
Ethical Decision Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"I certainly was conscious of the fact that if I were going to be found out, and I did think I would be found out eventually, that there would be serious ramifications. But I just thought it was important."
"I decided that this machinery would never again exert its terrible power over another human life."
"I would let Xhosa go free. Xhosa deserves to give the money to an orphanage."
"I'd crash the car. I think it's morally more acceptable to save the person on the street."
"The car needs to prioritize safety of the driver first and foremost."
"He did the right thing, the right thing for the country without a doubt."
"Broadly speaking, I think this is the right thing to do."
"There's still an opportunity for us to do the right thing."
"I made the decision based on the data I collected to report this information to my superiors and multiple inspectors general and in effect becoming a whistleblower."
"History is going to look back on us and ask did we do the right thing in this moment."
"You need to think about more than just yourself in making a decision whether to get a vaccine."
"If you choose to take a dare, there is a slight chance that the devil will ask you to do something easy... if he does ask you for something like this and you have even a shred of common decency in you, do not accept."
"If we attack King's Landing with Drogon and the Unsullied, and the Dothraki, tens of thousands of innocents will die. Do not become what you have always struggled to defeat."
"That took courage, but it was the right thing to do and say."
"If you could go back in time and change history, would you?"
"The Federation does not get to decide which species lives or dies."
"There'll be a day when you will wish you had done a little evil to do a greater good."
"Why do you fight...sergeant? It's the right thing to do." - Gen. Baron
"It is never too late to resist immoral orders."
"I don't see the solution being going and stealing a bunch of stuff from Claire's."
"The right thing to do is not the most popular thing to do."
"When Yvon realized repeatedly hammering in and removing pitons were destroying pristine mountains, he decided to stop selling them."
"Withdraw from this evil organization as soon as possible."
"As a father or as a mother I would not be capable of doing the same thing and I would not take my son or daughter to the police."
"If your son or daughter had sufficient evidence that they were talking about committing an act like this, a school shooting, would you be capable of taking them to law enforcement and getting them arrested or would you try?"
"She just looked older than how old she was as well because she's, like, my favorite female artist of all time, so that's what made me really stop listening to R. Kelly."
"I made the decision not to fire them up... because I was too close... I literally could reach down... and go excuse me you guys I'm now going to shoot you."
"An endangered animal has been shot and killed at a zoo that was meant to protect him many have asked why didn't you just tranquilize the animal they stand by the decision that they made did they make the right decision."
"It's not about whether you have the right, it's about whether it is right."
"Individual choice is key." - John, British ethologist
"I'm having this conversation because morally it's the correct thing to do."
"Even if it's difficult and inconvenient, it's never too late to do the right thing."
"I couldn't in good conscience leave him like that."
"At what point is it more harmful and more morally dubious to let someone live than to end their existence?"
"He dies perfectly content with the knowledge that he's done the right thing and that his loved ones are safe."
"Sometimes the right thing to do is to let go with grace."
"I would never pick money over putting someone's life in danger."
"Choose to be good with full knowledge of our dark capacity."
"I've hidden every video where I promoted shein or romwe or zaful or any of these sites because I don't want to promote them on my channel."
"Morality is about whether you would want to do something that harms someone else."
"I've decided to delete the clones and restart the process of cloning Baldy."
"I don't consider myself a rat. I consider myself, you know, when it came down to that, making a hard decision."
"I regret that every single day and every single night of my life that I didn't do something about that. I should have said no."
"Resolve the doubt in favor of life, like not taking a chance that you could be ending the life of another human being."
"Okay governor, what you did was wrong but by resigning that was the right thing to do. Good for the people of New York, good for the country, and good for the Democratic Party."
"But whatever happened we had to do the right thing for her so she wasn't suffering."
"We found out that she couldn't go through with the abortion and in large part because of speaking with the women who went in with us."
"A smarter YouTuber than me would have just not made this video and thrown Hopeless Peaches under the bus."
"To get to a final after all of those semi-final defeats is that step further."
"Are we taking the responsible road? Are we doing what Allah actually would want us to do in this situation?"
"Choosing the hard right over the easier wrong."
"I'm gonna do my best and hopefully I'll be able to give the most ethical answer."
"Saving the majority is better than just saving yourself."
"The try guys dropping Ned Fulmer for cheating on his wife and not just automatically sticking by their friend is what we like to see."
"I was kind of strong enough to go no this is much better for the greater good."
"He don't want to use his talent for evil."
"...human life will be lost. If you're a consequentialist, how do you make your decision?"
"Patient, in that case, is my first priority."
"You have to take her bending for the right reason, not because it's an easy solution or because you're angry she's hurting people."
"Sometimes having a right to do something and making it right aren't the same thing."
"You want to keep living, you don't want someone to decide for you whether or not you're better off dead."
"Are Christians to be organ donors? Can Christians be organ donors? Yes."
"The moment you see something that you know it's not right, I think you should try and like remove yourself from the situation."
"We felt like we did the right thing... knowing that we were able to allow him to go peacefully was a big deal for us."