
Minimization Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Minimize web browsing on the device as much as possible."
"It's not the end of the world; it's not our most important environmental problem."
"It's so minimizing and it's also gaslighting."
"Everybody's making a mountain out of a two to three percent mall hill."
"The only thing left is parking tickets and jaywalking."
"At least he's not a child molester, which is so nuts."
"Stop making failure such a big deal, it's really not a big deal."
"If that's the worst that he gets, then sure."
"It wasn't a smoking gun more like a smoking pipe."
"Start downplaying all of these fears around covid."
"Expose your negative voice, it actually minimizes it."
"A drop in the bucket for her, just a quick reminder."
"Dude, you pick the worst day to pull this shit like the worst day possible where you're gonna try to crash you as cultural fest and pull something and you know what you yourself are not that big of a threat okay."
"Imagine if you use the 'it's been worse' excuse about climate change or racism."
"The goal is to lose as few people to the virus as possible."
"It wasn't that big a thing, a little procedure on my tongue just to remove a little lump off the end."
"I mean, like come on, it wasn't even that bad."
"Disrupt the rest of society as little as possible. The harms from disrupting society are catastrophic."
"Our goal is to actively make that smaller every time and to eventually reach a point where there's nothing of any seriousness or importance in there."
"One phrase I'd wish we stopped using as the final point is 'it isn't that bad.'"
"I didn't crash y'all, I just nudged them, I just nudged them."
"In the scheme of life, this is a nothing compared to the real story."
"It wasn't nearly as bad as the Democrats claimed it was."
"Often our concerns are minimized or ignored or dismissed."
"It's just property, it's just this, it's just that, it's just freedom, it's just your life."
"No longer is it okay to prevent failure, but it's also very important to minimize damage when a failure happens."
"All you can do is minimize your future exposure to micro and nanoplastics."
"They can idealize you and then later on minimize you."
"Abusers deny and minimize the abuse, often blaming stress or denying it outright."
"Good regulations would minimize that risk as much as possible."
"He's minimizing it. He doesn't see it as an issue."
"In my mind, I kept minimizing it like it's not that bad."
"It's not the end of the world. It's really not a big deal."
"I just want what's mine. I don't want pain and destruction no more than is needed."
"We minimize the complex organizational structures."
"We want to minimize that error as much as possible."
"It's nothing serious, sir. Just a sprain ankle."
"The demons are generally speaking to be ignored...you only give them attention that's absolutely necessary."
"He started to ask me about the party I was at I told him about the creep but he just told me it was because I was short and cute."
"You can't eliminate risk, you can only minimize it. You can manage it as best you can."
"You mean he was only that big you mean he was that tiny that's the devil."
"You have overstepped a line. You need to access the minimal amount of data required in order to demonstrate the impact of vulnerability."
"He said it was a minor displacement."
"Avoid the least amount of disruption to the customer's Comfort."
"'The problem of slavery in the west is a fuss over an imaginary negro in an impossible place.' - Daniel Webster, downplaying the significance of slavery in the western territories."
"So, you know, it's not even that bad. There's a little dent right here, really small parking lot thing."
"The whole situation is a storm in a teacup, in my opinion."
"Don't be too scared about this, it's really not that big of a deal."
"It really helps minimize, if not eliminate, for some of our birds the hormonal triggers."
"Burnout is a common phenomenon that is too often minimized until it becomes like officially major depression."
"The least surface area that you have, the better off you are."
"Minimize technical debt where feasible, especially fundamental technical debt."
"Don't minimize what God has asked you to do."
"It's a chicken sandwich, therefore these extra calories really aren't that many more calories."
"The general idea, at least in my approach, is to minimize medications that aren't clearly of benefit."
"No one got hurt, that's hardly the point."
"The 50-year plan... was a defensive plan designed to put Parody in an authoritative position while also minimizing the casualties they'd cause."
"It's all just about minimizing suffering."
"Ensure continuity of services to minimize disruptions and interruptions as much as possible."
"Instead of this big collapsing down to an abelian group, you can first collapse minimally by quotienting out the commutator subgroup."
"It's fine, really, no need to make a big fuss."
"We optimize the whole and aim to do the minimum amount of work for the Maximum Impact by eliminating all of the waste everywhere."
"The process of your self-improvement journey is to simply just minimize, not eliminate, the periods of relapses when you get into the bad habits."
"Do your very best to minimize your triggers."
"Privacy issues... usually we want to minimize the amount of data somebody else knows about us."
"They managed to keep the damage to a minimum, which is good."
"Are you okay? I'm fine, it's just a flesh wound."
"The best you can hope for is to contain it, make it as small as possible so it stops being intrusive."
"Sometimes the things that become overwhelming, they feel like a mountain, but maybe they're a molehill."
"Lean production is about trying to minimize the resources involved in production."
"An individual's dose should be kept as low as reasonably achievable."
"You use everything that's available to you to have a decisive result, so you end it quickly. That minimizes casualties, and you achieve your objective as quickly as possible."
"Our objective is to minimize the total salary cost."
"Our legislation establishes Baseline data minimization requirements ensuring that companies only collect, process, and transfer data necessary to provide a service."
"Maximization is equivalent to minimizing only the negative of the function."
"If I'm upset and telling someone a problem I'm having, the most annoying thing is when they try to spin it to make it seem like it's not a big deal."
"This corresponds geometrically to minimizing the volume of the corresponding confidence ellipsoid."
"We're just trying to find the minimal of some function... it's just find the minimum of the function."
"In a constrained optimization problem... within this value of ranges you're looking for minimums."
"What's the harm of these folks protesting on a lawn? It's not a big deal."
"It just comes down to minimizing unnecessary risks."
"Environmental Impact Assessment... the whole exercise is done is actually to minimize those negative externalities."
"Think long term. Minimizing the importance of the things I'm doing helps."
"The energy I'm minimizing is the energy of my electronic wave function."
"First things first, the spider was not even that big."
"Whenever you make a mistake, just say 'oops' and it makes the problem so much smaller."
"By minimizing this, we can recover a perfect variational autoencoder."
"If you want to minimize, you go in the opposite direction of the gradient."
"I promise you, it was just a dog bite. That's all it was."
"Everything has a knock-on effect, and those are the things we keep trying to minimize."
"Everything comes down to minimizing the Gibbs free energy through these parameters Delta H and Delta S."
"The sum of all the squares of all differences, we want to minimize this value."
"The goal is to maximize the pure part of your program and minimize the impure part."
"When the problems do start to escalate, you do the right thing to minimize the effects of a small problem."
"I think it's fantastic at helping to minimize any of the darkness that I have on the inner portion of my under eyes."
"It minimizes the look of pores, fine lines, and wrinkles."
"What small issues are you making larger than life that are creating all this fear, and how can you make something that's a big issue into just something small and have some fun with it?"
"You're looking at something as like this giant elephant of an issue when really it could be much, much smaller."