
Supportive Behavior Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I'm on the side of building people up and being a good person."
"There's a difference between support and enabling."
"I would rather play with a good dude with a 95 track rate of success of with carius than play with a 100 success rate of carries with a guy who is going to put you down if you make the wrong play."
"Luke walks up pats Cal on the shoulder and says you'll do better next time and then walks off in this scene we establish that Luke is a genuinely supportive mentor."
"Reserve judgment. Nobody needs judgment. Judgment is super harmful."
"Short demo but effective. I like the design."
"I don't really care how old everyone is, but if Natsuki is feeling proud then I won't take that away from her."
"He always held the door for me and you know waited for me to get out of class got my shoes for me because at that time we'd like keep our winters whose separate from anyway it was like a big boot room but he always would bring me my shoes for me."
"It's healthy and sort of supportive way that we are growing together."
"I always think the world of people who are going through their own personal struggles and they still have the wherewithal to speak on somebody else's rough patch."
"You're there, she's there, and you go, man, it sucks, I'll wait with you." - Anonymous
"People who love themselves will stand up for others, people who don't are susceptible to being bullied."
"There's power in celebrating another person."
"You absolutely did the right thing. You are an awesome brother."
"See, you were actually doing a good job, 'cause you were fighting them off as I found the button. You're a great assistant!"
"Supporting her is going to make her see you as a superhero. It's a trait that definitely attracts women."
"If you participated in the best way you could that prioritized the health and recovery of the individual, I don't have a lot of problems with what you've described."
"Winners build you up, always have a kind word, and rejoice in your success."
"She seemed to understand the little girl's need to be protected especially in that time and place."
"Helping is doing something for someone that they can't do for themselves, and enabling is doing something for somebody that they should be doing for themselves."
"Encouragement should be the fruit of accompaniment."
"Someone's gonna come towards you and they're gonna put in the work for you."
"People love to raise people up when it really matters."
"She was rushing around that morning because her husband had recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and she needed to get him to a clinic across town by 8:30 a.m for his first round of radiation."
"All I want is for you to be happy when you're around me. I mean it."
"A guy who extends a helping hand to the weak."
"Now is the time to be a passive and supportive person."
"A good friend follows up on big events in your life."
"If we can help them out as much as we can and make it a lot lot easier for them then that's how we roll."
"Bloodborne is a beautiful mess of a video game and it should be remembered as such."
"Every day you help her to realize what happened and you wait patiently for her to be okay with it."
"We have to be on the lookout for predatory behavior and start creating being better bystanders too."
"Thank you grateful for your compassionate bass badassery."
"This person only has your best interests at heart one thousand percent."
"I love her explaining her plan and Sanji just being like, okay yep I will help."
"I don't think there's ever a time in my life where a person says they're hurting and I don't at least try to listen or understand."
"Every little bit helps, you know, every little bit helps."
"It's really easy to be supportive when you're not carrying the burden, really really easy to do."
"He sacrificed everything he had and gave it to me."
"But Foxy is actually really fond of Mangle and won't let her down."
"Supporting artists you're not into: Constructive criticism is a form of support."
"You should always be working towards that... it's not something that should be stressful... just try to be a good person to people around you and be supportive and be positive."
"Kudos to the young male associate who went out of his way to take care of a breastfeeding mama."
"Spectators outside are amazed to see everything she is doing for Yi Zhang."
"He was supportive of Kaya when she revealed her sexual orientation to him."
"I think there’s an obligation for those of us who have not suffered abuse who are close with somebody who has to first listen and believe what they’re saying."
"They're coming towards you, they're not going to repeat mistakes of the past."
"You inspire this person to be better... also, this kind of wants like they're willing to carry your burdens as well which is very sweet."
"Treat yourself the way you would treat your best friend or your partner."
"I think it's also okay to be like okay girl we gonna give you the time."
"Intentions: be nurturing, supportive, heal the situation; strongly obsessed and passionate."
"When you love someone, it's not a burden to take care."
"Be positive, have a better attitude, help others, and encourage people."
"Peacefully reacting to the pain of their loved ones during this time is one of the most karmically healing things for you and them."