
Controversial Figures Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"If you don't think Saul Alinsky is sinister enough, he dedicates his book, and I'm not joking, to Satan."
"Him meeting with Nick Fuentes is the same reason he was willing to meet with Kim Jong-un and a whole bunch of other people that you know people don't necessarily like but that's a good thing."
"Everybody needs to wake up to who David Miscavige really is."
"Though Sanger is a controversial figure Sanger's Legacy was enough for a Planned Parenthood Branch to remove her name from one of their Manhattan clinics."
"Donald Trump was a human Molotov cocktail. He got thrown in the room, he was a bull in a china shop."
"It's kind of why I like him and his his style he pisses everybody everybody can't stand him I mean he was the darling of the left darling of the civil libertarians and then almost Sonny decides to - to defend Trump."
"Sydney Gottlieb, known as the black sorcerer and dirty trickster."
"Alright, you know Marjorie Taylor Greene is down for somebody bombing the White House, maybe the Capitol."
"On the white sandy beaches of Saint Thomas it's a 70-acre island called Little Saint James. For Jeffrey Epstein, it was a zen-like retreat; for others, it was a horror show."
"So yeah, Steven Crowder has to put on his big-boy gun holsters, sit in an air-conditioned studio, and make his half-assed, racist points in the safety of his own bubble."
"Epstein is so important here, but also Bohemian Grove mock child sacrifices male prostitutes shipped in."
"It's kind of like a Pious fraud kind of case with Lori Vallow."
"History owes him a huge, huge favor, whatever you think of Elon, you know, people have different opinions, but I'll tell you, he is really, he forced the industry."
"You might not like Trump's style but he gets things done."
"In an era of political correctness, Trump brings raw authenticity."
"In a world of political correctness scripted speeches and choreographed moves Trump's actions bring raw unfiltered authenticity."
"Farage deserves some sort of credit, I see him as a hero of the realm."
"Fauci is epidemiology's Jake Paul. You can hate him, you can love him, but he ain't going nowhere."
"Love him or hate him, but you gotta watch him."
"Elon needs to buy CNN for cheap, fire everyone, and hire people like Glenn Greenwald, Tim, Matt Taibbi, Jimmy Dore, Crowder - go ham."
"Stalin is one of the great leaders of the 20th century."
"Hellinger apparently dedicated a poem to Hitler in which he wrote, 'Hitler was no better or worse than any man'."
"His flattery thing works, Kim Jong-un, I love him, he says nice things about me."
"Love them or hate them, you can't not respect them."
"Dude, people are of course attracted to dynamic speakers, they are attracted to dynamic, brash, interesting, controversial, polarizing personalities."
"The reason why Andrew Tate blew up is because he's saying what a silent majority of men can't say, he is leading by example."
"Money speaks and a lot of people are still gonna stream his music."
"January 6 was an act of domestic terrorism incited by Donald Trump. His supporters who attacked the Capitol are terrorists."
"Jeffrey Epstein set Elon Musk's brother up with a girlfriend."
"Even if Spotify were to finally fold to the pressure, canceling Joe Rogan's show would result in dumb outcomes."
"Near Tanden, Near 10, Near 10 is unbelievably stupid. But what she is, is she's just willing to be the human shield, like she's willing to go to the mattresses for these awful people."
"TikTokers are now reading Bin Laden's word and are finally discovering about war crimes."
"Welcome to Epstein Island. Ask yourself, is this normal?" - Q
"It's stunning that anyone would defend him at all, let alone there to be an army of people who will vigorously defend them."
"This has brought about Mass support, Mass attention from lots of spaces, lots of people that would never give Trump the time of day."
"What if Donald Trump wrote good songs? You wouldn't listen to him?"
"Trump is the biggest obstacle to American fascism."
"She's very controversial too you know she'll say whatever the [ __ ] she wants and I got a record coming out with her real and Major Lazer this month."
"When you lost but made $30 million, you know, love or hate this guy, he's winning."
"Whatever happens, Trump wins. I'll just leave it at that."
"Democrats should find a viable likable candidate instead of focusing on Trump."
"I think Jordan Peterson is a lunatic, and I think his perspective on women is just twisted."
"Epstein's mysterious life that Jeffrey Epstein was a part of our intelligence agencies right that he was actually operating a blackmail ring."
"But no, I do actually have something to say regarding Onision and moreover specifically using the time Onision was trying to start a religion, let's have a conversation about cults."
"He was called a man of God by some and a mad monk by others."
"Trump was the right man for the time but chaos follows him."
"Bill Gates is one of the most hated people of all time."
"The Jew caused the War, the Jew caused the outbreak of thievery and robbery in the country."
"We had a person who's a, you know, instead of a commander-in-chief, a terrorist-in-chief."
"That is the mentality that we're dealing with right now, and that is a sick mentality whether you like Kevin Samuels agree with him or not."
"He's quite a polarizing figure. I mean if he were in the wilder Ness, he would be a polarizing bear."
"This abomination has been called the savior of the world, even the messiah, our only hope."
"Nobody cares, nobody cares, nobody cares, I mean they're glorifying Jeffrey Dahmer."
"Moon held a coronation ceremony in an office building of the U.S Senate in which he was crowned king of peace."
"More right than wrong his entire life. Alex Jones was right about a lot of things, and you know what? That makes him more dangerous, in my opinion."
"You know just do the job that you're supposed to do but this guy like I said I don't understand how he gets elected I don't understand how the Marjorie Taylor greens the Matt Gates the Josh hawley's the uh Ted Cruzes I don't understand it."
"A little bit of Courage begets courage and you saw that with President Trump you know the this this president who um you know it's kind of all over the map but the one thing he did do well was show courage."
"Tucker Carlson espouses doctrines that are preached conspiracy theories."
"Love that guy at Tesla or hate him, we need more guys like that who just can act independently and try to do something."
"Instead of bitching at Andrew Tate which everyone is right the [] at for sure the guy's a [] nut job you need to come in and like [__] be a replacement then okay right like bitching about something is going to help."
"Musk is the last adequate mind in North America or at the very least in gender neutral America he is the one with the balls."
"Nothing gets Democratic voters out like Trump."
"I cover a lot of creationists and pseudo scientists... but he's also a horrible person and just an outspoken racist."
"We're in the last days because of people like Donald Trump."
"She is very controversial and blunt and says what she means and means what she says, and that's what I love about her."
"When you censor in Alex Jones or when you censor a Parler."
"Christopher Columbus was a tyrannical racist."
"I am putting my head on the guillotine. I am mustard of compared religion." - Dr. Sakir Nayak
"It's mind-blowing... L. Ron Hubbard's approach."
"Elon Musk is like Godzilla but he's not attacking Tokyo he's attacking the capitals of the tyrants their lies."
"A lot of people want to hop on the Takashi hate bandwagon and not dig into why he did it in the first place because it's easy to look at him call him a snitch and talk shit about him."
"I think the reason Epstein was allowed to be taken down wasn't because of sex trafficking but because he pissed off John Brennan and that whole faction of people."
"Their unorthodox approach divided observers between sadistic egomaniac and visionary."
"Do the right thing, be strong, and pardon Julian Assange."
"You get assholes like Trump mmm you know cuz he's willing to say what I'm thinking like no he's an asshole."
"You could not spend time around Epstein and not know what was going on."
"Donald Trump, whether you love his policies or not, on one hand you're going well there are certain lines, when he pokes fun at the but he means this."
"Darkness is good. Dick Cheney, Darth Vader, Satan. That's power."
"I want people to respect Donald Trump's humanity."
"Chris Chan is the gift that keeps on giving for people who enjoy watching LOL cows."
"Say what you will about the problem child, he delivers."
"Honestly, rush limbaugh potentially has more of a racist icon background than david duke does."
"The problem here is not Alex Jones as much as it is our society."
"It doesn't matter if the physical body of Jeffrey Epstein is gone. The spirit of Jeffrey Epstein lives on."
"Look at that treatment versus the treatment of Assange."
"When February happened and the invasion happened everyone went Alex Jones was right."
"No matter if you label him problematic or misunderstood, what cannot be denied is his talent in the game of basketball."
"Azealia Banks is one of those people who know how to push buttons and go way over the line."
"Take a page out of Andrew Tate's book and consider the global sexual marketplace."
"Art Kelly once again is as much acquainted with the concepts of mind control as Hugh Hefner you know I won't say as much because Hugh Hefner was associated with certain intelligence agencies."
"Love him or hate him, you cannot deny the talent of this man."
"Donald Trump is a rough individual, but he loves America more than any president in my lifetime."
"Trump is the last firewall between us and the cesspool called Washington."
"The risk of, and anybody with a soul does not love Zuckerberg, but the risk I don't hate him as much as everyone else seems to hate him."
"The last person that should be on that stage for feminism is Megan."
"If you want a girl go to Epstein, he's got them."
"Trump calls it like he sees it, offensive but important."
"The best way to describe Andrew Tate is this is the kind of guy that goes on pole and he's like, 'You know these I feel this these people are on to something.'"
"Information is power, for instance, who has all the information on Jeffrey Epstein? The little black book. That's power."
"The liver King is like the second coming of Jesus."
"What if Kyle Rittenhouse did not break the law but got himself in trouble trying to uphold it?"
"Love him or hate him, you've got to admit he's done well."
"If Dave Rubin was alive in the '30s, he would have had a radio show and invited Himmler on."
"I think Kim Jong is amazing leader for North Korean people and he you know Kim Jong loves Trump and praises him like that."
"The opponent of Donald Trump is such a ridiculous and risible figure so plainly operating at the behest of these interests escalating Global Wars potentially endless pandemics that people see Donald Trump as the solution."
"Elon Musk is a divisive figure, people either love him or hate him."
"Bushiri often spoke about the miracles he'd performed, claiming he'd cured people of HIV, changed the fortunes of those living in poverty, made blind people see, and once walked on air."
"I respect the hell out of him because he says and does things that nobody else will especially in the black community and he's hated for it but to me like you you got to at least listen even if you disagree."
"But Jake the crypto King is legitimately one of the slimiest men the internet's ever had he bounces from Pokemon scams right into nft scams cryptozoo like the guy sucks but at least in this case he scammed scammers for the most part."
"Queen is obviously the while not the most important piece on the board the most powerful and his queen jeffrey Epstein's queen is a woman by the name of ghilane maxwell."
"I've heard terrible things...the evidence of that has been...what Alex Jones told his viewers is not far off."
"Hunter Biden, the new 'Wolf of Wall Street' in 'My Son Hunter,' exclusively on Breitbart."
"I love all this [__] music I love it all that's phenomenal but you know he definitely going down for all that situation."
"You cannot choose somebody where there are people in the crowd shouting, 'She's demonic, she's demonic, lock her up, she's the devil.'"
"I think it is a deep State attack because obviously you've got Bill Gates, you've got Bill Clinton, big powerful Americans on Epstein's Island."
"Mao was a mass murderer and people respect him and that's it, that's wrong."
"George Soros is a currency manipulator. Soros initiated a British financial crisis by dumping 10 billion sterling forcing devaluation of the currency and gaining a billion dollar profit"
"Whether you agree with him or not, I think he's worth listening to."
"Regardless of whether one likes or hates technicals, he has undoubtedly left a lasting impact."
"Now is not the time for Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley and President Trump and anyone who supported President Trump to just shrink in and hide behind a corner or hide under a rock."
"I can't support Trump like that, only I agree with Trump on a few things."
"I think you're going to be blown away by Tony. I know some people don't agree with things he said, he's made some incredible predictions in the last 10 to 15 years."
"The outcome of Andrew Tate's ideas is the continuation of a world that makes most people the playthings of bored Rich sex criminals."
"Donald Trump's mug shot is going to join some famous mug shots including that of Martin Luther King Jr."
"The Paul Brothers didn't earn nine figures by being good people."
"Rest in peace, Kevin Samuels. Certain people found some solace in his message, other people did not. It is what it is at this point."
"Love or hate this guy's predictions, he's so far been pretty right."
"Thank you, in November 1998, a tantalizing mystery about the private life of Thomas Jefferson yielded to science, shedding light on one of America's most complex and controversial presidents and his slave named Sally Hemmings."
"If Don Jr. did one percent of what Hunter Biden's accused of, they'd be calling for a life prison sentence."
"This country is being ripped apart, I blame Hillary Clinton."
"RFK Jr is cursed and blessed with a passion for actual truth." - Naomi wolf defends RFK Jr.
"Ted kazinski was a complete genius by the way was right about the the problems entailed in industrial society."
"Saying that it's an attack on Congressional institutions so wild by the way the Maga Republican influencer the biggest kind of social media influencer in Republican politics now an account called cat turd..."
"Both tied at the hip are proponents of Gabby."
"I believe her. It seems legit. It sucks that it is Ava Louise that came forward with it because I feel like a lot of people won't take it seriously because of that."
"One thing I can't respect about Trump he told us the truth."
"Let's all send Elon our prayers and hope he can be the first to deal a fatal blow to the ADL. Godspeed Elon #ban the ADL."
"Hitler, Osama bin Laden, arguably two of the worst people in humanity, and Jesus, probably one of the best people in humanity, all had the same personality types."
"God apparently forgives everyone, he forgives Hitler, he forgives Nazis."
"Nobody's gonna listen to your argument... when you start defending assad, it begins to cut away at the reasonableness."
"Elizabeth Bathory loved to kill. Rumor has it the Ferenc knew of his wife sadistic tendencies."
"People are dead because of Kyle Rittenhouse. And even though he was acquitted, in my opinion, he will always be a killer."
"Trump excites his lizard brain and then critical thinking goes out the window."
"Despite several notable achievements, Galton is probably most remembered for coining the term 'eugenics', and as a proponent of both social Darwinism and Scientific Racism."
"The spotlight narrows on Greg Gutfeld, a fearless interrogator unafraid to navigate the storm of controversy, shedding light on the endurance of convictions when challenged."
"Elon Musk joins forces with renowned Fox News host Tucker Carlson."
"Sam Hyde and million dollar extreme have been described as scam artists, hoaxes, trolls, and pranksters."
"The reason why Minister Farrakhan receives disproportionate persecution and hate is because he's identified the root of white supremacy."
"People were like so almost I don't want to say excited obviously it's weird but like people were like excited it was Chris Chan you know."
"Edward the eighth had a really close relationship with Adolf Hitler."
"I like Donald Trump in certain elements, I disagree with him. I like Elon, I disagree with you on certain elements. But overall, Elon is a thousand percent right about this."
"Buffalo is known as a hot bed of James Martin types and Ted McCarrick types."
"I think it is long past time that the world government acknowledge him and allow him to take his rightful place as the world's most wanted man."
"The treachery revealed by Comey, Clapper, and Brennan requires accountability."
"While many viewed him as the bringer of light to a repressed people, to others he was simply a Communist spy planted by the Soviets."
"Bob Lazar's incredible revelations about Area 51."
"Christopher Columbus, one of my favorite anti-heroes of history, one of the great fakes of all times... who discovered absolutely nothing."
"Why would you trust Roy Moore to make your policy?"
"This is hands down one of the most controversial updates to Minecraft."
"She once was an anti-feminist Crusader in the meme War she rubbed shoulders and hobnobbed with all sorts of anti- sjw alt-right adjacent figureheads and white supremacist terrorists back then."
"The infamous Alex Jones is set on exposing their secrets."
"We're in a dimension where everybody knows Hillary Clinton is a lying thief, where Donald Trump is running for president."
"There's real value to having statues of evil people or bad people or people who are tragic flawed because it reminds you that you could become that person."
"Sometimes Jeremy Clarkson stops you in your tracks. You read what he's written or you hear what he said and you think, my God, does he really say that?"
"A legal lightning bolt from President Trump late Friday. A presidential pardon for Arizona's controversial, anti-illegal immigration hardliner... Sheriff Joe Arpaio."
"Despite all the things he did, people still have nostalgia for him."
"If there were more men like John Gotti on this Earth, we would have a better country."