
Commands Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"This is where our machine is going to look for commands."
"What is that? Blue has the new lanky box foxy box. Oh wow, we've actually unlocked admin commands, Adam. Check this out."
"Wow, guys, this is game-changing. This is a game-breaking hack. We unlocked a full rainbow friends admin command menu."
"Obey my commands at all times, above all, protect yourselves at all times." - Tony Weeks
"Linux is really simple as long as you understand the commands."
"I said on the ground, what are you running at me for?"
"Tick warp command allows the game to run as fast as it can for a set amount of ticks while allowing it to perform all the tasks each game tick as it needs to."
"What is a legal command in the military? If you are asked to go and kill somebody and you carry it out, it's an illegal command."
"To install Kubernetes k3s, it's gonna be one simple command, that's really all it is."
"It's definitely user friendly because you know you gave me those commands."
"Once you master these commands, then there are more commands and more options that you can use in the future."
"Understanding Linux syntax is easier with the 'man' command, which stands for manual."
"If you disobey those commands, they have you in a social credit system."
"As we saw, the sequence for interacting with terraform configurations is generally these four primary commands: init, plan, apply, and destroy."
"The fundamentals of Linux, whether you're talking about Kali, Arch, Ubuntu, Parrot, Red Hat, the primary commands are all going to be the same."
"So within a matter of some 30 minutes, we learned about 10 commands."
"Guess what I'm going to do? I'm going to highlight everything which is going to be command or control A so you're actually selecting everything I know it's kind of weird and then you're going to copy it."
"One important concept with these Linux shells is the pipe symbol."
"Absolutely do that, you have to create, if you have one big condition that you're an alumni from before 1980 for example you can build that all into one command and then direct them over the appropriate page."
"If you're fairly new to the application, you're probably going to go through a good few weeks where you're not 100% sure what each of these commands does."
"Not all commands available in Excel have an icon on the ribbons. There are some commands that purely exist in the background, and they're usually commands that you don't tend to use all that often."
"let's take a look at some essential Linux commands for managing directories and files."
"Churan ordered a wow to eat the bones that formed the cage, his faithful animal obeyed and immediately went to one of the bones."
"If you're in pose mode and you want to go back into object mode, you can press ctrl+tab again."
"...there are two commands you'll use to interact with the bot they each start with a forward slash."
"Put her down, put her back on the chair. Tie her hands back up, please tie her up."
"Three or more triggers the triggers the Action Link follow Ballo come on my oh Lord do it now."
"Nine useful, interesting, or just plain cool commands that are worth knowing about."
"One-liner commands are the best for tasks that we don't repeat daily but are very quick and easy."
"We've got 2000 ish distinct commands that VIM that I can express very cleanly to them."
"...so if you're in Windows, it's Ctrl D."
"What if we want to do something with our push button that isn't one of these default actions to create custom commands for our push button or our other peripherals we're going to make use of wled presets."
"These are keyboard shortcuts to execute commands."
"So far, we have our platform model which is our parent model and a platform model can have no commands associated with it or it can have one or more commands associated with it."
"The commands of Allah are like a key that fit perfectly in a lock that opens the door to the well-being of the individual and Society."
"...now it's going to generate an f-stab and put it in Mount Etc Fstab, and it's done..."
"When you call run the second time yield returns and would execute the next line."
"Ethical statements were much more like commands."
"The magic thing about what we do in the stem cell area is the fact that we are learning how to educate them and how to give them commands."
"Many humans teach their pets lots of commands, like to bring a ball, to count, or even to dance."
"One of the best things about manpages is that anytime you want to know something about a command you can just simply view the man page for that command and read about whatever it is you're trying to find out in that moment."
"...positive rate Gear Up 130 flaps up power back to MCT goddamn's engaged."
"IP config command is used to determine TCP IP settings DHCP configuration DNS default gateway and subnet mask."
"I like to teach dogs if I lift up on the leash I want them to sit if I pull down on the leash I want them to lay down or if I pull the leash in any direction I want them to follow it."
"Source code is just a list of commands."
"You now have a physical cue that means ‘go on your spot’, ‘get on your bed’, ‘hop it up’ or whatever verbal cue you want to add to that."
"They sit under the 6522 and listen for certain commands being sent to the disk drive."
"The best way to do it is with SCPI; source measure instruments like this have plenty of existing SCPI commands, so I don't have to go invent a new command structure for it."
"Vacuum is this cool command of Postgres that runs different kinds of routine maintenance."
"A command is invoked on some system, then this raises some domain event."
"Make sure to end that with a semicolon, because otherwise it won't execute the command."
"Can you use the extend command? Absolutely, but now you can also see how you could use the fix command."
"Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands."
"We're going to use the pull command which gives us that saran wrap kind of behavior to this model."
"Clone command allows you to clone an existing Delta Lake table into a different path."
"If you run the command once or a million times, it's going to result in the same end state."
"You can load the remote up with tons of shortcuts and commands."
"How do we jump back? Yes, Ctrl O, nice."
"I recommend to stick to events as much as you can and use commands in very rare use cases."
"It's a way to take objects and model them as commands that execute actions."
"This command says we want to change index 2 of the array x is pointing at to 12."
"Protect yourself at all times and obey my commands at all times."
"All those keyboard commands that you know and love in vim, they pretty much do the exact same thing in VI FM."
"The ribbon commands take action on the files and folders on your computer."
"Convenient voice commands make it much easier for TV navigation."
"I wouldn't act one way or the other because commands don't mean anything; you'd have to give a reason, an argument behind the command."
"We have understood that how we can resolve the merge conflicts with the help of some couple of commands."
"Commands are just methods that are called from clients but run on the server."
"I cannot keep running the commands; instead, I can write everything in a file and automate it."
"Just like that, I have my entire project running with three command palette commands."
"Don't worry about all these big long commands... this is just walking you through how the whole flow actually works."
"Angular CLI provides us with a lot of commands which are very, very useful."
"Place means go there, stay there."
"The navigation layer performs movement and navigation of the robot; it accepts high-level and low-level commands."
"Curl is basically a way to perform network requests using terminal."
"Functions let us define commands in our code that take in some input, run some specific lines of code, and return an output."
"We told this dog to sit, shake, and lay down, and she knew all her commands, and we're like, 'What the heck, like who gave up this dog, this is a trained dog, how did this dog end up in the shelter?'."
"You can cycle through your previously used commands by using the up arrow key."
"The great thing about the list command is that you can use it in combination with other commands."
"The chmod command allows you to change the file mode bits and change the permissions of a file or directory."
"These are my bread and butter commands and shortcuts that make my life more productive, more fluid, and make modeling in Rhino super super fun."
"You don't want to randomly put in commands into your spacecraft, these test sequences, deployment sequences are very very carefully worked out."
"Remember, obey my commands at all times, protect yourself at all times."
"It's a set of commands that a computer carries out in sequence, one after another."
"Corgis are smart dogs who can learn not only basic but also advanced commands and tricks."
"Circle signs are orders, and red circle signs tell you what you must not do."
"Now that we've covered all the boring stuff, we can move on to the actual commands that will make your life a whole lot easier when working on the command line."
"Sometimes you're not going to have Python available to you and you'll probably need to understand how to use the sed and the awk commands to do these little text editing or text transformation tasks."
"It's not that much faster, but it does give you the ability to do execution of these commands in a more uniform way."
"I want you to obey my commands and give me a good, clean fight."
"I'm just going to show you all of the cool commands like the impulse response, the frequency response, the step response."
"Always map those incoming requests to commands and queries at the application layer."
"Speak, good boy, good boy. Sit, sit. Give me your paw, good boy."
"Guide dogs are trained to go on hard surfaces with a command."
"Control D means end of input on Unix. It's how we tell cat or any other program that there's nothing more for it coming from the keyboard."
"It's very important you know where you can find the explanation of the commands and functions which are used inside the scripts."
"Meta W copies it, but what if we wanted to cut? Well, you know, if I wanted to cut this word, instead of Meta W, how about Ctrl W, that cuts it."
"Control X Control S to save and then you would Control X Control C to close the document."
"You're the boss, so 12D will just follow out these commands as you've typed in there."
"What if will save your job is what it boils down to, and every commandment that supports what if."
"Make sure you don't screw up the export versus import commands."
"Obviously, you cannot cd into a file."
"This file is then passed into a compiler, which reads your commands and formats the writing according to them."
"So let's just go through line by line and see if we can make sense of all these commands."
"Once you learn just a couple of commands, you can really do some cool stuff with Access."
"Now that we have everything set up, we can run a few commands to actually deploy our contract."
"Activate forward scanners and launch proton torpedoes."
"The grammar for these commands is based on having a word at the very beginning that is understood to be a command."
"It reacts to the commands very intuitively and fast."
"The enter key carries out commands, for example, while you're on the internet, you can type a website address and then just press enter to go to the site."
"E to extrude, S to scale, those are the keys that no one is allowed to forget."
"Emacs has so many commands in it, it's crazy."
"In order for you to take the status of the Apache web server, whether or not it is running, you can just do service HTTPD status."
"This will allow us to execute docker commands successfully."
"Hopefully, this inspires you to go explore the commands a little further."
"With attributes, just like anything else, there are numerous commands we can use to work with attributes."
"Uboot is a complete system for itself, it has a large number of commands, each command can come handy in a specific situation."
"With Git, you're going to get Git Bash, which is a way to use Linux-like commands right on your Windows computer."
"We can also display file data just by saying type."
"Escape in AutoCAD means cancel, and Enter means finish the command."
"We can create our projects, create our files, whatever you want to do just by using the commands."
"We're going to make a command that says '/hello' and the plugin is going to say 'hello' back to us."
"We're gonna type in CD space tilde, then semicolon space curl - capital L space - capital O."
"We've done our due diligence for the system, and we already know beforehand the commands that we need to send to make these things happen."
"Now that that's connected, our commands will be sent directly to the Extron switcher."
"And with the right join commands, I can actually reconstruct all of the data I care about."
"When this sprite is clicked, we'll broadcast 'start game'."
"Taking advantage of these commands, these motions, these text objects is a big part of getting that efficiency."
"You can decouple the action from the client that's issuing the command."
"It's much more interesting to have a command that can take an argument."
"Next video, we're going to get started creating custom commands so players on your Discord server can start communicating with this bot."
"Think of a modifier as an option, like when you run a console command and you want to specify some option."