
Nature Exploration Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Welcome back, I hope you had a good time in Florio Nature Park."
"I wasn't even going to come back and fish right now I'm just going to hike the fields and start gathering wild edibles."
"Even when you're hiking like in Yosemite, you get out a couple miles, you've got it all to yourself."
"Let us explore this last facet of understanding the canopy of the forest before we get finally to our discussion of video games."
"Adventure waits in the woods. Who knows when wild tales will come in handy?"
"Be brave, stay wild, we'll see on the next adventure."
"Central Park is two and a half miles top to bottom, and there's a lot of dense forest in between."
"So there you have it, that was our trip out to Fort Wilderness and Tri Circle T Ranch, an excellent day it was fantastic getting back out into nature and seeing all kinds of the natural environments around Fort Wilderness Resort."
"For us, North Manitou Island is one such place, a place full of adventure and mystery which swirl together and satisfy in us a deep longing for the past."
"Even if they're evil, I guess I would say that my interest in the paranormal is it might answer questions about the nature of human existence."
"Torrey Pines is a great state park to explore."
"I just was always curious about these beetles here and so I'm glad that I gave it a try."
"If you follow water downhill, it's usually the easiest way to travel."
"It's thanks to the tireless efforts of individuals that not only keeps this trail open to explorers like us but makes it possible by restoring the wells and the water they provide."
"Imagine you're wandering into the forest near Lake Victoria in Kenya or Tanzania when you spot something strange crawling on a leaf."
"Rosy boas are out there, okay? They're totally out there."
"Everywhere you go, chances are you can probably find a natural hot spring hidden somewhere in the remote wilderness."
"The Amazon is the most incredible place in the world especially for nature whether it's the giant rainforest or the humongous River."
"Zion National Park is just out of this world."
"From beachcombing to stargazing, every moment counts in the pursuit of happiness."
"You truly have all that you need to get through this forest."
"My summers were spent hiking mountains, swimming in lakes, and exploring expansive forests."
"I will say though, if I'm ever walking in the woods and I come upon one of these staircases, I will be completely in awe."
"Out in the woods discovering something that I'll never forget."
"This is exactly why I love ATVing - it's an adrenaline-filled ride that takes you to an incredible and remote location like this."
"Cutting tall grass reveals insects, lizards, and fairies."
"Photography gives you an excuse to go out into nature, an excuse to explore, an excuse to roam and get creative."
"This quest to understand nature lies at the foundation of our civilization."
"Whether you're standing on top of the world in the Rocky Mountains or looking for dinosaur fossils in the Badlands, Alberta is a great place to visit and explore."
"The whole point of me doing this trip is to not only experience Skye by foot, but it's hopefully to enjoy some landscape photography along the way."
"By going into the jungle, we get the opportunity to have a different relationship with ourselves."
"But some of these Basics can actually take your wander in nature to quite literally the next level."
"Encourage you to get out and see if you can find this plant again."
"Just be very aware of your surroundings. You know, look for tracks. Look for strange things, like horizontal branches, horizontal trees."
"One little snail, two little snails, and a slug, too."
"RVs offer comfort, freedom, and a way to get out of town and venture into nature."
"Ann is actually one of my superheroes. She walks for weeks on end just because she loves it, connecting trails up and down the country."
"The Zooniverse, journey around the biomes and get up close with nature at its finest. Enjoy."
"The thrill lies in navigating the caves without guided pathways, clambering over the rocks and occasionally slipping into pockets."
"This is the main hunt and there'll be a lot of them here so just look at the flowerly area."
"This trip to the jungle: the last of its kind for the season."
"According to this guide, there's a giant greenhouse that's filled with flowers."
"Mathematics provides a sure-footed guide to the nature of things."
"Animal droppings indicate how recent the current track is."
"It's an awesome combination of nature and history, and honestly, it's just a lot of family fun."
"These walk-in hunting areas are an absolutely fantastic spot to check out when you're going to be turkey out in this spring."
"...thanks for joining me on this little foraging trip out in the forest today, which started off not very hopeful, although we still saw some interesting things. But actually, in the end, we did okay."
"Walking these old rivers... it really is like going back in time sometimes."
"I'm excited to try surfing and snuggling in the crystal clear waters."
"You might worry about getting stuck out here, and yeah, pretty good reason, but if you've got enough gear and a little bit of knowledge, it's just part of the adventure and it's part of the fun."
"While the weather was beautiful and the forest was alive with all sorts of noises and critters, they had made some unsettling discoveries along the way."
"Part of the appeal of hikes like this is being able to take your time and explore nature at your own pace."
"Excited for the rest of our journey to be able to wander around freely and experience the wilderness at our own pace."
"...such a fascinating exploration of nature through the lens of a specific wood."
"It's pretty thrilling to be up here in the actual tops of the redwood trees."
"I'll show you easy hikes, even wheelchair accessible trips, and flat hikes in trees and magnificent valleys."
"What are you going to fill it with? Is it hiking gear, mountain bikes, canoes, stand-up paddle boards?"
"We're about to go enter Taroko National Park."
"This river is very safe; no crocodiles, no piranhas, no sharks, and no ghosts."
"It's truly one of those places that you can take kids and introduce them to the outdoors and really have a good time."
"Hopefully we can see some fish in the process."
"The new scientists now standing in front of nature alone, confident only on his/her intellectual power."
"Guys, check out this waterfall. I'm guessing it's several hundred feet tall."
"Let's get it back in the water and see what else we can get onto."
"This is what I love about owning a four-wheel drive, being able to come out to these places."
"What a lovely day. When you're looking for things like cockle beds, always search the beach and look for the shells."
"Theodore Roosevelt National Park is just a wonderful place to visit."
"We're going to head to Glacier National Park... last time we were in Glacier was like 6 years ago."
"One of the things I really like is to be able to learn a little bit from these animals by following tracks and stuff."
"Good morning everybody, this is day three of a three-day explore of a new river system."
"I enjoyed hiking up the hills and wandering down dirt paths."
"I had an awesome day out chasing Australian bass in skinny water creeks."
"We're going to sleep together, swim together, visit ancient tribes, spot dolphins, and go through some of the most beautiful islands in the world."
"This place is like nothing I've ever seen in my life, it's actually... I've been to the Kimberley, been to a lot of places, this little creek is amazing."
"It's most comparable to walking through the Redwoods, except you're doing it underwater."
"If we do go into the woods, go with an open mind, appreciate the forest, appreciate everything there."
"There's a total of five hiking trails totaling 25 kilometers."
"The real main event is the low tide, which is why I'm here, and we are gonna get to see a whole bunch of critters."
"Outdoors, I mean 260 miles of mountain bike trails, hundreds of waterfalls."
"Those aren't lights, Caillou, they're fireflies. Let's see if we can catch one."
"I'm sure we're going to have a lovely afternoon drive."
"We're going to the hills to look for vervain, but I've been there before and I've seen the abundance of amazing, wonderful Jamaican herbs."
"Sometimes you just have to put in the time to really work to find these animals."
"There were so many spectacular colors, steaming hot springs and more bubbling thermal pools which made it a really beautiful environment to explore."
"It's cool to think we're down in the canyon that we were watching the sunrise on. We're like in the Neapolitan ice cream scoops."
"For game drive, it's incredible because we get to see a lot more."
"I hope that we get a hyena den soon enough because it would be wonderful."
"We're going to keep following these elephants."
"Our goal with this van is to go up to the Northwest, go into other parts of the country, and find trails that we can get out and ride our bike and take the dog for a walk, just really enjoy getting out and getting in nature."
"Just as we use music to express parts of us that would otherwise be hidden, so too can we use technology to make visible much of nature's invisible world."
"We do have bicycles ready for hire; you can cycle with the boys along the bush track by the hotel, which is an ideal place to explore the wonders of nature."
"The silver waterfall can be approached from Sapa or the near Cat Cat."
"We're going to start walking towards Leopard Dam."
"We look forward to seeing you on the sunrise Safari."
"Welcome on board this live safari."