
Marital Issues Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Ask any woman, the one thing you don't expect your husband to do when you get married is to continue having a close friendship with the people he knew before. If they're female, it's an insult."
"How does that affect your relationship with your spouse? What's the problem there?"
"Perhaps the reason divorce rates are so high is because of this."
"It was really interesting to explore actually them talking about it because I think it's one of the only times... you kind of see them come so close to having a constructive conversation about their relationship and their marriage."
"It seems crazy to me to be deliberately unwilling to include your spouse in something like this."
"He's the big man on that campus. Matthew is very used to getting his way and given their strict religious lifestyle, Matthew always has the final say in their relationship."
"I hadn't decided whether to fight for my husband and my marriage, but I was resolved to fight for my president."
"Women suffer from the impending end of a marriage already in pre-divorce years."
"She was forced to stay in this marriage where her husband was being unfaithful."
"Greg feels guilty over putting Ginny through a sham of a marriage."
"A bad marriage is as damaging to your health as heavy smoking or drinking."
"If your husband is a good guy but you're ready for divorce, you're not a bad person."
"She had worked very hard and been unhappy for a very, very long time in her marriage."
"Every married couple's talk about going through ups and downs. The down always be cheating. That's so boring and cliche. Why not work through something interesting like wire fraud?"
"If intimacy with your wife falls off, there's already a problem before you've even begun to verbalize it."
"I had no idea she was so unhappy with our marriage, and as much as she insisted it wasn't me, I still blame myself."
"I'm almost ready to throw in the towel with my marriage because my husband is dealing with a sex addiction."
"Don't bash your own marriage, it poisons your relationship."
"Her husband's behavior remained entirely ordinary, if it weren't for Viola's phone call."
"All non-consensual sex is rape, whether in marriage or not."
"What is Dave's finances, religion, in-laws, family, and infidelity, I think is what he says it's going to be the problem in your marriage."
"Cracks were beginning to appear in their six-year marriage."
"It had to do with being in a loveless and volatile and unhappy marriage for years."
"Psychologists will talk about seeing contempt on the face of the couple and they say that is the kiss of death for that relationship."
"Chris is struggling through his explanation because it doesn't make him sound good to say that shenan wanted to work on their marriage"
"Maybe you guys need to figure out if the relationship is more important than just saying that you're married."
"She was not prepared to hide the true state of her marriage unlike Edward the seventh wife Alexandra belonged to a generation which sort of put up and shut up over the affairs of their husbands."
"People get bored with their spouse often because they've turned them into a simulacrum of their imagination."
"You can't just ignore him, he is also your husband."
"We've made divorce seem so easy, like it's just a thing to do, no big deal."
"Nothing makes one feel more alone than lying next to your spouse and being rejected."
"The marriage had deteriorated to the point that Mary Jane felt the need to physically distance herself from James."
"You think you can marry Pam again? I could, does not sure if I want to."
"I couldn't continue a marriage with someone I couldn't trust, who had lied to me and shifted blame onto me."
"After confirming that her husband was having an affair, Anno immediately filed for divorce against Tatebayashi and thanked Naomi for helping her."
"Guys, my husband sounded like a totally different person. My stomach dropped as I heard everything."
"Yeah, obviously, it's stressful if you as a couple are struggling to make ends meet, and that is providing an entirely added layer of stress."
"Infidelity estimates suggest that over 25 percent of married men and 20 of married women engage in extramarital affairs over the course of their relationships."
"I was home alone with four kids. After months of chasing Chris around town, catching her in the act, Robert finally moved out and would subsequently file for divorce."
"Sexual assault occurs in all types of relationships including marriage. Assault is any kind of sexual contact against your will regardless of your relationship."
"I could leave this marriage today and never have to work again in my life."
"Chances are the stuff your spouse has been complaining about for a long time, some of it's probably true and you've stopped listening."
"The foundation of lies is probably the strongest part of her marriage to Mr. Young."
"Once sex stops being a part of a marriage how the man perceives and treats the wife also changes with time."
"I lost the tag team titles 'cause Sting slapped my wife."
"His wife didn't have sex for 20 years because he was like well I tried and she just rejected me so I'm never trying that again."
"I think she realized then, that there's little or no chance of us returning to a normal married life."
"The pressure of work was unbelievable, I was having, not having marital problems, but my wife was about to have a baby and she is difficult labor."
"The problems they had were just like the problems of any other two-person marriage."
"She was locked in an unsatisfactory marriage to Louis and she managed to end that and come away with her inheritance."
"Assuming, though one cannot be sure, that the husband was guilty, what made his attitude doubly unreasonable was the fact that with the exception of this one small irrepressible foible, Mrs. Foster was and always had been a good and loving wife."
"I thought we had a good marriage... my entire world was shattered on New Year's Eve."
"If your marriage is in trouble... it has to do with what they feel: I don't feel that you love me, I don't feel that you like me, I don't feel that you respect me."
"It affects relationships between husbands and wives when the atmosphere in a home is not right."
"I had no idea that she was unhappy with our marriage, but cheating was the death blow to our happy life."
"You married me. If you can't give me all your love, give me enough respect to keep whatever this is out of our home."
"The thought of continuing to be scolded by my husband forever filled me with despair for my future."
"Most marital problems are single problems that were never addressed."