
Economic Insight Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"If you haven't realized that the normal supply chain is failing you, you haven't tried to buy a product, good, or service requiring raw materials in a while."
"We often hear that the average cost of a wedding is about $30,000, but actually the median has ranged from 15 to $20,000 in the last decade."
"Whoever controls the money controls the nation."
"Markets have been manipulated since the beginning of time. The only thing you can do is decipher these moves and swim with the whales."
"Banks do that Banks don't have the money every time they make a loan they are printing money out of thin air."
"The money's not in a swimming pool in the backyard guys and hundred dollar bills it's in businesses all over the country growing jobs and increasing innovation."
"No matter what the economic environment is, you'll always find where the opportunity is."
"The risk is definitely there. I wish it was not the case." - Danielle DiMartino Booth
"When target and walmart are struggling you know it's really bad."
"People speculate that Soros uses charity to get access to world leaders in order to have better information about the world economy."
"It's easier to get a great rate of return when you're working with smaller amounts of money."
"Peep game: Middlemen make the most money in America."
"Not everybody is cut out to take that risk because when the tide goes out you see who's been swimming naked."
"The more rich people you make, the more money you make, and it's insane."
"Keen on making money, finding new sources of income, managing money with a keen eye."
"You save your money in a traditional conventional fiat bank and you're going to watch your purchasing power dwindle down."
"The dollar loses 7% of its purchasing power every year."
"Long-term trend direction is going to drive a lot more significant price action than looking for sales."
"It's not about AMD winning, it's about competition. GPU pricing war is good for everyone. You guys win, we win."
"The economy is a reflection of the stock market... If you understand money then you can't be touched."
"Markets drop three times faster than they rise because fear is a stronger emotion than greed" - Insight into the psychology driving market movements.
"Governments don't know how to make money; they're not designed to make money."
"Inflation eats away at the buying power of your savings."
"Value equals fundamental value plus community value."
"Are you aware that even something that little, $300 a month in gift cards, is like having a massive effect on crime? That's an indication right there."
"Your home is not making you rich; dollars are losing value."
"Money is very motivating, that is factually accurate."
"This is a warning that even though crypto is supposed to fight inflation..."
"claw machine Arbitrage folks if you you don't believe that opportunity is everywhere"
"Strippers have always made a lot of money... because they've perfected the art of appreciating that I appreciate them sexually."
"The rare [ __ ] that you know is good you'll never lose your Dollar on."
"I do believe that if you do have a deep recession the sort of assets that tend to do well if it's a deeper recession is gold."
"He's got a very important point about the financial system."
"Always remember, there's more fake money than real money out there."
"Creating a need and then filling it, that's how marketing works. Anyone in the corporate world will affirm this."
"The real winners are gold or things that central banks can't create."
"Why are those big investors not seeing hey this is the biggest increase we've ever had in global currency supply so therefore I should probably own some of these precious metals to protect against that?"
"The reason why the rich are getting richer and why they're going to continue becoming richer is because they understand these two things."
"The rich will continue to become richer because they understand these two things and they will always continue to work to buy assets."
"If you look at what's happening in the fiat world, if you look at all this money printing, you are in one of the safer places to hide from this inflation."
"The stock market actually does, for being as frenetic as it is, it does a really good job of reflecting the actual value that is created by these companies over time."
"The path to a trillion dollars isn't about any one thing."
"Bitcoin is going to get cut to 450 Bitcoin and so if you have only $20 million or $25 million of Bitcoin getting created every day but you have $500 million trying to find Bitcoin the price has got to go up to accommodate everyone right?"
"When you start to see these asset prices crash the people that come in and then buy are the ones that come out as winners over the long term."
"Big money comes from electricity, our future lies in electricity."
"Follow the money because it will answer so many questions."
"Anything that is man-made we can produce more of it."
"Gold's purchasing power goes up when the markets are down."
"The Royals make money from Sovereign grants and Duchies."
"You can't go wrong with ratios. They should tell you where capital flows are going."
"Think about it if you're willing to take a ride for four to five years and capitalize on these things that the government's saying over there and put your money out there and let it sit for four to five years these are the stocks to consider."
"It's actually not that hard... Follow the money and you find out how this stuff works."
"It's not prices going up, it's your dollar going down."
"Air-cooled Porsches outpace the stock market."
"If you buy a new car, automatically as soon as you drive it off the lot, you're gonna lose about 10% of that car's value."
"Cheap cars go up in value when the market goes down."
"The financial system... it's not the stock market, it's the dollar. It's the U.S. dollar and all fiat-based money which is attached to nothing."
"Lower the lower the paper price goes the more deliveries will be made because it'll be more worth it for them to be made."
"Man, that is a lot of money you can make in a short amount of time."
"It's actually quite helpful for the Fed to see this bubble deflate."
"They know that the way to make gigantic fortunes is either create effectively an illegal monopoly or to find some other way to unfairly rig the game."
"Inflation historically often comes in waves. As soon as you kind of stop suppressing it, it comes right back." - Lyn Alden
"Markets hate uncertainty; more information tends to lift them."
"Gold and silver know what's going on right now."
"The market looks up, but opportunities are still down."
"As Warren Buffett says, when the tide recedes, we're going to see who's swimming naked."
"Jobs come from businesses in the private sector."
"Everybody shout out to Jeff Booth: It takes money to make money, and a lot of it."
"It's the same thing, man. Down markets are... convert[ed] to be extremely profitable."
"Copper is king. All the old stuff is going to need it, all of this new stuff is going to need it."
"Gold does well during periods of time when people are concerned about the maintenance of purchasing power in conventional assets."
"There's a massive market that is willing to pay for single player quality AAA experiences, and that market is not shrinking." - Hermann Holst
"You're starting to see this many places go negative on home prices year-over-year."
"If you're worried about recession... you do know that they're going to drop rates."
"Money's losing value but assets are going up."
"The biggest money in the commercial banking system they're fleeing the banks that are supposedly safe so that should be kind of an eye-opener to you."
"The wealthy understand that if inflation keeps going up minimum wage stays the same or goes down and the spending power of your dollar goes down."
"The true cost of a thing is well beyond the price tag."
"Cracks emerge in the developed market central banks."
"Kinda makes sense why it's so expensive, which is a thing I thought I would never say about bottled water."
"It's really important that we know exactly what's happening right now because the markets are so close to exploding and going into this new bull market."
"It also shows you how strong retail investors are now."
"While fiat currency weakens due to the increased supply, precious metals and Bitcoin are immune to such debasement due to their guaranteed scarcity."
"When other countries are buying gold, you should be doing the same. Our central banks are doing it, so that means there is a plan."
"Shoppers spent more on back-to-work apparel and clothing for special occasions."
"With great power comes great responsibility, so credit is that power."
"We're already in a recession. I mean, when you can't go to the gas station or the grocery store and not understand we're already in a recession, right?"
"If you think that any sector just stands alone and is not impacted across other sectors then you're mistaken."
"Many people don't recognize inflation as a tax but it is it literally devalues and robs your money of its value."
"Make sure you take quality pictures or you could stand out on Turo better."
"Both TVs are supposed to be game changers with regards to OLED performance."
"Nothing retains value in a recession. I mean some things do like shorts."
"Norway's sovereign wealth fund is reportedly the largest in the world."
"It's unbelievable what you could do; this is how the rich get richer."
"Follow the money, and the money will tell you what's really going on."
"Trump is very keyed into tax law, real estate, the economy."
"I had a video that I posted that basically said that a buyer's market was on the way."
"This is where the art of investing comes into play."
"What everyone calls a financial crisis was, and remains today, still a monetary crisis."
"It's one of those most remarkable results in economics actually, it's one of the insights that economics has contributed to society."