
Majority Rule Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Getting rid of the filibuster means this: it means that you turn one razor thin majority imposing its will on the American people and on legislation into a pendulum swinging another razor thin majority 24 months later."
"We need far greater democracy than what we have today, real democracy, democracy for the majority."
"Getting what you want isn't democracy, is it? Getting what the majority wants is."
"Just because a majority can, does not mean a majority should."
"The founders believed in majority, not minority rule." - Mehdi Hasan
"You cannot have any kind of government where the majority rule and the minority loses and suffers."
"My conception of Liberty is not that the majority enforces good things upon people."
"The Tea Party movement happened because the president forgot that while he was elected by a majority of the population, it was a relatively narrow majority."
"The court is undermining majority rule but see this cuts both ways."
"This is what the founders meant by tyranny of the majority."
"When he says 'the majority,' here's what's scary: he's not even talking about your will, he's talking about the majority of elite politicians and unelected bureaucrats."
"The function of a constitution is to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority."
"What's a Democratic majority if we can't pass our priority bills?"
"The basic framework remains fear of rival political majorities."
"Because if you go by majority rule guess what that means majority rules so if this may be a facade yo dink no think about this he won because he was the best man for the job Hillary was a criminal let's make that clear all right."
"We follow the majority. God told us, in doubt, follow the majority."
"We have a specific rule given by God: when we have a doubt in the law, we have to go by the majority."
"God told us what to do in a case of doubt. The correct thing to do is to go by the majority."
"If everyone's allowed their group apart from the majority or whatever then at some point that's gonna get nasty."
"Democracy means persuading one another and then ultimately voting in the majority."
"Every check on government power, from the Electoral College to the Bill of Rights, is a restraint on the majority."
"The only point of the bill of rights is to say if these laws get passed with majority support they're still invalid because they violate basic fundamental rights which the majority doesn't have the right to do."
"If you have the majority deciding on okay we want to oppress homosexuals or something like that right then you have then you can say okay you can't do this this would be unconstitutional this would be against human rights."
"The danger of an open democracy is that the majority will overcome the minority."
"Mob rule... majority ruling at the expense of the minority."
"It's not about the outcome, but the process of every citizen acknowledging the majority's will."
"Democracy for one group will inevitably become a dictatorship of the majority."
"The danger of democracy comes from the tyranny of the majority." - Tocqueville
"South Africa is trying to emerge out of that path to figure out how to allow the majority to rule and still have peace."
"I hope that the right has a clear majority." - Ruthie
"Mob rule is always evil. The 51 thinking that they have the right because they have one more percent than the 49 percent."
"Though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable."
"The potential dangers of unchecked majority rule in a democracy."
"The will of the people speaks and the majority rules."
"Majority vote does not equal democracy."
"Remember, the majority decides. If the chair rules somebody out of order, it's the majority that decides."
"Institutions that prevent electoral majorities from winning...are arguably antithetical to democracy."
"Democracies are supposed to empower majorities. Democracy is clearly more than just majority rule, but without majority rule, there's no democracy."
"...to give a minority a negative upon the majority...is in its tendency to subject the sense of the greater number to that of the Lesser."
"No one individual, not the chair, not the parliamentarian, nobody gets to decide what the organization does, only the majority does."
"Williams understood the vulnerability of minority conscience in a world of majority rule and his more protective standards should I believe be restored."
"There can be no government in which the majorities do not virtually decide right and wrong, but conscience, in which majorities decide only those questions to which the rule of expediency is applicable."
"The law of avoiding so-called majoritarian tyranny."
"It's effectively a winner-take-all system. If you get one more vote than you need, you do what you like for five years."
"I'm happy that the minority didn't get to impose their will on the majority."
"The true democracy that we've been fortunate enough to have is a real democracy in that the majority does rule."
"... the belief that the United States was, if not a democracy, at least a Republic, where the people rule, where consent of a majority really counts."
"The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to forever put them beyond reach of majority rule."
"The rights of the minority should never be voted on by the direct democracy by the majority."
"In this critical moment when we're dealing with the future of the planet, we're dealing with the future of democracy... I think majority should rule."
"Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is 51% of the people control 49% of the people."
"Democracy is the people, the majority choose the rule, and the rules are applied in the country based on what the majority chose."
"It's like when you're voting for somebody to be in office, if the majority is swaying this way, that's where the vote goes."
"In a republic, majoritarianism occurs where actions reflect the opinions of the majority."
"Both direct and representative democracy are designed to implement the will of the people based on the concept of majority rule."
"Good government operates by the voice of the majority of the people."
"Plato and Aristotle warned against ever giving power directly to the 80 because it would lead to the tyranny of the majority and mob rule."
"The British system... is very much majority rule in Commons... that makes for much more effective governing."
"Democracy really reaches its zenith under Pericles, and in terms of decisions, everything was decided by a majority vote."