
Gaming Luck Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"RNGesus - who is the personification of luck in the gaming community - is cursed just as often as he’s worshiped."
"Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind... set to be one of the longest indoor coasters."
"Dream found himself receiving the necessary Ender Pearls at an incredibly lucky rate."
"Pack luck today, guys, has been next level. Honestly, next level."
"I just got two Felgrands! What is up with this double ghost luck, bro?"
"I just pulled Leonard Williams in a limited egg out of like six packs... Am I just out of my [__] mind or what?"
"I did get a good card. I got the rousing speech card."
"What the actual [__] we just got an elite clue out of an oak tree."
"98 Pele and Messi in the same pack! Ludicrously lucky."
"All the pack luck this week for me is just nuts dude."
"Never gonna complain about a Charizard and a Moltres now for some reason"
"We've done it again my friends we got pogba last time and we got Griezmann this time that is absolutely incredible."
"We got lucky the first time around to have one that they actually set up defenses and weren't rated, huh?"
"I will take this cuz the luck is good and I guess we're just building into luck today."
"Even if it can be reliant on high dice rolls and roll order, I appreciate the tension it builds."
"It was just the luck of the cards, you know, sometimes you don't draw any extra Hermits right away."
"My luck has been absolutely phenomenal today so far so I'm going to unbox another exotic box"
"Our luck is definitely increasing; we're getting Legendaries."
"This was absolutely insane and probably the luckiest thing that's ever happened to me ever playing Pokémon."
"Are you kidding me? We've literally just found a glitter rare on our first item out of 100!"
"With the proper amount of luck, we can not only have two strongholds overlapping, but even have two portal rooms stacked like so."
"Unfortunately I'd argue it does come down to luck. Did you pick someone who does have a way to stop your opponent's lane bully pick or is it a hard 70-30 matchup where you just have to play safe for 20 minutes?"
"Let me get more crit, give me all the crits, give me two crits, give me a crit, please, just a regular attack crit, another one."
"That's pretty lucky, I am not getting that lucky on Heatran."
"The Pokemon gods are in our favor tonight with that victory."
"Treasure Goblin rooms were the best... hitting the lottery!"
"I just realized I got two enchanted golden apples. That's insane!"
"The chance of finding this sword in a chest is about one in a thousand so this seed and theory is like a one in a thousand chance of happening."
"I bet it's going to be on this girl account in the second SE because for some reason we have been getting the best luck on this account."
"Yes, and he dropped the blaze rod as well, absolute legend!"
"The higher and the more luck you have, the easier time you get in Stardew Valley."
"Always pull that Pokémon, no complaints here."
"Chad, you guys know my luck with weapon banners, right?"
"The wheel has been really kind to us man in these latter seasons."
"Last pack magic baby, it happens all the time here."
"She's just got two legendaries in like two packs, that's ridiculous!"
"Best of luck to you, hopefully we can all walk away with something new from the tickets or something new from the banners."
"Sometimes you can hit the Minecraft seed jackpot."
"That's our first-ever massive card all year on FIFA on both accounts from all the packs I've opened."
"That is crazy luck, two consecutive critical hits with rock throw."
"This is some trademark northernlion luck I'll give you that one."
"Yeah, we gonna pull for Hu Tao today, fingers crossed we get her, I don't know if we will, perfect."
"The purest joy in the world is when you need that nat 20 and it shows up."
"Wait, diamond armor! Oh my god, wait, what if it drops diamond armor? It's a full diamond zombie, that's pretty rare, right?"
"Hopefully all you guys using this seed also can have the amazing luck. I believe the structures generate the same on the same seed."
"Wow, what the hell is my pack luck, unreal, unreal, are you kidding, two walkouts!"
"That's all right if we get lucky enough to hit a coin unlock we're cruising."
"I got two buccaneers in that one, that's nasty."
"The shiny gods have had mercy on our poor soul."
"This is actual crazy streamer RNG, this is the next level of streamer RNG."
"The luck of the Froot Loops. If we don't get this new pet, I feel like at least we're gonna get a legendary."
"Last pack magic, give me some good luck in the chat right now!"
"Every time that we've seen a mysterious fossil, in fact, we've gotten a good card."
"That's insane luck we've been really dry for that one."
"That was lucky, I'm not gonna lie, we were lucky."
"Have you guys ever found a random Shiny on a Pokemon playthrough without hunting for it?"
"We'll take it with the one pack magic again."
"We really want to reset the next time and see if we get better luck."
"That's a strong start two LF units on the first multi that's incredible."
"This run... I don't know if my luck gets any better than this."
"David pulled a six-star Longshot from the daily crystal, dude, that is so ridiculously good."
"Come on, selfish luck is the best luck, big greens, that's how we're gonna get back into this game."
"We definitely have a lot of good luck here in the Poké game."
"Oh yeah, nice, check this out, we got two gold dice, that is absolutely amazing."