
Unique Gameplay Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Bloodborne really isn't that. It can't be. It's from the Soul's lineage."
"Every single faction feels completely unique."
"I've never really enjoyed the farming simulator genre but there is nothing repetitive about Stardew Valley..."
"Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - a truly fresh gameplay experience."
"Sunset Overdrive: Wild, goofy, insanely fun."
"When something works and you're able to let loose by going really fast, Sonic feels like a platformer like no other."
"The weirdest one was the Pikmin, another Pikmin 1, Pikmin 2 versus Seaman, Seaman, Seaman game for Dreamcast."
"Obra Dinn is a game where you play as an insurance agent in 1807 investigating a ghost ship that suddenly appears after being missing for 5 years."
"VF5 represents the peak of its design, with gameplay that still feels true to its roots yet distinct from any other fighter out there."
"Fallout 2 is the only Fallout game in which you can become a porn star."
"This game is Jojo mixed with freakin' Animal Crossing."
"Here's a gameplay loop that feels utterly unique."
"Each act and biome should offer unique opportunities, physics to play around with, and its own feel."
"I love the style of this game, what a fun pickle."
"Let's beat Minecraft but let's beat Minecraft without beating any of the mobs."
"Postal 2 is a one-of-a-kind game. You can't really play another game like it."
"The sensation of being an undetected assassin in a full open-world city is a pretty cool and still to this day, pretty unique gameplay experience."
"Stalker is an experience, not a game, not a narrative, but an honest to god experience."
"Wipeout tapped into pop culture in a big way while also offering a superb and unique gameplay experience."
"Swamp Thing... just has a really unique moveset an awesome ultimate move as well just really awesome stuff."
"Real-time worlds succeeded in spades upon crackdown's 2007 release on Xbox 360, managing to carve out a unique space in a market that had slowly become inundated with Grand Theft Auto lookalikes."
"Terraria... has gone from a game which people mocked... to then winning those same critics over by proving that this game is something so uniquely different to everything else on the market."
"Demon's Souls initially a very hard game and it's the only game in the franchise to keep me emotionally in sync with the character I'm playing."
"A great design philosophy of the game is giving every planet a specific challenge to overcome, each location offers a unique challenge to make them stand out."
"Cook Serve Delicious Three combines greasy sandwiches with gang land warfare."
"Bowser's Fury is basically an amalgamation of a dozen 3D World stages laid out amongst the large world map."
"Last Epoch is something that is so elegantly simple yet provides different gameplay from running Maps or dungeons."
"There's just nothing like Comic Zone on the platform."
"Resident Evil 4 takes these elements that are in many ways different than Orthodox and uses them to craft an experience like no other and I think that still holds up when playing it today."
"A rare legend gives you a chance to do something a little bit outside the norm."
"Death Stranding is not the easiest game to describe by any means, but there's tons of quiet, stressful, and beautiful moments to experience here."
"Zelda 2's uniqueness makes it stand out from other games of its type."
"I've never seen backtracking used like this in a game, and it's amazing. Remember that you have to backtrack the same way that Saw Runner chased you."
"This game is a FedEx simulator, sure. But if you've ever..."
"It tests a skill that other games simply don't."
"It's a revenge story where you occasionally have to file your taxes."
"I think what I'm describing is some kind of Resident Evil Metroidvania."
"This is just the tip of the iceberg for Tomodachi life, it is a crazy crazy game."
"Red Earth, with its beautiful 2D sprites, unique mechanics, interesting art style, and boss rush gameplay, makes it a pretty special little game."
"Persona 5 is unlike any RPG I have ever played."
"The turn-based battles in Persona 5 are unlike anything else."
"It's an incredibly weird game but one that is hard to put down."
"I think this is one of those rare instances of Ubisoft creating something truly unique and fun."
"I've got a good feeling about it... it provides kind of a branch of gameplay that you don't really see from any other title."
"I had a complete blast with resto... it's just a really fun different type of gameplay."
"It's a unique deck. If you want a very different take on control, I feel like this is a semi-competitive option, at least for the format, and it's really unique and really fun."
"You had an endlessly flowing supply line of food you can brood over humanity and the meals of our hope..."
"I just absolutely 100% adore this game. It is a real-time strategy, but unlike any other real-time strategy I've ever played."
"Untitled Goose Game is the best example of a slapstick video game I've ever played."
"Because you're a wraith, time doesn't reset when you die, it moves forward in the world evolved."
"Luigi's Mansion is this weird character study of a game grounded in the genre that nobody really thought a Mario game let alone a Nintendo game would ever be."
"Warframe is essentially a space ninja game where you're up against the burly generic Space Marine. That's a nice twist on what you usually find in games like this."
"Mirror's Edge: A unique take on a cherished genre."
"I really had a lot of fun with this. I think that it was a truly unique take on the Saints Row."
"It feels so weird and so good to be able to drive through the pool in Daisy Cruiser."
"Cuphead is one of those games that does something completely unique and different."
"Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding 2, a sequel to the unique post-apocalyptic game that had a really unique spin on a post-apocalyptic setting."
"There's nothing quite like Animal Crossing where doing nothing still feels like something."
"Overall, Vagrant Story is a hidden gem on the Playstation that is without question among the most unique and original titles Square has ever produced."
"It's a really special game and we highly, highly recommend it."
"SteamWorld Heist's quirky blend of a 2D perspective allied with turn-based strategy and skill-based attacks is a surprisingly addictive combination."
"In conclusion, Death Stranding: a strange game indeed, a novel experience, and definitely worth checking out if you liked Hideo Kojima's earlier games."
"Honestly, I'm super proud of how it's turned out, especially that top shelf right there."
"I've got to be honest this is probably the first game I've ever seen where you can throw a pig at another Pig."
"Bounty hunting is something you really can't replicate in any other game outside of maybe Tarkov."
"Every player had to feel like they were having a unique experience... rather than just feeling like you're a backup gunner."
"When I think FNAF, you know what I think? Precision platforming."
"Our goal is to make a game that will be unique and recognizable but mainly to offer our players a new experience of gameplay." - Alex
"Rocketry scorpions, you never see rocketry scorpions."
"Yes we all love destruction and I think it's something that is truly unique for battlefield."
"I think it's very pretty and I love the color story I love the story behind it I think it's very whimsical I think it's really fun and it's unique and it's different."
"There are a lot of very unique elements in this game."
"It's definitely one of the most unique games ever made... juggling the narrative with the gameplay."
"Have you ever wanted to play techno dance remixes of 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,' 'Zippity Doo-Dah,' or 'Chim Chim Cher-ee' but with your feet? If so, then this will be your favorite game of all time."
"Yoku's Island Express is just a delightful game, and one that more people need to try out!"
"Shadow of the Colossus: an exceptional video game."
"Ape Escape is extremely unique because of its control scheme, art direction, and strong sense of humor."
"Nice, we have Neos Burning Abyss. It's kind of wild that the Burning Abyss stacks are quite different."
"Ghost Runner: It's always a joy being contacted to cover a game that looks genuinely interesting and delivers."
"It's one of my favorite games of the year so far, super pretentious indie game and it's actually super depressing but it's also one of the best games I've played in a long time."
"Drone companions mod gives you a genuinely unique way to experience and play through cyberpunk."
"Jet Set Radio, this beautifully cel-shaded game, features a unique art style and gameplay."
"Atomic Heart is a rough game but it's an ambitious and unique enough one that, if you can forgive some flaws, you'll end up getting to play through something that's just different."
"It's definitely a unique game. It's also a unique take on the third-person shooter and definitely worth a look."
"Ryu is also the first fighter to allow command inputs to activate attacks."
"Tarkov is one of the most unique games on the market."
"I have wanted something like this again in a game for so many years, another descent into uncanny esoteric Kingdom Hearts Anarchy."
"This is a great collect-a-thon platformer action-adventure game with a really charming art style and a very different aesthetic to a lot of games."
"RE3 OG's Mercenaries mode was unique and challenging, rewarding skillful gameplay."
"Finally, something from the weird and wonderful modpack."
"Wurt, the merm, thrives on marsh turf and excels in merm-related structures and buffs, making her a unique addition to the team."
"The spider webs of choices in this game are downright disgusting, and there's nothing like it."
"Wallace is currently the only gym leader that gives the player an em."
"Hard space shipbreaker is like no other game out there and offers a genuinely immersive and rewarding experience."
"Card shark is a narrative-led adventure game but instead of walking around clicking on things you plan cards and that's pretty cool."
"For me, I was so surprised by the trailer. It was a really special announcement because this is unlike anything we've really seen from a Pokemon game before."
"Modern Warfare was the last Call of Duty that gave me the opportunity to play as a full Squad of friends once again."
"Bushido Blade is extremely unique, injecting a severe amount of realism into the genre."
"I was so focused on that intro but anyways today guys we're doing the dragon armor UHC."
"I just loved everything about it it is a survival horror experience it is so unique and I really do think it is like survival horror no matter how cartoony and kind of scary it is like the you have to manage in that game I just love resource."
"It was a unique type of League of Legends you don't get to see played in the competitive space."
"Adding the trackball was a stroke of genius because it really brought something unique both in terms of aesthetics and overall gameplay."
"This game is a little bit weird to say the least, and the best way to describe it would be as a combination of Age of Empires, World of Warcraft, and FarmVille."
"Revoker's pinnacle perk Reversal of Fortune literally gave you infinite ammo until you landed a hit."
"I love this game... It may not have felt like the rest of the Zelda series, but I still love it."
"What truly makes Legend of Legaia stand out is the incredible battle system."
"I don't know that many games that let you play as a secret agent in the 1960s globe-trotting shooting sardonic henchmen in the face."
"I think we've got an amazing opportunity with this game to really deliver something unique and special that players are already loving."
"The feeling of power, flexibility, movement, and dexterity there is pretty much one of a kind."
"I love finding cool stuff and making it play a character that I like that maybe no one else is really using and just having that own personal discovery..."
"Do you have any pressure? Well, as much as it looks like a racing game, it kind of isn't one."
"Love it or hate it, I think if you've played it, you can agree that there's nothing quite like it out there."
"A really unique playstyle that I have not found with other builds."
"Literally play as anyone, starting with a grandma once again."
"An install activated by a grab is a feature which defines one of grand blue fantasy versus' most unique characters: Ver Vera."
"Quadrilateral Cowboy: It takes two things that you would think would be perfectly suited to the medium of video games but have yet to really be effectively implemented, and realises them both with absolute ease."
"S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl was kind of like a one of a kind first person shooter, with good solid survival horror elements."
"There's something about how hectic this one is and how loose its controls feel that add up to an experience unlike anything in the series."
"Sakura Wars: a dramatic Adventure game that combines overlapping tactical role-playing, dating Sim, and visual novel gameplay elements."
"We win game 1 with a crazy never-before-seen move set."
"Neon White, uncover heaven's mysteries in Neon White."
"It's actually a really good game and it's one that it's one of the few games on the Virtual Boy where I've actually played for a longer than say 10 minutes."
"Fascinating, maybe I have never played a game like this in my life."
"It's unique because you rarely have a game like this that has Bungie's level of precision."
"Near and Far is a storytelling game, but the game itself plays differently. Let me show you."
"With the most unique gameplay of any with the most unique gameplay of any planet type in the game and that brings planet type in the game and that brings."
"I think it's kind of like a side-scrolling board game."
"Kid Icarus Uprising has some of the most unique and enjoyable gameplay I've ever seen."
"The Revenge of Death Adder is, in my mind, without a doubt one of the best and most unique beat-em-ups of its time."
"Breath of the Wild is so different from everything else."
"For anyone with a penchant for racing games with a Twist, Split Second is a must-try."
"Majora's Mask is bizarre in a good way, like it's everything slightly left of center in a way that always makes you feel unsettled as you're going through the game."
"A fun little shooter with Unique Mechanics and a solid visual style."
"This is gonna be the weirdest Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough ever."
"Only in Fortnite can you drive a car into a house."
"When things come together the deck just is so unique and so fun to play."
"Genesis Noir is one of those games that seems to defy convention and manages to carve out its own identity."
"You're actually going to boss up financially."
"That's a very cheeky touch... that's a first for this series."
"Dropping players into immersive worlds with wacky rule sets and action that you simply can't achieve from any other medium."
"A lot of other games have problems that you have to fix with resources, but Timberborn is unlike anything I've ever seen."
"This is definitely a cult classic, it's got unique gameplay, quite a bit of content, and overall an aesthetic that is kind of unmatched."
"If you want to play a hurricane Druid that uses lightning bolt and shifts into a Werebear and then uses petrify then [__] do it, it is your game."
"This game is unlike anything we've ever played, and I love it."
"The rare worlds are where things get really interesting, with unique jobs and modifiers for living on the planet itself."
"I've never seen someone else do that before. I don't know if it's because of the build because of how good he is at the game, but it was insane."
"It's a fun game, it's a great great mission, I would definitely recommend this one if you're looking for something a little different with some cool tweaks to it."
"You play as a shark in this game... it's like an RPG, a shark PG."