
Historical Records Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"There's a legend suggesting that the Vatican's archives also contain records of the female pope."
"Many people have been lone survivors of catastrophe, but there's no person on record that has survived two nuclear bombs."
"In just a short period of time, we created a record, never happened like this: 11.4 million brand new American jobs."
"You won't know about unless you look at their genealogical records."
"All of this is actually written in the historical records."
"So here we have a reference to written records in hieroglyphic by thoth the god of writing and store it in a library that is under the feed of raw harmarcus."
"The early records are not myths but refer to another location that fits all of these descriptions."
"In 2001, some POND records were discovered which included a cable that mentioned Dr. Marcel Petton."
"Gibson’s ‘68 was one of the most remarkable athletic achievements of all time."
"So we absolutely shattered expectations and this is the largest monthly jobs increase in American history. Americans think of that."
"Hinako...the oldest koi fish that supposedly ever lived...believed age of 226."
"Mitchell publicly expressed his opinions and that he was sure that there were thousands of UFOs recorded since the early 1940s belonging to other planets."
"The Great Alaskan Earthquake holds the title as the second most powerful ever recorded."
"Humanity's first dated and playable recording of its own voice."
"We have 795 children who died, we have their deaths, we have not burying records for them."
"In fact, the longest poker game in history was played in the basement of The Bird Cage Theater--which still holds the record to this day."
"During his career he played in 19 all-star games won two MVP awards two triple crowns was the last hitter to finish a season batting over 400 and is widely considered the greatest hitter who ever lived."
"The amount of knowledge in these puranas is just incredible."
"There was an absolute explosion of hundreds of thousands of clay tablets being created."
"I thought she was pulling my leg but a quick search turned up the girl's death record."
"These marble tablets... list the freedmen and full citizens of the town... suggesting huge social mobility."
"It's the worst drought situation ever on record."
"No other culture has left behind so much written evidence as Athens."
"Nuclear blasts are generally pretty powerful, with the largest nuke ever dropped in recorded history being equivalent to a massive 50 megatons of TNT."
"But that's not all. There's another old newspaper article from January 11, 1911, detailing how this verse isn't in the Bible despite everyone thinking it is."
"Looking back through history, there are actually hundreds of flood accounts, and the similarity between these accounts and The Genesis Flood are uncanny."
"The Great Pyramid is the Hall of Records in a certain sense."
"Comets are a preserved record of what happened four-and-a-half billion years ago."
"That's a look at the top 50 best-selling albums of all time in the United States as of the end of 2020."
"If a silver lining can come from this parliamentary debacle, and that silver lining is that the Desan commission reports are released in their entirety and Canada Holocaust records are open to the public, then that would be a small victory for us."
"The bagger 288 is big and I mean really damn big when it was finally completed in 1978 the titan became the largest land vehicle in the world."
"The most African-American Hispanic American Asian American unemployment rates have reached the lowest levels ever recorded."
"The original writings recording the discoveries of both of these men are preserved in the university library in Cambridge."
"She's recorded as both Nusaiba and Nasiba."
"That would not be mentioned anywhere else in old records. It's not a good point."
"...search over 15 billion historical records."
"When it was constructed, the only thing we can say for certain is that the Japan Forest agency and the Japan geographical Authority checked previous aerial photos taken in September 1987. They could confirm the sign was already there."
"This might be outdated, but best 50 best-selling albums worldwide. Thriller's the best-selling of all time, right?"
"The library was a treasure trove of old records and forgotten lore."
"For financial month ends, I want to keep exactly what the financial amount was for that table."
"We have 7 billion searchable names to historical records on our site."
"Use all these resources to find your family; search all these great companies to see what records they have for your family."
"The Palermo stone represents ancient Kemet's oldest historical record."
"Jefferson had about 16, 17 thousand letters in his lifetime and he very often mentioned members of the Hemings family."
"These accurate records are drawn from the Scotland Yard file by special permission of Commissioner Sir Harold Scott."
"We have the largest collection of British parish records available online and it's constantly growing."
"The Maya were the first people of the new world to keep historical records with a written history that begins in 50 BC."
"It is a thing to be admired to see what details may be recorded on these cords, for which there are masters like our writing masters."
"We're getting really excited for the release of the 1950 U.S. Federal Census."
"Retaining your historical record is an important piece of information."
"Make sure that you have both the number, the street, the town, city, county, state, country—every detail that you will need to go back to that place."
"The interesting thing about the Loch Ness monster is that there have been records of it for hundreds and hundreds of years."
"Newspapers are a huge, huge, huge boon to genealogy research."
"These really rich records that date back to the 1500s give you information that might not exist in civil records."