
Cultural Belief Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Consciousness after death: common theme in culture and religion, but scientifically unproven."
"In Islamic tradition, the jinns are supernatural beings created by God from 'smokeless fire.'"
"The couples who kissed during the first firework will be together happily forever. That's romantic."
"The samurai of Wano might consider Kaido to be a god."
"Santa Muerte is seen as a powerful protector and intercessor capable of granting favors, protection, and assistance in various aspects of life."
"Legend says that during the time of Samhain, the veil between our world and the other world is at its thinnest."
"However, the folk legend of Jesus in Britain lives on; it remains a significant belief for many English Christians today."
"A white pill is this belief in hope... something good is happening."
"The number 13, believed to bring misfortune or bad luck, is even categorized as a legitimate phobia."
"In Chinese communities, the number 4 is considered worth being cautious of, likely because it is pronounced the same as the Chinese word for death."
"Black cats are generally seen as lucky on the Empire."
"The evil eye belief transcends cultural and religious boundaries, influencing practices like prayer, amulet wearing, and rituals aimed at dispelling its perceived negative effects."
"Generations of people were being raised with the whole South will rise again thing."
"It's fascinating to consider that this exact same activity transplanted to 18th century England Ireland or Scotland would have been readily blamed on the fairies."
"The belief in the afterlife is common across the world."
"Ghosts have been with humanity since the dawn of civilization."
"Americans believe they're number one more than any other country."
"Music is a universal language, and I am a huge supporter of that because I believe in a global world as well."
"Sympathetic magic is very real because there are laws that the similacrum is governed by."
"The number nine is considered lucky amulet culture and lucky charms are huge here."
"For many native cultures, Sasquatch is a spiritual being and a real flesh and blood creature."
"In Iceland, about half the local population still believes there is an entire parallel community living out there, just beyond the last suburbs of the Icelandic capital."
"Being a Norse Viking being put to the death in battle is your road to Valhalla."
"It's like we're living in a world where most people believe in Atlantis... I want to say Atlantis doesn't exist, it didn't exist... Dan wants to say is that Atlantis is really Sicily." - Sam Harris
"America who love America Americans who believe in American exceptionalism also want to see Jewish power also want to see a strong Jewish state."
"So many of them are well thought out and are honestly quite challenging but not so challenging that you'd never find the answer just hard enough to make you think outside of the box."
"The concept of a great mother was prevalent."
"Everyone knows drinking tea makes you smarter."
"I've come to this city for 10 years with one basic premise: this is the best country on the planet."
"The rule of three is people usually pass away in groups of three within the same month."
"The Ottawa tribe described the Dogman as belonging to another tribe of shape-shifting Skin Walkers."
"Clover with four leaves is considered good luck."
"Some people think that a rainbow brings good luck or that you can make a wish if you see a rainbow."
"The folklore surrounding the tomb is too good not to talk about...locals believe that this tomb is a gateway to another realm." - Adding a mythical touch to the mystery of Newgrange tomb in Ireland.
"It is widely believed, especially in Japan, that Megumi is still alive."
"The stone is a witness, capable of hearing and bearing witness."
"The belief in the Age of Aquarius has deep roots but is a relatively modern phenomenon."
"Bad luck will rain on you if you open an umbrella indoors."
"We used to believe that somebody from our land would become the ruler of the world."
"It was this belief that granted the American peoples the moral authority to disregard the historical territorial claims of the native American population."
"It's believed to be a protective eye, so in the Asian culture especially in the Indian culture and the single ease culture it's as if you had a third like a god-like figure watching over you."
"There is a cultural belief within the post office that still these postmasters are guilty and they just got lucky."
"If you kill someone's dad, you have to get married. It's that serious."
"Magic is very common here, the so-called vlak magic or vlasca magia in balakian is said to be one of the strongest in the world."
"For the Yurok and Karuk of Northwest California, Bigfoot is just another Denizen of the forest worthy of cautious respect just like a bear or a cougar."
"Rain on your wedding day is actually a sign of good luck."
"Our family friends, they're Italian, they're like, 'Red's really lucky in Italian.'" "
"We believe that the diversity of mankind is a manifestation of divine will."
"In Turkey, the evil eye keeps bad spirits away."
"For the Sherpas, Yeti has always been very real and very much alive."
"Pineapples are used as like a symbol... they're supposed to be good luck."
"Cochise was raised to believe in the spiritual world around his people."
"Eat more noodle for the Chinese, more noodle, longer you live; long noodle, long life."
"No one must step over a child or risk stunting their growth."
"If you ring that gong three times, it's supposed to give you good health, longevity, and prosperity."
"It's very important because our prophecy is that one of these days, the white-skinned person is going to come and be able to do what their instructions are with us Hopi."
"It's old, it's Japanese law that if you can't sleep at night, it's because you're awake in someone's dreams."
"Many cultures from around the world over history believe that understanding the breath was fundamental to understanding yourself."
"Japanese people believed that their nation was protected by God... they called it divine wind, which in Japanese is pronounced kamikaze."
"The peculiarity of Tamuramaro's daring martial exploits as a samurai in early Japan had given rise to the renowned Japanese proverb: 'For a samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of black blood.'"
"This tree in Russia is called money tree and if it grows really big at home, that means that the household is going to prosper."
"That mask is said to bring happiness and luck to the occupants of the house."
"In my culture, that is not the end. They are still with us as long as we do not forget them."
"Do not let your mirrors face each other."
"Water is life, you know, in all cultures, in all traditions."
"Native American cultures believe that both good and bad dreams fill the air at night."
"Social fact is something that's believed to be a fact by your own culture, and it governs your behavior."
"Belief in life after death has been a cornerstone of many cultures for thousands of years."
"Henna makes one look pretty; we believe that henna brings luck and blessings."
"The Tlingit and Simian peoples believe in the existence of a creature called the Kushtaka."
"We like us Mediterranean people believe that olive oil cures all in it."
"You know they say when someone gets buried and it rains, it's because that person was a very good person."
"Never let nobody use your broom. My grandma say when you let people use your broom, they sweep their problems into your house."
"There is no culture in the world which is free from ghosts or the fear of ghosts or from the belief in ghosts, and there never has been."
"The spiral the Abuelo's are talking about is the essential component of creation."
"If millions of people independently all over the world in lots of different cultures think something's happening and claim it's based on experience, then maybe they're right."
"The prevailing theory of stress in our culture is the germ theory of stress, which says stress is outside us."
"Ancient Egyptians worshiped garlic, believing it protected them from evil spirits."
"It's supposed to catch your bad dreams."