
Creative Integrity Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"I think my audience would have loved it and I felt like I would have been sacrificing good content just to come up with some other idea."
"By preserving the creative integrity of a program and by prioritizing quality, a show can end but never really die."
"I haven't been doing this out of necessity to fight that but the story I've had in mind just naturally does do that."
"It's an anomaly in every single way there's no woke nonsense in it there's no pandering or insufferable girl bosses it feels like a real movie made by people who know what they're doing."
"The app store is still host to a fair amount of games that are created out of a love for the medium."
"Using references does not make you a bad artist."
"True content creation is an artistic thing. You create because you want to see it in the world, regardless of the results."
"If you can't do it that justice, like take it to the next level, you gotta leave it alone, find something else."
"I don't want to put out content just because I'm putting it out."
"You think you're gonna come over and put your grubby little hands in there just ask."
"You have to trust in what these characters are and what the lore is."
"I promise if I write any other books, they'll be from my own ideas."
"Approaching any creative process with making fandoms happy would be a mistake."
"Creative integrity is the ability to make content that you yourself would watch."
"I think it's important to have that creative integrity."
"Remastering is one thing but really remaking and improving on the original while still staying true to the original vision is, I think, the best foot forward."
"There's no substitute for passion and familiarity with the source material."
"The line between appropriating designs and being influencer-inspired proves to be very thin."
"Usually, the worst creative crimes are made when you're trying to make a game for someone else, some perceived demographic that in all likelihood doesn't actually exist."
"Just because people from outside of that target audience come in and tell you that you should be making the game or developing the game differently, that doesn't mean that you should."
"I think as long as it's not a direct ripoff."
"That's how we always should operate. You should also have creative integrity and respect your own vision."
"There was a time when directors writers and producers took pride in coming up with new original ideas."
"I love that score and somehow it's like you haven't borrowed that from an already existing song so the source not eligible."
"Charging a reasonable amount for a product does not mean someone is immediately being a money-grabbing a**hole who sold out their creativity."
"Marvel should invest in new characters and their own IP, and not recycling Thor just to put gender in to make it a hip new thing."
"It felt right. If it doesn't feel right, I'll never put it out."
"I feel like it would be rude to my audience if I tried to drastically shift into a different type of content."
"If you can't comprehend that a load of people really enjoying the source material is reason enough to respect it and to replicate it authentically then you lack the ability to do any good work yourself."
"I'm more like a people Observer, you know? It's just lame if I just copied someone else's stuff."
"He had big plans for this record prior to Nipsey passing so it's not like he just came up with some idea now to just do some shit just so he could sell something."
"Maybe he's just an artist, faithful to the art form he loves."
"Artists shouldn't be asked to change their creative direction."
"I spent all these years writing these songs for him to... rap my friend to like is just disgusting."
"It's not about the money you make, it's not about the followers you get, it's not about any of those things. You're getting into this craft because you're an artist."
"I'm sick of writers seeing that fans are expecting a thing to happen one way in their story and then proceeding to change their story to account for the fans' expectations and end up making the story worse as a result."
"How to Train Your Dragon movies is when I see them. I don't feel like DreamWorks is trying to copy anything."
"I just hope that they get to retain creative control, the original writers, and they don't Netflix it up."
"It is unacceptable for someone to alter work without considering the original author's intent."
"Don't change and ruin the story that makes the original special, but change the way that original story plays out."
"If I feel like I'm forcing it, I'm like, just don't do it. I'd rather be less successful and make stuff that I really care about and am really confident in than force myself to do something I don't really feel like doing."
"A remake of a beloved classic should pay tribute to the things that made the original so good in the first place."
"I think if I think too much personally about what other people are going to think about something that I make, I think you can accidentally... I think the worst thing that can happen is you make something that you don't love that other people like."
"There's so much love put into this film that can only equate to somebody that loved the idea of these characters more than how much money they were going to make."
"We either become just another studio making this tripe or continue to be what actually makes us us."
"I guess very strong feeling that this was not so much an endeavor through the purity of story."
"Black Panther showed that representation and diversity aren't creative sacrifices..."
"You're sacrificing the whole reason you became a creator in the first place."
"That's largely because they want Star Wars, whereas Disney is coming along and putting a load of external things into Star Wars because they want to push a certain message."
"What mistakes might Disney make that they should probably avoid? Oh boy, um I mean just deviating from The Source material I would say."
"Sometimes sequels are baseless cash grabs trying to make a quick buck out of previous successes."
"You're not trying to – Any creator can share their opinion at any time, but you're... It sounds like you're more a purist about, 'I want this to be what it is, and nothing more.'"
"I'm not doing it for you, I'm not doing it for the professional critic, I'm not doing it for the peers, not even the creatives, certainly not from a corporate level. I'm looking at it from the perspective of the people that are actually into this and care about it."
"I don't give a [ __ ] about your millions of views because I have a vision."
"All these other animation groups want to be like Pixar but they steal the wrong things from them."
"No matter what process, no matter what alternative process you use... keep it real."
"Being faithful is the number one thing you want in an adaptation."
"If you believe in a creative vision, you should stand by it."
"The approach of the Tolkien estate has always been that if Tolkien wrote about it, it happens and you can't change it."