
Gaming Passion Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Apathy is the opposite of loving a game, the thing that will kill your game is apathy."
"I breathe it to this day. I cannot believe how much I actually love this game."
"In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer."
"Speedrunning is one of the deepest passions one can have for a game."
"I want Magic the Gathering to succeed. I love Magic the Gathering. I love it."
"Buy from studios who make games out of passion, who make games that have care."
"You want to be something more than what you are right now, isn't it? Yes, now the question is if you become something more today, tomorrow are you fully settled? No, you want to be something more and something more and something more."
"It's better to have a game that people love so much that they get invested in how it's made, than a game people don't care about at all."
"I can continue to play the games that I like and more importantly I can continue to do videos of the games that I like and be honest with the games that I like."
"I just really love Football Manager...it's never perfect but I feel like it's always a step in the right direction."
"I love this game way too much to get rid of it."
"When you find a game that just clicks for you and you've got something on the horizon to look forward to, that is exactly where I'm at right now with Diablo 4."
"I'm obsessed with this idea...end game content of gaming for me."
"This challenge has really reignited my love for the Sims"
"At the heart of this game, it's still a collectible card game. That's why I love it."
"I just can't help but respect ninja going into while also of course enjoying the literal hell out of it."
"Nintendo made my passion for gaming that strong."
"It rekindled my love, no, I always loved old school."
"It sounds so nerdy, but it is really so it's its own game."
"I've stuck with this genre for more than half of my life now, always on the lookout for that one special game."
"At the end of the day, it comes down to just being a gamer, man. My son just loves to play these games."
"Honestly, the Sims 3 is my game and I love her so much."
"If you think the golden age of the MMO is dead and gone just because the game you enjoyed is no longer the same, I will disagree with you."
"All of my concerns about the game and all my frustrating situations about the game, it all stems from an interest in the game and interest in the franchise."
"I just want my favorite character, one of my favorite games."
"A broke gamer plays with passion even with simple devices."
"There's just too much love around this game for Valve to treat it like it's a forgotten child."
"Loving this game is to walk on the edge of a blade."
"I love this game dude, I love this game so much."
"I still absolutely love this game competitively it still is and will always be the best game ever for me."
"I live and breathe for creative and innovative action games."
"I love video games, and everybody who knows me will tell you that. I think a lot of programmers do."
"Old habits die hard. I fucking loved System Shock 1."
"I freaking love the passion people have for gaming."
"I'm a true gamer at heart, that's true, you know?"
"I know I'll be happily playing it for years to come despite its flaws."
"I'm passionate about fighting games, I [__] care, alright? It's that, it really is that."
"Me as a gamer I grew up playing games I started I think it was on the Nintendo after that the Super Nintendo and so on and like the process and the growth that you can make in the game that has always been very exciting for me."
"Man, oh man, I love talking competitive Pokémon."
"I love sniping honestly it's one of the main things which keeps me coming back to play destiny day after day."
"I can’t really think of a time in my life where I wasn’t interested in games, and because of that, there are certain aspects about them that are almost instinctual to me now."
"This is the game that we wanted to play since like we were game developers, and we think it's going to be amazing."
"I pre-ordered this game and I flew down the highway to get home."
"It's the game we play, it's the game I love."
"I love these games with a passion and I still love them for all their 2000s DeviantArt charm."
"I saw many things that I'm disappointing... the passion for the game is still intact."
"My absolute favorite thing in Star Wars Galaxy Heroes is updating iconic characters."
"Games are a huge part of my life, and I want everyone to be able to play games and enjoy them as much as I do."
"When I started this channel, I was kind of lost... Since then, I have fallen so deep into the Half-Life universe."
"Mega Man 8, one of my favorite games of all time."
"If you love the game, you just have to play it."
"I've become drawn to Souls because there's no other game that can match the way it makes me feel."
"This game is and always will be special to me."
"The phrase 'it's just a game' is such a weak mindset, but you know what's not weak? I [ __ ] love gaming."
"I think that out of all people, Lee truly loves Stardew Valley more than anyone else here."
"I love you guys, thank you for letting me do what I like to do."
"Dead by Daylight has given me absolutely everything and I am so, so grateful for the game."
"I get this impression from Phil... he comes across to me like one of us, like a gamer who loves games."
"Many things over the years have changed for this game but there is one thing that will stay the same the passion that the community has for crystal chronicles is one of the most unique things I've seen in all of speedrunning."
"I always wanted to do something with video games."
"After evolving my Golden Bird into the Iron Squire and then the Giant Knight himself, I decided it was time to narrow my focus down to my top priority: finding my favorite Pokémon of all time."
"I just fucking love that that’s in the official game."
"I'm just a sucker for these games, man. These are two of my favorite games of the generation without question."
"Missions like this lead people like me to fall in love with the medium so much."
"I could play that 12 hours a day, every day."
"I love video games now for the same reasons that I loved them as a kid."
"This team has got so much better... I love this game so much, dude."
"It's not about the money, it's about the game."
"I don't give a flying fuck about that. As a gamer, I want the game wherever it is."
"Nearly eight years, this game is still the best, I absolutely love it."
"I learned a lot about video games I learned that I really like woodhawker he's a good dude and I had a fantastic experience so thanks."
"I mean if that doesn't get you excited then maybe chess is not the game for you."
"I'm just such a geek for Call of Duty, I get overly excited every year for this."
"Literally rubbed one out to Halo. So good, sorry."
"I honestly just love playing the game a lot."
"Bloodborne is my favorite game. It's as close to perfect as a game can be for me."
"Like when you become a Valerian pro, I don't think I would ever want to compete again but like streaming, like doing variety games and streaming a game that I would love seems like just the best thing on the planet."
"I never thought of that. Well, what's weird is how much Microsoft employees so many of the people love 'Evil Within.' Dude, if they did 'Evil Within 3,' I would lose my mind. I would just become an 'Evil Within' YouTuber like, holy hell!"
"I don't worry about console sales... I just want to play dope games."
"I love talking about Final Fantasy. Thanks for having me."
"I just love playing Dungeons and Dragons."
"It made me love video games again."
"It's the essence of gaming, isn't it? Getting into something, really liking it, binging through it."
"I've always loved video games, but other than a few small projects when I was first starting out learning how to code, I really haven't learned much game development."
"My love of gaming has been rejuvenated with AOE and Warhammer three."
"I love playing the game. I don't care about making money."
"You're going to want to Tinker around with it; you're going to fall in love with gaming again."
"I [__] love survival horror video games."
"For what it's worth, it is my favorite FNAF fan game of all time and shows how much passion and dedication this community has."
"I love gaming, I love Sony, I love gaming in general."
"Gaming is always going to be a vital part of my life, or at least I hope it will."