
Economic Scale Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"How big could this be? Well, how big is the U.S. monetary base? Today it's 8 trillion dollars."
"Aladdin controls more wealth than the entire GDP of the USA."
"In a 45 billion dollar market, you know it's gonna be bigger than beer."
"Granular micromanagement evolves into a greater macroeconomic management."
"Banning people made things worse. You've now lost CrossFit. CrossFit's huge, it's a multi-billion dollar enterprise."
"The global waste management market was valued at 1.61 trillion US dollars in 2020."
"Just imagine manufacturing money at that scale."
"Video games are currently bigger as an industry than music, radio, newspapers, Hollywood, all movies and TV combined."
"People peeing in bottles, 1.68 trillion dollar market cap, and we're worried about shaving a little bit off our bottom line."
"I was like, why would I? The only thing I did for a good portion of my youth was go to a Star Wars forum."
"The dark web makes trillions of dollars because they're on there, man. They got whatever you can think of that you've never seen in your life."
"Gaming is the biggest online entertainment industry, worth more than movies and music combined."
"This is a type of company that has a multi hundred billion dollar opportunity."
"Long game not short game... plays trillions of dollars here."
"They got the government and they got the media so and 100 billion dollars people don't realize how much money that is."
"Fortnite's $520 million fine is a drop in the bucket for a $10 billion game."
"The global launch industry is about a $5 billion/year industry."
"You recognize they're trying to sell like 135 million bags of those every year."
"The amount of derivatives represented by these hundred billion dollar squares just keeps going and going."
"Trillions of dollars in the investment field." - Massive opportunities await in the financial industry.
"It's larger than what happened in 2008. $340.84 billion, holy."
"The gold market is about a 14 and a half trillion dollar market worldwide, that's all forms of above-ground stocks."
"We're nearly at two trillion dollar crypto global market cap right now, which is just insane."
"Cyber crimes will cost the world a whopping 6 trillion dollars a year by 2021."
"There's almost 14 trillion dollars with a dollar denominated debt."
"China's economy is an ocean, it's a sea, it's not a pond."
"Let's say you made another 50 million in Reddit premium subscriptions. That's $550 million in revenue per year."
"It's got to be like 200 billion in today's something money."
"Bitcoin's network moving 45 trillion dollars in 2021."
"It's a 400 billion dollar industry right now and it's on the way to targeting towards the trillion dollars and I suspect it'll get here faster than we think."
"Man, that's a lot of money. $43,000 times ten years... That's 5.3 million dollars."
"Whoever it is to be able to drop three billion means they have to be worth at least 50 billion."
"I think that the market capitalization will ultimately go to approximately 10 trillion dollars this market cycle plus or minus a few trillion."
"Fact number one: the forex market trades 6.6 trillion dollars a day."
"Gaming has continued to grow... larger than the movie and music industries combined."
"Insane. It's insane. It's over two million dollars."
"Optimus addresses the $30 trillion Global labor market."
"Japan's debt is close to 240% of GDP almost a quadrillion."
"34 billion dollars worth of Ethereum has been locked in that contract."
"Manchester United's debts are unlikely to ever overwhelm them simply because the club has become such a behemoth."
"So the total amount of global investment from all of these nations is now around 40 billion dollars."
"The scale of that is astonishing to me, trillions plural."
"Now I hate to point out the obvious here but, um, two trillion dollars is a reasonably large amount."
"This is a multi-hundred trillion dollar ecosystem eventually... within the next 10 years it's going to be 300 trillion dollars."
"If Texas were an independent country, it would have the 10th highest GDP on earth."
"We're making $200,000 a second now, guys, this is crazy!"
"If Los Angeles were its own country, its economy would be bigger than Saudi Arabia, Sweden, and Switzerland."
"They could easily pay out hundreds of millions of dollars because remember to get one billion dollars you have 999 million plus one."
"The scope of this black market server economy is massive."
"8 to 10 trillion dollars in revenue is almost half of the size of the US economy. Oh, is that all?"
"We've spent two percent of the 22 billion, which is still an obscene amount of money."
"Nine trillion dollars worth of transactions happened on that platform last year."
"The US consumer is two-thirds of the US economy, as big as China's economy."
"It’s the largest market in the world that nobody’s ever heard of."
"This is a multi-trillion dollar problem, and XRP was meant to be a multi-trillion dollar solution."
"The foreign exchange market has a daily trading volume of around 6.6 trillion dollars per day."
"We're talking about the flow of trillions of dollars of goods and oil and energy and whatever every year."
"You have 1.5 million non-profit organizations in the United States of America, and it grosses 2.6 trillion a year; shouldn't be nobody hungry."
"China shipped more than 3,000 trillion worth of export products around the globe."
"Walmart's revenues exceed the GDP of 170 countries out of 190."