
Dynamic Quotes

There are 406 quotes

"Norimo has definitely revitalized the character of Mr. Freeze but he also adds an interesting dynamic to her character."
"Dynamic gameplay: you'll never wind up with the same playthrough twice."
"The punch Zoom is a dynamic way to feel like you're pushing through into the next Scene."
"That's a really cool dynamic siege. I mean, you got the last stand near the town center and then you still have the fight for the walls over on the other side."
"As time went on, I learned this thing about dynamic DCA which was, I would put a little bit more as when we really dropped off, and it would kind of increase it."
"Every single glimpse, every single different shot in this three and a half minute video is awesome and could be an entire game."
"It's action, action, action all the time, almost like a comic book or old cartoon."
"Pretty much any scene between Dara and Savannah is a banger."
"Everything in transports, rumbling forward, very mad max, I like it."
"Just look at her crazy brush strokes, zigzagging across the canvas like lightning bolts."
"The arc shot is a camera movement that orbits around a subject, adding dynamic movement when characters may be standing completely still."
"The thing about the game's music that stood out to me the most is how often it dynamically adapts to fit the situation."
"It turns what was once a static battle system into a dynamic and deeply rewarding one."
"GT5 introduced variable time and weather for more dynamic races."
"Bloodborne's boss fights are far more dynamic; these encounters are often frantic due to their random and varied movements."
"It rides one of the lightest... it's a very dynamic ride."
"Absolute steamroll of a day, lightning fast."
"It's a very invigorating conversation with so many twists and turns."
"So most of our kind of follow cam is really just doing zoom in and outs and pans, following the pastor and then using the switch between the vocalists and musicians on stage."
"The colors change every few minutes, it's bloody unreal."
"The movements are so dynamic and all over the place, it has like a Hollywood degree of quality."
"I think it'd be a pretty close tie between the Aviator and this Type S because I like a more dynamic driving experience."
"My power is electric, my words are explosive."
"Boom, the text comes in and then it just looks like it's kinda exploding there, which I think is pretty cool."
"You love that Chaser Runner kind of dynamic."
"The dynamic between Mike and Sully makes this movie so good."
"The feeling of dynamic air underfoot couldn't be the shoe's only hallmark."
"She is such a dynamic presence and force of will that not only does it feel natural, it shows just how she could have commanded those genres for years to come."
"The world is larger and more dynamic."
"Sleep itself is a dynamic process that ebbs and flows throughout the night."
"But we're kind of being impressed by the way that the Munich makers managed to retain so much of this car's eager dynamic character."
"Pentecostal communities tend to be extraordinarily dynamic."
"A son and mother having sexual tension is not the weirdest thing in Dune."
"I'm adding three cushions. They're all different sizes and shapes, which makes the styling look much more dynamic."
"This was one of the first movies to show a truly Dynamic awesome looking Dragon."
"I just think that they had a really good dynamic between them, I liked every time they were on the screen."
"Faith is a living, restless thing. It implies movement."
"Yoko's genuine appreciation of the knitted cactus and SEI's willingness to unravel his work create a comedic dynamic between the two characters."
"The answer is 't', so the code is working dynamically and if you want you can check it here, by submitting, it'll work."
"Optimization is a verb function, it's not a state to be in like floating around."
"I really like that Dynamic, like in the case with Bleach we have Yamamoto and Chojiro, and this was something that was just brought up in the new anime."
"Flows are a lot more user friendly, they're a lot more dynamic and they're a lot more expansive in what they can interact with."
"Memory is not static; it's more like a busy city where memories, like construction sites, are constantly being built, renovated, and demolished."
"I feel there is kind of a back and forth energy with your person."
"This is certainly the most powerful, the most emotional, and the most dynamic in this segment here."
"The silliness and the contrast between him and Batman is what makes their dynamic so special."
"A huge part of the reason why he's such a good villain for Nightwing is because of the two's dynamic."
"I like her, I like them, they had a great dynamic."
"So like it felt like it felt like a nice dynamic balance for me"
"You want to create a more dynamic planting."
"Islam is a dynamic religion, a religion of action, a positive religion."
"Tigra, with her ability to switch between human and cat forms, could add an interesting dynamic to the Avengers roster, especially with her struggles to find her place among more powerful members."
"The video here really changes the dynamic, doesn't it? It does considerably."
"Her relationship has always just been based on insane intensity."
"Fischer showed that the two knights attack against the Caro-Kann defense creates a dynamic and open position with plenty of opportunities for attack."
"So Dynamic and beautiful and linear."
"Superman and Batman are best friends, and they're best written when they're best friends."
"Your union, your relationship, is also very, very inspiring to others. That's another thing I'm getting, which is so nice because it shows that you guys have the kind of dynamic a lot of people wish for."
"...the whole connection and the whole chemistry that each of the each cast member has of each other like that they're just Dynamic is so fire."
"The bad guy versus good guy dynamic was figured out to a tee."
"If we select a certain month, we want the net income to move dynamically with it."
"If it's working, your dynamic is great, nothing's broken. Keep doing what you're doing."
"Dynamic output is exceptional through the speaker."
"I really liked the energy of the beginning. I really liked that Overture section where we had all of the different levels coming up, and it was just so slick and fast moving and it felt just a lot more dynamic than Guys and Dolls has perhaps felt in the past."
"The question of static versus dynamic is extremely tricky."
"There are two major reasons to watch rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles even if you aren't a fan or watcher of any former tmnt shows: the animation and the dynamic that the group shares."
"It's not as just a stayed and motionless on stage, it really adds a lot."
"The promise theme is about catra and adora yes, but specifically that dynamic that necessitated and then apparently broke this promise."
"Two of the most dynamic guys in the division."
"It's a peppy little thing when you're throwing through the gears."
"I quite like it. I have to admit. It's quite nice. It's quite fun. It makes the car a little bit more dynamic. And there's a bit of a sharper response in the throttle. It's not like standing on a landmine."
"I love how Dynamic the music is here as it started out incredibly ominous but then it turned into somewhat of a spy theme and now it's returning to be ominous for the final showdown."
"They just have the most unique yet familiar bombastic yet pathetic strong yet also weak relationship a comedy duo should have."
"Is every day going to be this crazy with you?"
"The whole dynamic of a dark and brooding Robin with a chipper and upbeat Batman was a fun Dynamic."
"I really enjoyed his Dynamic with Fidal... they had such a genuine, loving, reciprocal friendship."
"People misunderstand that this is a boring job. It's super dynamic, it's super exciting, and it's constant learning."
"Everyone's perception of Tyler changes over time, making the interactions dynamic and entertaining."
"That was Dynamic Melberg Aunt friend council person and the focus of today's Toledo today."
"I love their friendship dynamic because all they do really at the start like is in chapter six they're talking about Udolpho."
"There's a huge spiritual element to your dynamic."
"Forensic science, it's just a constantly evolving dynamic area to work in."
"'Half a Soul' has a genuine and sweet Grump Sunshine dynamic."
"Embrace that approach. Embrace that dynamic and have that belief. We can work from there."
"He's just having a nice time... it's a wonderful Dynamic to see play out on screen."
"Dynamic quantization calculates alpha and beta on the fly for each input to quantize the input matrix."
"Arthur and Eames's dynamic is so good. It's so good."
The BMW 3 Series: "Always been the dynamic contender and the one to go for if you want a spirited drive."
"The world of I.T. is almost like an earthquake every day. The entire infrastructure under your feet is constantly in motion."
"...and to be honest when it's something like this seriously just set it in track I with the suspension in dynamic you're done finished finito and you're gonna have the time of your life."
"Love is dynamic, bold, and courageous."
"I really like forced proximity when it's done well, so like if it is like enemies to lovers like okay well how does that happen because of forced proximity."
"A very cute friends to lovers type of dynamic."
"Wouldn't have to slow down in all honesty Shadow's Dynamic with Sonic is something special."
"It just turns into another back-and-forth, you know, back to the battlefield, back to the Kamui, back to the battlefield."
"Rita was the fire to Dexter's ice."
"The cars are not just stagnating in here this is a living breathing collection."
"We had to stack it up against what is, against what's here, and I feel like I'm just now getting to a place where I'm like, you know what? I see what they say things should be like, but you really do have to create the dynamic that works for you."
"The relationship between Will and Hannibal is a gothic romance."
"Nothing better symbolizes the essence of what the monster trio dynamic is than when we got to Onigashima."
"It's no longer a static process that you do once a year or every couple of years, it becomes alive."
"Cells are incredibly dynamic, able to synthesize more of a particular organelle to meet demand."
"I like the whole new dynamic that brings."
"It's such a dynamic, expressive performance."
"This album is never comfortable being in just one lane."
"The dynamic principle of fantasy is play."
"No matter how you see it, their Dynamic this season is actually really adorable."
"Which has your traditional buddy cop banter, but the buddies in question aren't partners; one's a cop and the other's in handcuffs."
"Throne in the Dark - it's just their dynamic is so laugh out loud funny."
"It's not static at all, so Lori Ruben thank you so much for having us on this. This is really a pleasure and we hope, yeah, great thanks to both of you and thanks everybody for joining us today and have a great day. Bye bye, thank you."
"It's colorful, dynamic, it's exotic."
"It's the strange push and pull dynamic between them as the series progresses."
"Leadership is more viewed as a dynamic process."
"The lighting in the show rules; it's dynamic without ever feeling distracting."
"No matter what you do with him, he always looks like he's in motion or like he's ready to pop out, you know?"
"Faith without works is dead, but faith with works is dynamic."
"This thing feels really dynamic, I'm pretty impressed. It really is so, so impressive."
"It feels like you're in a function-ship but not a relationship."
"It's Dynamic, it's changing, it's, you know, all of those things."
"Let's change things around, so we're updating the image and in stock with computed properties."
"It feels like a living, breathing thing."
"You're not in a static place. That's death. You're not in a chaotic place. That's death."
"They were so dynamic, they were very human."
"But they clearly enjoy it, they think that’s a fun dynamic, and I won’t deny that they do feel like siblings."
"So this album's really good, so this is all only the first listen so this track this ranking is gonna like change so much we already changed it while going through the list, yeah."
"It perfectly encapsulates the relationships between the trio."
"Harry Mack's freestyling is dynamic and engaging."
"Every scene that has those two in it has an extra layer of excitement to it."
"That's gaslighting as [ __ ], bro. I know, right? Gaslighting as [ __ ]."
"Dynamic routing is one of the most fun and cool things we can do with this router."
"My job is never boring. It's like a movie."
"Joker and Harley always put the fun in Dysfunctional."
"Every scene has to be dynamic, either the viewer is discovering something fascinating, they're watching something cool unfold, or the shot is instrumental in the continuity of a larger story."
"...what makes it even better is how often the show changes it..."
"A little tiny twist of anything could change the whole dynamic of how your beats sound."
"Using depth to build tension and make it more engaging and dynamic."
"This gets you a more Dynamic shot straight out of camera."
"Risks are dynamic in nature, constantly evolving."
"It's always moving forward, very much like a pop song would."
"This infographic is fully dynamic and fully interactive."
"You're never ever boring, you're never ever dull, and you're fun, you know?"
"You're never boring, always evolving, changing, and growing."
"If you put in a static input the brain doesn't give you a static output it gives you a dynamic output."
"The header is very robust, it's very dynamic, there's a lot you can do with the header."
"So in Spongemadeus Mozartpants we have the diligent though stuffy wannabe envying the effortless playfulness of the spontaneous genius."
"There's never a dull moment in my life, I swear to god."
"Team Hell No was one hell of an awesome duo."
"What's cool about this is that you can dynamically change something here on the screen just to see how it looks."
"... this flow is dynamic and now that you understand that, you can make those things dynamic."
"In my opinion, the Ottomans' centralizing instincts and their frontier mentality combined to make them the energetic and dynamic force that they became."
"Your apparent fascination with knocking me to the ground."
"Beaches are pretty dynamic, they're changing all the time from tide to tide and even from hour to hour."
"London is a kaleidoscope, and it constantly turns."
"Symbols should not be static. If a symbol itself is static or if it's representing a static trait, it's a pretty weak symbol."
"It is very pleasant to listen to and it's extremely dynamic."
"Our stories aren't static; they shift over time."
"IBP's outlier correction happens automatically, dynamically."
"...the lead continues to change back and forth which is what makes this San Jose mile so exciting."
"That's what you need to write, we're the most dynamic, entertaining team."
"The dungeon is weird, the dungeon is changing, the dungeon is alive."
"It really enabled us to change that rhythm of dynamic."
"We come here to encounter a dynamic, life-changing God."
"I like it because it creates a unique dynamic within this version of the original Enterprise crew."
"He was dynamic in his leadership and exceptional in his personal performance."
"What's really cool about this is that we have a really nice dynamic establishing shot."
"Bustling cities are full of energy, activity, and movement."
"Toronto is a thriving city, there are new people moving to Toronto all the time, there are people who immigrate to Canada and live in Toronto, it's a bustling growing thriving city."
"This vehicle is a big departure in the Driving Experience compared to the old one definitely tell they tried to make this experience much more Dynamic."
"We wanted it to be dynamic... the colors change depending on the status of the race... we want to give anyone who watches all the info that they can to paint the picture of the race."
"I'm always looking for dynamic color and reflections."
"He then turns to Rukia, kind of tells her to watch and wait as he brings his blade down on the scaffold, destroying the entire thing and setting her free, just fantastic artwork again so dynamic and so full of motion."
"Runtime code sharing brings updates dynamically without redeployments."
"We're adding to our story here by creating more dynamic elements within the shot itself."
"I love that so much, so seriously their dynamic was one of my favorite parts of this movie."
"How sick is that? It updated our balance, guys, it's pulling our balance right from here dynamically, and it is working just as expected."
"The Union was dynamic, the Union was process, the Union was a movement toward a better world."
"Paul London and Brian Kendrick... they made tag team wrestling like super lightning fast and fun and agile."
"Belgrade, Serbia's dynamic and resilient capital, is a city where history, culture, and a vibrant urban scene converge."
"It's propulsive, it's like addicting."
"The dynamic between Eddie and the symbiote, that's what really works."
"These characters are ultimately dysfunctional, but they play off of each other in such an amazing way."
"Aries is fire; it's in your face, it's boisterous, it's dynamic."
"I feel like the more movement you can show, especially in a wedding dress, the better."
"I'd recommend drawing your characters in more dynamic poses with reasons for those poses as well as interactions between the characters."
"The essence of a supermoto is its ability to offer a dynamic riding experience — quick and responsive handling that makes every ride a heart-pumping adventure."
"It adds a really nice dynamic to the show."
"We're going to look at how to make dynamic router links which can pass route parameters."
"Their banter and their dynamic is just like bar none, one of the best things I've read all year."
"That is my version of the slider: small, dynamic, but packed full of flavor."
"She's just everything I like in a figure, she's very dynamic, she's very colorful."
"You can get him in some really dynamic poses."
"Cultural memory is dynamic and it is not just an amount of knowledge; it is something that is being contested all the time."
"It's a bit rushed, a bit scattered across its leads, but absolutely brilliant when it gets going."
"It's really fast-moving and it has exactly like a sort of mob-esque vibe."
"It's really dynamic, it has a real kind of Philip K. Dick warp to it."
"He's an every down back, really dynamic, great in space."
"Cutting off the edge like that makes it really nice and dynamic."
"The benefit of using a table of contents is that it's dynamic; it will automatically update itself."
"The brain can configure itself dynamically in a wide variety of ways to get things done."
"They've got speed in more ways than one; every player is fast, they snap it fast, it is a sight to see."