
Mutual Care Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Take care of yourselves, take care of each other."
"The question we need to ask ourselves is, are we willing to protect one another?"
"Or it will be love from the very beginning, there's definitely an energy here of someone caring for you as much as you care for them."
"Hey, I guess we really are better taking care of each other than we are taking care of ourselves."
"Building a community where people fundamentally take care of one another."
"They still looked out for each other, they still cared about each other a lot."
"Most people in healthy relationships care for each other and are therefore immediately willing to make significant sacrifices for their loved ones."
"At least you will maintain a relationship with each other that you guys both care about."
"The mask does not protect me. I wear the mask to protect you. What a beautiful sign of caring, of mutuality."
"If God loved us, we ought also to love one another."
"Take care of yourselves, take care of each other, solidarity forever."
"I accept your advice; from this day on, heroes will always look out for each other."
"It's about someone having your best interests."
"We must assume responsibility for ourselves and each other."
"You take care of your heart, I'll take care of your basket."
"What's so bad about caring for someone who's taking care of you?"
"It's all about us; we have to look out for each other."
"Knowing how many people care about me and you and yeah all of us, it's kind of wild."
"It's always about taking care of one another and not worrying about all the stuff that's going on around them."
"They care about each other, and that is an amazing thing."
"That hug was as much for me as it was for you."
"You'll only invest your time and energy into people who show they care through their actions by reciprocating interest."
"I love how you guys love and support each other."
"We don't have to like people to look out for them."
"Thank you so much to all of you who have held space for each other in this small but growing community. Thank you for all of you for just being supportive with one another."
"It's Freedom, equality, and reciprocal care that will."
"Teamwork and caring about people are crucial for fostering a healthy environment."
"We should all be taking care of each other in one way or another."
"You gotta care about yourself if you want somebody else to care about."
"It's all about us taking care of each other because it's only going to make us better as women."
"There is no God, there is only us, and we have to take care of each other."
"How do two people take care of each other when they have these differences?"
"Just be kind, take care of each other."
"People are people, and we need to take care of each other."
"Love each other, care about each other, and be charitable."
"You both intend to just be there for each other."
"God looks after us, let us look after each other."
"Be well, be kind, and take care of yourselves and each other."
"Remember why you care about each other in the first place."
"Listen, you guys only have each other in this world, have each other's backs."
"Until then, don't forget to love each other."
"Love is vulnerability because I'm giving you my whole heart, right, and expecting you to protect it."
"Ultimately, we need to look out for each other."
"You've gotta be around people that care about you as much as you care about yourself."
"This person cares about you, you care about them."
"It's the emotional fulfillment and happiness, putting all the cups on the table, you know, two people filling each other's cup is what I feel."
"You really get a feel for their relationship and how much they actually care for each other."
"You are mastering how to take care of each other, balance."
"He's saying it's not just up to me Ananda it's up to our relationship with one another...it's not just somebody saying something but it's yours too and you have the responsibility for the well-being of all that you touch."
"You attend to your needs as well as your partner's, knowing that both must be met for a healthy relationship."
"I'll take care of me for you, and you take care of you for me."
"When you can have a conversation with somebody, the goal is to take care of each other."
"I want to be in the kind of relationship where we both take care of each other, where nothing is a one-way street, you know?"
"The relationship is give and take, two people caring about each other, it can't happen just one way."
"We made like a Comm M back in the days the Sami and the reindeers that we will take care of each other so the S reindeers has taken care of us giving us food and meat and now we try to take care of the reindeers."
"Were they always looking out for me, or did we both kind of fall in love with each other through this project?"
"I got you to look after me and you got me to look after you."
"They just want to make sure that you can have each other."
"We have so much love for each other; we look out for each other."
"We're happy together, we want the same things out of life, and take excellent care of each other."
"I know she really really cares about me, and I really really care about her."
"Let's take care of each other while we can still take care of each other."
"I refuse to be a boss. I have great guys; they take great care of me."
"A healthy team-like culture where the crew places a certain level of importance on being their brother's keeper can go a long way towards making things safer."
"Adam, the most important thing in life is to be with people that you care about and value, and who care about you."
"We got to be here for each other."
"And feel your body thanking you for taking the time to care for it, to nourish it in this way."
"Here's what I need today. Here's how you can love me today. How can I love you today?"
"We promised to take care of each other, and today we're taking better care of our health."
"We need to learn to love ourselves as much as we love each other."
"Pray with each other and for each other."
"I just want people in my life that genuinely actually love me and care about me the same way I do about them."
"I really care about you guys and I feel like you guys really care about me."
"I don't think it really matters to me who you are, as long as you're someone that cares about me and I care about you, and we can have that mutual connection with each other."
"Men and women fit together very well when you have a good partner and when you care about each other."
"When you're old and sick, perhaps you and your wife can take care of each other and be in each other's company."
"I like the friendship and discovery of how much they can each care for each other."
"You can have a successful loyal faithful amazing respectful relationship where you mutually care deeply about each other."
"Not that she and Curdy ever thought of how much they worked for each other; that would have spoiled everything."
"Humanity is bound together and we realize our own potential only by caring for each other."
"Inside your team, your group, your people, you must win-win or no deal, you have to take care of each other."
"I really wanted to be in a relationship where we both took care of each other."
"We really genuinely do because we love each other at the end of the day."
"I look at my partner as equal, you care for me, I care for you, I do for you, you do for me."
"As touching brotherly love you need not that I write unto you, for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another."
"Take care of each other, baby, yo."
"They see you as very strong, very supportive, you got them and they got you."
"You both care about each other greatly."
"He loves you, and remember to love each other."