
Actor Appreciation Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"This show is super fun, and Catherine Hahn is a treasure."
"I loved what he brought not only to the Star Wars universe but also every other project he's been."
"I also love Leticia Wright, and I'm really excited to see her step into the suit and see what her take is on the role of being the Black Panther."
"I loved the cast and I thought that, uh, love the cast."
"The 8th Doctor played by Paul McGann is the greatest Doctor of the year."
"I would say this is one of Jake Gyllenhaal's best roles."
"Donald Glover as the actor that I would like to star in every movie for an entire year because everything he touches turns to gold."
"What Star Wars Rebels did for me was it made me realize that I can now say Freddie Prinze Jr. is one of my favorite Star Wars actors."
"See, I personally think Henry Cavill is a great Superman and it's honestly a shame that he's not down to reshoot footage for the Justice League Snyder cut."
"I really enjoyed him in the transformer movies but I also like Mark Wahlberg."
"Samuel L. Jackson, the more I think about it, just... he's phenomenal."
"Oscar Isaac, who has been wowing us through just so many different characters over the last handful of years." - Julia Prescott
"He's a really good actor and I really wanted Mad not Matt Bomer what the hell's his name Matthew Goode I thought he would have been spectacular."
"It's great to see Brendan Fraser getting the recognition he deserves."
"I like everything he's in yeah i really think the gift did a lot he's so i love him he's great he's he's very warm in this one which i i love he you know i just like his face i know i just like his face too."
"I think Jeff Daniels was so underrated as a comedic person."
"Tom Holland is the best live-action Spider-Man."
"He was cool as hell. He was just really, really like a warm guy, you know? You wouldn't think, you know, just because of the characters he played."
"Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin or bust." - Affirmation of an iconic portrayal.
"Tom Hardy has Venom, casting alone for the character, I think that's fantastic."
"Chris Pratt, every time he pops up, magnificent."
"The animation is jaw-dropping... it's just crazy."
"I love Jack Black I think he's hilarious uh and I especially love him in this movie uh this movie wasn't as well received as Napoleon Dynamite but I think it was very good."
"It's very rewarding to be on screen with him."
"You played a villain on some of your movies but for me you're a real hero, a good man, a good father, a good husband, and a decent human being." - Jafet Koto's wife
"Devastated at this terribly sad news... Paul was a lovely, wonderful human being, kind, funny, super caring, and the greatest actor I ever worked with." - Tribute to Paul Ritter
"Captain Carter, alternate universe Captain America, love Hayley Atwell."
"The return of both Jamie Lee Curtis and Nick Castle to the franchise was welcome and the addition of the always great Judy Greer added as well."
"I'm very intrigued. I love Brandon Ralph, I think Brandon Ralph is terrific."
"Even though I wasn't blown away by the trailer, you guys know I've been excited about this ever since they first announced it. I love Henry Cavill."
"I wish Michael B Jordan was Black Panther, so much charisma."
"I love the fact that he's on this ride that DC's taking your money he's not complaining about his role or how beefy it necessarily is in one movie." - Mark Ellis
"None of them have come out yet, so I mean that Heath Ledger Joker is incredible."
"Mads Mikkelsen is one of my favorite actors working today."
"I'd be up to seeing him back, both him and Sam Worthington and what's it the three of those guys."
"I love this guy he's played by Tom Atkins from Halloween 3 the fog and numerous others."
"I know Jared Leto gets a lot of hate especially now for uh the Morbius stuff and uh the Joker role that he played but uh he does not let down in this movie I promise you it's a phenomenal movie."
"I became aware of him during it man I am so grateful that now the world will get to see more of him."
"I like this news I like all three actors I mean we have a sophie turner who played Sansa Stark and in Game of Thrones who you know it was kind of annoying in the beginning but her character has really turned around."
"I think Henry Cavill would be a pretty darn good choice."
"There is just the right level of magic to him in that role... that I just can't deny being completely mesmerized by every time I see the film."
"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie but the myth."
"As long as keanu reeves wants to act there will always be a place for him in film."
"It's like seeing all those actors gives you a nostalgic feeling."
"David Huddleston played Santa with such kindness and warmth."
"Leave it at that, perfect actor. Thank you Keanu Reeves for being so professional."
"It was so wonderful to see charlie cox's matt murdock again"
"Watching the music videos, I loved seeing more of Ranveer Singh."
"Eric Roberts is awesome, he's a great actor. He's done crap but he was not pretentious. I love Eric Roberts."
"Taron Egerton is Robin. Little old, but Taron Egerton is awesome."
"Love, love, love the fact that Marvel put out these little tributes as a sign of respect and love and just like appreciation for these actors or these characters. It's absolutely incredible."
"Throughout a stellar career, Johnny has captivated millions from Sweeney Todd the murderous barber to the sad and misunderstood Edward Scissorhands."
"Henry Cavill's my guy. He has been since the first day I saw Man of Steel. He is the best Superman we've ever had."
"If I buy him so much and it's like I really like his acting a lot."
"I think this movie's gonna be pretty delightful. I think Will Smith, he's a very charismatic actor, a very charismatic screen presence."
"Jack Nicholson did it for me. I loved his rendition."
"It's always good to see Patrick Stewart on screen... he still got it."
"Jeffrey Wright elevates every project that he is in. From the first time that he came onto the scene in Basquiat, if you haven't seen it, it's phenomenal."
"I get excited to see Channing Tatum in movies now."
"Mark Ruffalo looks pretty good. I think he has the serum in him."
"Would I enjoy seeing Zazie Beetz in anything? Yes."
"It's a good day to be a fan of Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill."
"He was always there for fans, and I think that he genuinely loved what he did."
"We're getting this Batman... and I love the Keaton continuity!"
"Tom Holland would probably be on top of most people's lists he's the perfect image of what a nerdy teenage Peter Parker would be like today."
"I'm really happy to see her in this as well."
"I always felt that Eddie Murphy was pretty funny in the golden child and that he gives one fine performance."
"This series made me care so much more about Loki and Tom Hiddleston."
"I genuinely have a lot of respect for Stallone."
"If you can watch this movie and say that Sylvester Stallone's not a good actor then there's something wrong with you."
"Patrick Warburton is by far my favorite part of this series."
"That said, I actually really like the choice of Joaquin Phoenix to play the Joker."
"Casting Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka was perfectly cast."
"I'm so glad Robert Englund's back in this." - Expressing appreciation for a beloved actor's return.
"I'm not watching him play characters, I'm just watching Nicolas Cage."
"He's perfect he is Peter Parker he's so he's fantastic."
"I think he's an incredibly talented actor. I legitimately do not just a comedic actor and not just an action star but like I think he can act um he's pretty good like he's getting there man."
"Anything Woody Harrelson is in, I think he's a fantastic actor."
"Joseph Gilgan for Constantine he's something special."
"I actually enjoy watching him outside of the costume because William Defoe is having so much fun playing this character, so many good things all happening for you, all for you, yeah, who loves you baby, yeah, I love it."
"Danny DeVito is a guy who's lasted a long time and deserves to be remembered even longer."
"I understand exactly how disturbing the show is and how glorious."
"I love Woody Harrelson so much, he is perfect casting, I can't wait to see him with Tom Hardy."
"It's one of Christian Bale's best performances I think that may sound like a bold statement but this was such a difficult role and he he he more than nailed it with this character."
"Tom Holland was an actor that we fought very hard for to play the part."
"I actually love Affleck in the role... He's my favorite part of what we've had." - Ryan McCaffrey
"I loved Michael Keaton, I wanted more of that."
"Let's start with Scarlett Johansson. She's been great as Black Widow and continues to be great."
"I really liked Florence Pugh as Yelena, Widow's sister."
"The love story, yeah Pedro Pascal such a good actor dude his smile lights up the room."
"Nicholas Cage knows how to pick his projects he's good."
"I really like Daniel Kaluuya in this movie."
"It's so great you brought that old actor back, I missed him, he was terrific."
"Tom Hardy my god was he good in this."
"Dr. McCoy is my favorite character from Star Trek: The Original Series, and DeForest Kelley is my favorite actor from that cast."
"I'm like, 'The trailer? I know Jim Carrey looks like he's having fun.' It's good to see Jim Carrey in a movie, isn't it?"
"It's Nick Cage because it's so very eclectic. He's so committed to this. It's Nick Cage."
"I like Owen Wilson, who is turning into a guy who I used to find annoying most of the time, and now he's moving into an area where he pops up in stuff and I'm digging him."
"Robert Pattinson is a very good actor, very underrated. I kind of want to see him come back into the spotlight."
"Marial vampy was I know Mario Van Peebles isn't an oscar-winning actor but I like him and I like him as Jake because he's a fun balance to go along with Michael's character."
"Paul Rudd just seems like a nice guy and I really like everything that he appears in."
"Of course, you have Tom Hiddleston as Loki, so how can you go wrong?"
"I like me some Kevin Costner action movies."
"I still thought Michael Keaton was great as Batman in this and in the whole series."
"Heath Ledger I thought was great. I thought Jack Nicholson was incredible. I love like that one just it felt very creepy."
"I love Oscar Isaac, he has done a fantastic job."
"All hail Peter Capaldi, king of doctors perhaps."
"I think Tom Holland is an interesting take. I think it's cool. I can totally get how as a comic book fan, I would love it."
"I hate the character, but Jesse Plemons is an amazing actor."
"I respect you as an actor, you're incredible, you're great."
"I just love Adam Driver, I think he's so great."
"I really liked Ezra Miller as The Flash in this one."
"You've got all sorts of good Denzel Washington films to catch up on."
"That lightness, Billy Dee Williams, absolutely incredible."
"My favorite character in the movie is probably Javier Bardem."
"I gotta say, Jeff Bridges might be one of my favorites of all time."
"The ones with Harrison Ford, I think, are really good."
"I personally like Tom Hanks' comedies best."
"No matter how much you dislike a movie, you should never start harassing the people who brought the characters to life."
"One thing about me, I'm gonna go see a Denzel movie."
"Henry Cavill, who is arguably the best thing about the DCEU."
"I'm a sucker for anything Ian McKellen, so I would say he's worth more just because I love Ian McKellen."
"There really is something about the way that Johnny Depp plays Willy Wonka that makes him so lovable."
"Andrew Garfield though is probably my favorite actor of all time."
"He's probably my favorite Batman since Michael Keaton."
"It's really good, well, but then you've also got Chris Evans in this movie, he was quite enjoyable."
"I've always felt like Ryan Gosling's pretty good."
"I truly think he's a tremendous actor, one of the best out there."
"I like Jake Gyllenhaal a lot; he's really silly."
"I will watch Tom Holland play Spider-Man in any venue, at any time, in any place."
"My favorite character in the movie is Stilgar, Javier Bardem, after that one spitting scene. That dude has such a presence."