."
"Why one should study men with terrible views... because they face up to problems and see connections that other people don't see."