
Insufficiency Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"The federal relief received so far is hardly enough."
"It's never enough justice to really be honest because we can't get her back."
"With all due respect, your thoughts and your prayers are insufficient."
"See my mother was literally giving my father pieces of herself and it still wasn't enough."
"If the love goes one way, well it simply ain't enough."
"There's not enough sage in the world, there's not enough sage in the world."
"When you've lost your job, $1,200 is not going to rescue you from car payments and rent."
"The ego will never, ever, ever be enough because by its nature, it's not who we are."
"Even eternity isn't enough time."
"Being innocent was not enough, being innocent was not enough."
"It's not enough, acceptance and tolerance isn't enough."
"He's going to murder somebody. He's on his way to the crime. Not enough of conduct."
"No matter how much computing power you have, it's never enough."
"Just a simple withdrawal rate is likely insufficient to a majority of people planning their retirement."
"One aid package will not be sufficient."
"It feels like adding Cal and SMU in Stanford feels like putting a Band-Aid on a bullet hole."
"Sometimes love is just not enough. You can love someone so much that it hurts."
"Verbal agreement is not sufficient and it is not enough."
"That's not gonna work, that's not enough."
"A monument to the insufficiency of human enjoyments."
"Whatever he would've got, it was never gonna be enough for us."
"We have come a long way, we have made much progress but not near enough."
"That would obviously be radically insufficient to the task."
"The only thing we never get enough of is love and the only thing we never give enough of is love."
"Technology is a prerequisite of responding to climate change. It is deeply insufficient."
"No matter how much I did, it was never enough. It was never good enough."
"Traditional security solutions are not sufficient to stop such attacks."
"You can never be enough for a narcissist."
"Never be enough, towers of gold are still too little."
"Just emissions reduction may well not be sufficient, certainly necessary but not sufficient, to avoid some of these [tipping points]."
"...just needed more, they always need more."
"Regret and resolve are not enough."
"Sorry isn't enough for somebody ever putting their hands on you or verbally putting you down."
"Apart from you Jesus, I can do nothing."
"It is our sense of insufficiency that will be a plus rather than a minus."
"...the weekly by itself is not sufficient."
"Knowing is not sufficient for wisdom."
"Baby, sometimes love isn't enough."
"For without me ye can do nothing."
"The act-omission distinction does not seem sufficient to do the work."
"Sometimes love is just not enough."
"I've done a good job all my life, but it weren't enough."
"For the ransom of their life is costly and can never suffice."
"Going to church is good, but it's not enough. Bible study is great, but it's not enough."
"We almost knew what love was, but almost is never enough."
"Whoever loves money will never have money enough."
"No effort to beg pardon and to seek to repair the harm done will ever be sufficient."
"No matter how faithful you are, how good you are to someone, it will never be enough for them to fill that void of how they feel about themselves."
"There's not enough being done for veterans in today's world."
"Sometimes sorry just isn't good enough."
"Because knowledge, my dear, is power, and power, like any drug, never seems to be quite sufficient for one's needs."
"It won't be enough." "It will be everything."
"He's chained forever to a world that's departed. It's not enough, it's not enough."
"Just because it happened is not enough."
"All I can do is say I'm sorry, but that is not enough."
"All the shine of a thousand spots, all the stars we steal from the night sky will never be enough."
"No apology will ever be enough for the families of people who lost loved ones."
"Mourn them. In the end, that was all the living could do for the dead, and it was never enough."
"Even for folks who have saved really well... they may not have sufficient funds to pay for long-term care."
"300 plus days that we were here and it was still not enough."
"It's not enough time like I'll never have enough time with her."
"We used everything we had to treat them, but it was not enough in the end."
"I would always love him, and it would never, ever be enough."
"Intellect, knowledge, gnosis, just pure knowledge is not enough."
"Every time it became clear that no matter how much money they earned, it would not be enough."
"The bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it, and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it."
"Sometimes that just isn't enough."
"They were always together; they gave each other names. It's the only thing they had, but in the end, it wasn't enough."
"It's not enough, there's still a long way to go."
"You can't get rich enough to push away loneliness."
"Sometimes love must not be enough."
"One thing I definitely learned is love is not enough."
"Being simply scared is not enough."
"I feel one lifetime is not enough."
"630 billion dollars of climate finance was deployed just last year, and yet that is not nearly enough."
"Symbolic measures are not enough for the destruction that has been occurring for over a century."
"Quantitative data or qualitative data by itself is insufficient to study your problem."
"In my opinion, then, that really suggests that hand hygiene alone is not enough."
"Negotiation is a necessary but not sufficient."
"There aren't enough colors to paint the whole picture, not enough words to ever say what I found wonderful and beautiful and glorious and holy."
"I can't do this with you. Do I love you? Yeah, but loving you isn't enough anymore."
"Having feelings and having love for someone isn't always enough."