
Design Tools Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"If we've done the correct research, the best time to use this tool is probably on Logo designs or branding projects."
"Figma's design system includes shared components, style guides, automatic arrangements, and teamwork tools."
"One of the biggest features in XD is assets. In assets, you can save colors, you can save character styles, and you can save components, which you can then reuse later on across your entire project."
"So what can I do with them? Well, it's very simple. If I have, for example, another artboard, okay, and I want to use this component one that I just created, what I can simply do is just drag and drop my other artboards."
"Repeat grids, a very handy feature if you ask me."
"Give the curvature tool a go throughout this one... it's pretty cool."
"Shape Builder tool: replacing the Pathfinder tool for smoother, quicker results."
"Texture libraries, motion capture libraries, asset libraries... all of those things are very valuable."
"Don't forget about the incredible Typekit library if you're using Creative Cloud, it gives you access to a vast array of fonts."
"These fonts are free to download for commercial use."
"Welcome back to the course. In this lesson, we're gonna have a closer look at Figma's UI or user interface, and we're gonna learn exactly what each button and panel is doing."
"Figma Community opens up a new way of sharing your work with other people."
"Every designer is as strong as their knowledge of what they're using."
"Mock-ups are the simplest thing in the world. Just click on the smart object, add your design, and save it."
"Many designers turn to design assets from websites like Envato Elements."
"Photopia is a browser-based software... almost a direct clone of Photoshop that runs in your browser."
"Tools for UX design: Excel, Baxter, Notion, Keynote, OmniGraffle, Sketch, General Assembly."
"You get a lot of flexibility if you just join the stream and you haven't seen these, definitely go and download this material design icon pack."
"Colors are of course a useful tool in game design."
"Prototyping in Figma is pretty powerful, pretty much everything that you would want for page transition animations."
"Presumably, you're looking to actually start creating."
"Figma is far and away the number one design tool on Earth right now for designing websites apps digital products things like that."
"Blueprint Custom Brushes allow developers to create their own approach to landscape sculpting."
"Auto layout and components: the secrets to effortless design revisions. No more tedious individual changes!"
"One thing I love about Sketch is the fact that I can have rulers and different shapes to reference from whilst and drawing."
"Adobe XD was updated and we finally have a layout grid."
"Adobe Illustrator on the iPad has the shape builder tool which was a huge surprise to me."
"Figma... even if you're a developer and you don't care about design of learning how to create mock-ups of your websites."
"AI is coming to Figma, bridging the gap between designers and developers."
"If you're a student designer you would not be really well prepared for your future career if you did not have a Mac."
"Auto layout plus variants equal Iron Man plus Captain America, yeah, very powerful for sure."
"You can see there's a ton of functionality in the properties panel as you move through any object in InDesign."
"Adobe Express makes it much easier than Canva in my opinion. Here is why: I can keep all of my campaign graphics organized in one project with different page sizes, absolutely love that."
"And those were all 87 Adobe Illustrator tools."
"This new version has all the tools I'm normally using in much more complicated program except here it is way easier which makes it perfect for beginners but also for professionals."
"Figma acquires the diagram team to bring AI to their platform."
"Use tools like Color Space to generate color palettes for your design."
"Shapes are vector assets that you can create in just a matter of seconds over with Adobe Capture."
"Essentially, it's up to you as a designer to decide what are the right tools I need for the job and really clearly communicate those expectations."
"You can basically drag an image into your swatches palette, and then you can fill whatever objects you have on your page by just simply going to the fill and then clicking on the swatch."
"Luckily we have tools to make correct placement or layout easier."
"This is a great color picker, I really love using it."
"Do not deselect the copy that you made. Do not do anything else because this is the only time that the multiply and divide tools will work."
"All the popular design and productivity apps run on Mac OS."
"Themes are a great tool. They control the color, font types and sizes, formatting, and positioning of text and visuals."
"Whether you're just a beginner designer... or a professional graphic designer, it doesn't matter because Canva seems to have it all."
"These tools are extremely powerful and I believe that they're going to revolutionize the way that we make our designs."
"It's really just about noting where everything is, noting all of your measurements, even in a crude not to scale drawing that you can then put into a virtual kitchen builder."
"Canva is an easy to use design tool with a very rich feature set."
"Gaining more knowledge about the tools in designer can help you effectively automate most of your manual processes."
"Having it in Figma means you can actually have more scrollable and interactive content in here, which just brings your design to life and makes it a lot more easy for others to understand."
"I hope you really enjoy these tools, I put a lot of time to make each one of the function very useful and it really can help you to design."
"Auto layout is a property you can add to frames; it allows you to create designs that grow to fill or shrink to fit and reflow as their contents change."
"Being able to quickly throw together a really quick proof of concept inside of Figma or really any design tool can be super helpful on your journey as a developer."
"One of my favorite plugins is the eight shape specs plugin, a very quick way to document."
"A frame is essentially a container that you're going to use within your designs."
"It's 2023 and we now have a Figma plugin called Figma to Webflow."
"Using Figma for the icon family has enabled deeper collaboration, teamwork, and systems thinking."
"Zoom... I run all my video chats and Figma is in my opinion currently the best design tool out there."
"So if you're looking for a curve creation tool for SketchUp, this is probably the one I would recommend the most at the moment."
"You can not only select components between schematic and the PCB... You can also use different command to see specific objects in the schematic and in the PCB."
"It's very easy to quickly create something that looks professional."
"Figma is great, yeah I use Figma too, but when I'm not showing somebody or I'm just trying to create a concept, it's just easier to just go to paint and draw a couple of squares and make some notes."
"I couldn't live without it. This is one of the best tools for designers, for freelance developers, anything."
"We can also import fonts, we can import Google fonts and some other types as well."
"It's a full-blown CAD and CAM system, so it can do a lot of things."
"This is Figma. You can use this for absolutely zero cost."
"Magic Studio offers a powerful suite of AI tools that can help simplify your design process and save you tons of time."
"It might seem like I'm biased towards Figma, but it's just because Adobe XD still sucks."
"I'm just showing you guys how these tools can be used and how they're commonly used."
"Figma is a vector drawing tool where you can use the pen tool to create your own custom vector shapes."
"Magician is a plug-in that works inside of Figma and it uses AI to generate words, icons, and imagery."
"Chroma is a free tool to use, it's going to build a model of the types of colors and pairings of colors that you prefer to use."
"Instead of waiting for a design tool to ship that feature, we can create it ourselves."
"I'm going to use a plug-in called Stark, and you check contrast with it."
"I don't do my wireframes in Visio; that would be a little bit difficult. I actually use Figma, which is a great free-to-use tool."
"With tons of easy to use design tools and access to thousands of pre-made design templates, anyone can make custom t-shirt designs in a matter of minutes."
"I definitely can't recommend them enough; they're pretty much my go-to design platform for all of my print on demand products."
"Illustrator is... can be as complex or as simple as you make it."
"Libre is more inclined to be able to add fillets and because of that, whether you're working in injection molding or casting or something else, sometimes you just need a whole lot of fillets and it's a real lifesaver to have something that can get the fillets done."
"I wanted to make a node that was a tool that you could use with your creativity to create whatever sort of building you wanted."
"Logo Maker is a great tool for creating free logos, and I use it all the time."
"Figma is like air and water to us."
"The Adobe Illustrator workspace is designed to make it easier for those who use Adobe Illustrator and want to migrate over to CorelDRAW."
"Figma is where your design is born and is the main tool that most UX and UI designers out there use on a daily basis."
"Just like Photoshop, Canva do have keyboard shortcuts that you can use to make your workflow easier, make it more efficient, and speed things up."
"You can use a service like Canva. It's literally free to create some marketing material, some logos and some designs that you can put on your website."
"Hopefully, that's given you a good idea of the kind of tools you can use when you're going to create a nice surface within SolidWorks."
"The gumball allows me to move, copy, rotate, and scale geometry."
"I'm excited to talk about what I think might be one of the most important tools to come to Motion Graphics in a very long time."
"You can build websites and everything like that, there's templates and a bunch of different objects and images that you can use."
"Introducing Figma's Dev Mode, the seamless connection between design and development."
"SolidWorks weldments is a set of tools that's really useful for frame and structure design."
"My favorite way to use my Pro Memo MO2 Mini printer is in tandem with Canva."
"Design tools are becoming more and more sophisticated."
"When I talk about the value of making certain tools, it's not just about the time saved, it's about staying in that flow state as a designer."
"Anytime you have to make the most of your limited floor space, you certainly want to consider utilizing the tools inside of the Factory Design Suite."
"This allows you to use a pencil, pens, you can design anything that you want perfectly right on here."
"This changes the game for roads in Revit because you can use the railing tool to create the curbs."
"This is great and this is what I suspect a lot of designers are going to end up using."
"It's built for you and me, with features like toolkits and non-destructive editing, vector editing, pixel precision—all that good stuff."
"Anything you design in the design tool, we can successfully generate code with that."
"We're introducing guidelines and tools bringing any color into the Material Design system."
"Framer is a fantastic tool; they have matured a lot over the years with fantastic examples."