
Humorous Expression Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"I'd rub it all over my nipples." - Kevin Smith
"I'm gonna lay eggs in peace and Adam will not be able to oof any of them."
"What a problem to have, people raining money."
"That wasn't flying, that was falling with style."
"I want to replace JJ with um, Josh, one of the dumbest."
"It's just so good... I don't even know if you can hear me but I'm blowing air out of my notes."
"I was shooting at this mother trucker for like two hours. Don't do it, you mother trucker. Where are you? Ah-so means you're emoting them before killing them. This is probably my favorite thing."
"He can run by everybody... he's got rockets up his ass."
"I hate to be a printer but I kind of want that"
"They're selling like hotcakes, which is actually, they're brownies."
"It's very good irony bag or oh bizarro cortical saucy Pony cheese sauce other pine suppose I haven't uh picked Emma to know unless it happen."
"We're not gonna have any clue like Scrubs so what like get clean like take a shower?"
"The world is crazy and it's time to catch the grease boy."
"We're following you, egg lady, the whole train is coming."
"You can drag my black leggings out of my cold, dead, gnarly hands when I am in my 90s at the old folks' home."
"Welcome to overpoweredness. I don't know if that's a word, but Fellaini deserves my number one choice."
"You're in the blender, no you're in the blender now bro, how do you get out, surely just jump, try it bro, jump."
"I have not begun to unleash the Grouch, kitty."
"I still think this should be a felony and it smells great, let's put this on a plate and see how it tastes."
"Why can't I quit you? Now that's why can't I resume you."
"Spiders are just an instinctual like nope [ __ ] thing for me dude no matter the size shape don't care spiders a spider dude eight legs no legs don't give a [ __ ] bro I hate them all."
"Hey bro, I'm running, dude, I ain't trying to play around with no robots."
"Tickle my taint and call me Jeremy, that was a tantalizing piss."
"I need a big strong man, I need a himbo, holding out for him though at the end of the night."
"I have a dream. Actually, I don't need gaps anymore."
"Hopefully, I'm not dead, like Battle Master or something, right?"
"Without McDonald's, I wouldn't be able to make new friends, make chickens."
"The baby will bring their own pizza, meaning they'll come with their own money."
"You're gonna get hit I hope Fedora does not agree with you I hope."
"I'm out of here, bro, I'm out of here, bro. I don't know what's going on, I'm getting out of here."
"You can't spell Trump without a 'W', I mean what winning."
"I got the booty face going on, booty face, booty face. Hey, that booty face cut your eyebrows off look like Whoopi Goldberg."
"Money doesn't grow on trees... it grows on balls."
"Calories: the numbers that haunt you more than your middle school ex."
"It's like dude it's beer saving lives one soul at a time."
"Damn, boy, that boy kicked up a million rocks! I'm legally blind!"
"Chinese food so good, make you want to slap out!"
"Always whack a coffin before you bury it, you never know what's going on inside."
"I'm a man of my word. In fact, I'm two men of my word!"
"Guys literally only want one thing and it's [expletive] disgusting: a desire."
"Are you gonna be hanging around with snickle doodle dandy we don't want those snicker frits no and you know what i did scorpio hanging out with anybody that's a dandy or a [ __ ] doodle not up in here sorry not up not gonna happen."
"That is three galri blown off, four galri blown off and I just, you're welcome."
"Throw on that hat because that needs to be tamed."
"They don’t call them ex-wives for nothin." - Stan Hatter
"That's the power of the slosh slash activity. It's a word, I'm adding it to every dictionary I ever buy."
"Draven two at three-five, that is some donkey nonsense."
"Batman's like, 'I'm all better now, I had a nap.'"
"Never again will you need to pray to yog or rn jesus or whatever deity that you believe in to roll high on your lightning storm because now every lightning storm rolls high."
"It's like you're blowing a big old spoofy load of karma all over their goddamn green faces."
"I like honey buns as much as the next guy I'm not going to guide your eye out for whatever."
"Let's just swap these two numbers around, are you kidding me?"
"Whatever way you need to do if you need to go watch a movie you need to go play the new Hogwarts video game you need to go clap your wife's cheeks whatever you need to do bro try to find a way to reduce stress."
"The meat has fallen and is begging to be grabbed. Step one: get meat. Done. Step two: get rid of meat."
"I'm just getting my screaming goat out now, I think this is gonna go from bad to worse."
"That is amazing, I literally can't even right now. I can't even worse than a teenage girl at Starbucks."
"Live fast, die fat, and leave a salty corpse."
"I might just get a [] ton of energy and be like, 'Alright, I just want to make this room smell like [] right now.'"
"The winning is win. Not gone yet. What does that mean? Is that a word? I don't know. Quiet, I'm reading."
"Vox Coomer's face sets in a very serious expression while squeezing out a [ __ ], he speaks a single word: 'woof.'"
"Looks like you've barbared your last buoy, old friend."
"She protect, she attack, but mostly she just does both."
"I am destroying these tur-- my leprechaun is the perfect decoy over here."
"She scared the Prince away with her face alone."
"Chris penis aside man it's hard to beat that fried fish..."
"I'm just glad I didn't look bad like a saggy old sock."
"It's like a cow's opinion, it just doesn't matter, it's moo."
"Lucian Arriba billion never met a mushy daddy."
"No sleeping, sleep! Yes, we have to do, we have to finish the first floor before God, dude."
"I think this is a double cheeseburger, y'all, a double cheeseburger."
"Plenty of room in here... I feel cool as an electrified cucumber."
"Safe sex is great sex, better wear a latex, because you don't want that late text, that I think I'm latex."
"That's a drift sandwich, hold the bread." - "That's a drift sandwich, hold the bread."
"The era of Al Quang Buffs has officially come to a club." - A quirky way to describe the end of a trend or era.
"You guys are the ones that are making sure the bear bus is not on fire and that there is air pressure in the wheels."
"Maybe might be cute, maybe I'll kill you with kindness, maybe you'll make a tomb for me like I want and he'll bury me alive."
"You know when you just like go out and you eat a bunch of food and you just feel like you could take a fat nap? Well, that's me right now."
"Sorry, summer, time to go. I never really liked him anyway."
"Surprise bitches they come it drills through the belt."
"If your arms are in the air who the [ __ ] is playing the music?"
"303. you gotta do the you gotta do the head yeah I'm a vegetarian and I'm [ __ ] scared of him that's not a rhyme wait what's the line before that tell your boyfriend if he says he's got bees I'm a vegetarian and I'm [ __ ] scared of him."
"You think we're the most polite country on earth? Go metric fuck ton yourself."
"I'm dumped out of my bed just into the pants."
"Uganda is a complex nation riddled with everything from crowns on the constituent monarchs to the crowns on the crowned cranes. Uganda be kidding me?"
"I honestly can't make this stuff up. I stuck it on and I was thinking I feel Ashtar. This is such an Ashtar top, do you not think I think it is?"
"Potatoes are the best vehicle to transport any meat into my mouth."
"We just don't need to let go. Cinnamon roll, hold up."
"This should make it better just to sleep in a citrus."
"If you love your bacon as much as I do, you're gonna go hog wild for this."
"I've worked too hard with this relationship with this hot chick to just turn into worm food laying next to her."
"A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips."
"Sleep is for the weak exactly. Sleep is for the big brains, y'all."
"Play stupid games, win stupid." [Applause] [Music]
"If I feel like I'm a dude with a girl and and we in our situation like we are we gonna make something happen give me a bar teach me the ways of the Jedi what can I say to make a woman fall in love."
"Solo queue isn't about comparing penis sizes with your teammates."
"Holy [ __ ] those are some big-ass eyeballs!"
"At some point we need to hold him accountable in a way that doesn't allow him to try an even stinkier fart in the future."
"And in a cage you know who you are okay hashtag air biscuits."
"They expect an awful lot out of me. I am but one woman and a kitten."
"These demons have holes, I've got a hole and I'm ready to use it. Oh yeah, look."
"The start of the greatest revival in human history."
"I hope you guys all came back and I hope you called a couple friends said hey buddy looks like penises but it's also just the phones."
"It smells like a turd and acts like a turd, it's probably a turd."
"If my math is mathing, it is definitely most surely mathing now."
"This couple have been holding on to another for six thousand years and I can't even get a text back."
"I've just turned 29 grand old age loving it already what's that face off."
"Keep those peepers in their sockets if you can."
"How the [__] did that work? I got powers. I don't know, I just... He's got magic, bro. We got powers."
"I especially want to feast on his leg; yes, those calves, he did not skip leg day!"
"You can take the guy out of the hulk, but you can't take the hulk out of the guy."
"All I wanna do, I regret my life of tiny crime."
"I'm not a snack, I'm not a meal, I'm a whole entire buffet. I'm all you can eat Pizza Hut right now."
"Pants equal love, love your sisters, and love yourself."
"She looked like a snowman by the end of her speech."
"Everyone loves big honking water, I love big honking water, you love big honking water."
"You're not winning this you are not winning this not against the vision we've got one of the infinity gems into a square in the middle of our face you're not taking us down dude it is not happening."
"Smart does not equal success, but equal success is of course hot dog."
"Have you ever seen a guy that's not attractive but the way you carry himself the charisma that he has [ __ ] my panties will drop yeah exactly."
"Bro, this thing is so awesome, Captain Melon, set sail!"
"Who's your favorite who are you in love with Arnie Carlisle and me Carlisle Carney Arnie Carlisle Carney Carnald Carmen Cardboard."
"Besties can't live with them, can't live without them."
"Avoid it like the plague... well actually like avoid it like the corona."
"I said, yeah that's love. Someone might say I'm pathetic, I'm really okay."
"Our history is the same Mexicans thuggish businesses are the same we're in a stolen Toyota Corolla even our pop culture didn't change take your fat Shrek looking ass back to Fiona."
"I felt a baby kick for the first time! Knock knock, who's there? Baby!"
"This guy gives a whole new meaning to the term jumbo shrimp."
"Bassy McBaseface might be one of the most satisfying things to say."
"Roll me up like a piece of beef and pour me through a letterbox, that is lovely."
"I feel like I'm going in for medical surgery on my hair."
"Didn't he hear my prayer once? Let's just say twice, three strikes you're out."
"Sometimes you just gotta risk it for the biscuit, man."
"There's no better way than the Chadway. First of the mommy times, I'm not putting a predict there's no way she can catch me here, I'm not putting up a prediction for this, she's pathetic."
"...this car is fast enough to turn your groceries into a paste."
"I'm very peaceful. I feel that peaceful and serene, I could kiss Roland Rat full on the lips."
"If I was to have a thousand suns, I would get them all to forswear thin potations and to take their life up with sack sherry instead."
"Give a girl the right pair of socks, and she can conquer the world."
"You can say it with chocolates, you can say it with diamonds, you can even say it with flowers and pet rocks, but if you want to say it properly, right, you gotta say it with chips."
"I think he needs a license to carry all those moves."