
Giveaways Quotes

There are 213 quotes

"Subscribers only giveaway starting soon, make sure to enter!"
"Before we do completely end this video, our winner to the $100 giveaway and positivity shoutout goes to Maricela. Shoutout to you!"
"We're dropping the last thousand V bucks card, all you need to do is like, go to geezer brawl with another 5 dude, what did he just say?"
"We're gonna be giving away $500 to two of you randomly selecting you guys out of the comment section."
"Giving away stuff for free is not a bad tactic."
"Gonna be giving away one key, first game from Tarkov. All I gotta do is like the video, leave a comment down below."
"Are people actually doing what I think? Bro, do you guys want the Robux codes and the soda codes?"
"The next giveaway draw will be in three minutes, guys."
"You gotta give away free stuff, you know? That's how email marketing really works."
"I'm giving away Xboxes, PlayStations, Xbox codes, PlayStation codes, Amazon codes. Actually, give away headphones, iTunes codes. I give away money. I've given away clothes, food to the homeless."
"Let's go everybody swim ready we are about to drop another thousand V bucks and it's gonna be any console bro we're doing all consoles so let's get it guys ready."
"Make sure you are subscribed for the giveaway."
"By the time we get to 10 million, I'll have given away what is that, 40 different vehicles?"
"I'm going to be doing a giveaway where 10 of you will be chosen to come hang out with me on a zoom call."
"It just doesn't feel like human beings are a priority, general like basic human rights."
"That's all the prizes that we're giving away in today's giveaway if you didn't enter or you didn't win."
"This giveaway is going to be actually a lot bigger than last time."
"I've literally been giving away so much money to viewers this month."
"It's time to pick another giveaway winner... You have one minute to make me pick you."
"Whenever we hit a milestone on the subscribers we have to do a giveaway... I really hope you guys participate in this giveaway."
"Don't forget to keep it rigid. A lot of props to giveaway, Juggies."
"I still can't think of the best way to do a giveaway... that would be awesome."
"Yeah, you want a free graphics card, you have to use a minute of your time. I want a free $3,000 graphics card with markup, but I don't want to click a."
"If we manage to break 500 likes by midnight ET today, I'll be giving away a copy tomorrow."
"You could end up looking just as happy as Gerrard here, the chair that he's sitting on he won in a recent giveaway I had on this channel."
"This is like a bot or just a guy that enters a lot of giveaways."
"I want to start doing giveaways on this channel to give back to you guys."
"Yeah, we had 906 likes, let's go! How many likes we had, chat? It's just time to do a giveaway for another huge pet. Oh no, another huge pet giveaway, yeah, another huge giveaway, let's go, dude!"
"Literally, I give away stuff on my Instagram sometimes."
"All you have to do to win is like and subscribe."
"I'm giving it away right now, just make sure you guys hit that like button and subscribe!"
"The only main reason of doing this is to just prove that my giveaways are real."
"All you need to do to enter is like and subscribe my dudes."
"Last chance to enter if you guys want some gift cards for Fortnite, let's get it!"
"Alright guys, giveaway winner gettin' announced! Let's go!"
"I missed five years of stream, we can do some giveaways non-stop, baby!"
"Giveaways: the starting point for product visibility."
"Gift card giveaways to come guys, stick with us. This is super fun! Hope you're enjoying it!"
"I'm gonna read it off: R B R7 B T V Y 6 U 4 3 F J C L. We're going to put that in chat as well."
"For all those asking for Robux, I do Roblox giveaways on my Instagram, Twitter, and Twitch."
"You're setting them up for success, you're setting them up to be able to take advantage of that sense of order that they innately are born with."
"Blanco's block party, biggest story for web 3 gaming."
"Yeah, dude, if you like the stream, you guys can get the season 5 battle pass for free, I'm hooking it up for PSN and Xbox, it's a $500 giveaway."
"Yo, we're gonna give away a $10 Xbox code right now, that I actually already have out here, we're gonna give away a free battle pass right now, who needs the battle pass?"
"We love our subscribers, we do giveaways all the time, and we would love to give something to you."
"If I hit 200,000 subscribers, I'm going to do a massive giveaway."
"We're giving away $10,000 in cash two times this month."
"Smash up that like button, click the subscribe button, and hit the notification bell so I can do a massive giveaway here for our community."
"Nevertheless if you enjoyed this be sure to smash back fat lights on as well and as always a giveaway simple as well if you want to check that it's win some free schwag feel free and yeah I'll see you guys tomorrow Big Easy have a good one."
"Just follow our Instagrams, comment done, and you're entered into the giveaway."
"Remember to stick around on the server after the stream because we're going to be giving away some fine ass costumes."
"Don't forget guys, if you want to enter in for our massive Xbox One and PS4 giveaway, all you gotta do is make sure that you're subscribed."
"We love giving away stuff here at BitBoy Crypto. It's one of our favorite things to do."
"It only makes sense that we give one away for free as our next giveaway car."
"If you join it once Roblox is back up, I'll be doing a giveaway because thanks to Change Name."
"Lots of community giveaways including nfts we have some big stuff planned on nfts."
"If you're not a member, you can totally win this public giveaway."
"Get ready because I'm gonna be giving away money to people today!"
"That's it for the big holiday gift guide and giveaway, happy entering!"
"I'm gonna announce it at the end of this video. It's my hope that we can do many more giveaways like this down the road."
"Comment down below what you guys think I should do... let me know in the comments below what kind of giveaways you guys think I should do."
"Let's go ahead and do that right now. Hit that subscribe, we are doing a giveaway for this Batman killing joke CGC 9.8 once we hit 110,000 subscribers."
"Before we get into the video, we're going to do a special giveaway today."
"We're giving away free skin codes to people."
"Hooking you guys up, don't worry. Do not worry, yeah, we're gonna give another code away."
"We're gonna do another PSN code, guys. PSN, I want to give away one more PSN code."
"Okay, guys, so right after this one game we play, I am dropping a $20 code not scratched off for PSN and Xbox."
"I'm just giving you guys some free skin codes."
"Love you guys, peace, and do not forget about the giveaway."
"Do not worry if you guys didn't win this one, you'll have plenty of chances to enter in the coming giveaways."
"After every game, I'm literally going to do a poll in the chat and see what console the most people are on, and then we'll give away a gift card for that console."
"The first person to comment and like the video is always gonna win a THENX prize, every Sunday."
"100 gifts again, Chad, I'm trying to give you guys stuff here."
"It's free, it's fun, and we're gonna have a good time and a lot of guests, and we do giveaways."
"Anytime I have a giveaway I will not charge you for shipping I will not make you pay for anything."
"We're gonna be playing a lot of baseball this year and there's gonna be some cool giveaways coming up later for the viewers and for the players."
"Make sure you bookmark our streams cuz we're going to be doing giveaways in every single show."
"Man, I appreciate you guys. I am less than 20 subscribers away from hitting the 1,000 mark. Guys, if you could help me out, hit that like subscribe button, leave a comment in the comment section. You are automatically entered for giveaways."
"Giveaways, um, I'm going to give away some things too but mine will not be my hand-tied yarn cuz I don't have any hand-tied yard cuz I don't dye in a yarn."
"I don't want to just throw it out but I personally just don't feel comfortable promoting like a contest or a giveaway of gently used makeup."
"May the fourth but did you say giveaways? I did."
"This is my favorite giveaway car yet. I'm happy to say that every giveaway that we've done, I keep saying that over and over because it's true."
"We've been giving away motorcycles for years."
"You buy the merch, you might win this tank."
"I wanted to take a moment and share a quick giveaway with you guys just a quick way to give back to you guys and say thank you so much for subscribing and hanging out with me week after week."
"If this video you're watching right now if people hit the like button if it can get 3500 likes I'll do a giveaway on the Wednesday video."
"Fizz Fam, there's only two more videos left until you can win this pink iPhone."
"Each of you viewers really means a lot to me and I'm going to be working on returning the favor with some giveaways soon, so make sure to stay tuned for that."
"Planning on doing a ton of giveaways over the holidays."
"We'll be highlighting all that stuff as it happens and you guys get to win this stuff."
"Giveaways is a very powerful strategy that you can use to definitely grow your email and SMS marketing list."
"We've got giveaways like we always do, make sure you comment, like, and subscribe. The tournament was generous enough to give us an entire player's pack valued at over $200, so somebody's gonna be a lucky winner there."
"Contests and giveaways are a great way to drive traffic to your website and can have a big impact on your followers and engagement."
"You guys have to keep the community alive and doing giveaways is one of the best ways to do that."
"I need to finish putting together my giveaways for you guys because I'm going to post those on Christmas."
"...like I had so many comments and views on top of the giveaway that I did and then I saw one giveaway that was just it was crazy like ridiculous."
"We absolutely love giveaway time."
"As we all know, I absolutely love giving gifts and spoiling people, so there are so many more giveaways to come."
"I actually have a really cool idea that I want to do so basically uh for the past year I've been Gathering up makeup from PR things that I've bought that I think you guys will like and I'm going to make a couple of huge giveaways"
"People really love prizes or giveaways."
"If you didn't win this time around, don't worry, there are going to be more giveaways in the future."
"Thanks for watching remember you can still win this book all you need to do is tell me what is your favorite golf training aid is it one of the ones i mentioned have i missed one let me know in those comments down below."
"Every time I make a milestone, the giveaways are bigger and reach more people."
"Hey, if you haven't subscribed please do that that way I can give away more bowls."
"So, when a company does a massive giveaway, what happens is the talking points then become this very long, long-winded thing to explain the giveaway."
"Let's add these two watches to the 100K giveaways."
"I've also given away as a game show host I've given away $4 million on prime time TV."
"Imagine a Twitch Channel where you can go to it and all they do is run ads, but then they do giveaways of the money that they get from the ad money. So like, imagine there's like a hundred thousand viewers just sitting on this stream."
"Every single post from now on, I'm always doing a giveaway."
"I believe that they are giving some of these away so go and check out the guys at golf for cash."
"Manifest good giveaways for all of you guys."
"Things are fixing to get exciting in there. We're doing giveaways all December long."
"I need to stop doing giveaways during Christmas time, but hey, who can't use some cash right now?"
"If you win one of my giveaways I am never going to ask you guys for a dollar."
"Every video that I'm dropping this month is going to have a giveaway."
"I'm dropping quite a few videos this month is going to have some type of giveaway either it's going to be a wig."
"You leave a review of the app online and they do a lot of giveaways so you leave that review next time they're giving away a ps5 or an xbox or television man you're on board check out the chilling app in the link in the description down below now."
"Here's a good comment right here: they want to know if Vicky would ever do a giveaway on Christmas cookies."
"Don't you love it when there's a giveaway that's actually hassle-free?"
"Remember every Friday I do a giveaway."
"I love the fact that a lot of the money that's generated on their car giveaways actually goes to charity."
"This is how you do a giveaway, you give cards away."
"All this stuff that I just picked up is gonna be going out to you guys here in the poker cave."
"Free stuff, always fun. Everyone loves free stuff, right?"
"If you're just stumbling across us here on YouTube and don't know who we are here at Hota Motors, we build, restore, and give away classic vehicles just like this one."
"I ship worldwide at my expense, I will never ever ask you for money for any of these giveaways."
"These giveaways are just my way of saying thank you from me to you."
"You guys really do keep the channel moving, and because of that, we do a monthly giveaway every month for guns and gear related items."
"I love doing giveaways... the feeling that I got when we deliver the car to this family, I can't even top that feeling ever again."
"I feel like I have a much better system now to store my camera equipment and to go through new packages and do giveaways and stuff like that."
"Raise your hand if you like free stuff."
"Hello and good morning everyone, how free prizes week is starting out fantastic!"
"Run giveaways to draw attention and generate brand awareness and engagement."
"You're the luckiest guy in the world because you won two giveaway cars not one but two."
"Every Friday we're giving away one Nintendo Switch to a lucky fan who has smashed the subscribe button."
"Happy holidays guys, we've been doing giveaways all month long."
"This first start is brought to you by wbrgarage.com where we take wreck bikes, we turn them into dream bikes, and we give them away to viewers just like you."
"I don't know when, if I ever hit that 75,000 mark and have the 75,000 subscriber special, which I would love to do because, you know, giveaways, they're fun."
"Every time, I feel like every one of these giveaway bikes just get better and better."
"We're gonna do some giveaways just to say thank you to you guys for hanging out and being so supportive."
"I love sending you guys giveaways and I really want to say a huge thank you."
"If you didn't win, don't worry, I will definitely be doing more giveaways soon."
"You guys do love the truck giveaways."
"I feel like giveaways are so fun, and it enjoys me too to give back to y'all after you guys give me so much love and support."
"I don't usually win giveaways, but I do enjoy them."
"We're going to be giving away lots of gift cards, playing lots of games, doing fun challenges."
"Our giveaways are just one way we like to thank our quilt community for registering and watching our live events."
"I definitely want to do more giveaways in the future because it was honestly so much fun doing it."
"100% of the profits that I make from this will go back into the videos and future giveaways."
"Before we get into Vlogmas today, I want to let you guys know I am doing 12 days of giveaways."
"The cool thing is we're doing giveaways every single day."
"That just about caps it off, tons of giveaways, tons of videos coming out this week, hopefully tons of value to you guys."
"The most official non-scam giveaways on the internet."
"I'm going to be doing giveaways in every video."
"I love doing giveaways, they're my favorite."
"I think we're ready to do all these giveaways tonight."
"Talking about I win a giveaway, oh yes on YouTube they're doing that, be careful."
"Giveaways grow your business if you do them in the right way."
"I'm trying to get to an iPhone so I can do it for a giveaway."
"All the money that's earned through the affiliate links is given back to you guys through my giveaways."
"The company is attending a convention and plans on giving away 3D printed keychains featuring the logo design."
"What's more fun than giving gifts and giving giveaways, that is my favorite thing to do is give people stuff."
"We will be having giveaways on a monthly basis so that is really really exciting."
"There's going to be good music and food and food giveaways."
"Get excited, we're doing caption contests, pub quiz giveaways."
"All the money that's from the affiliate links is given back to you guys through giveaways, as you know, sharing the love for manga."
"If you have not won any giveaways, do not get discouraged because today might just be your day."
"I have some exciting stuff coming very soon, including some potential Sports Design School stickers that I'll be giving away."
"The Price is Right has given away more than 6,000 cars, over 10,000 trips, and more than a million dollars in prizes."
"Let's get it, man. If you guys want more giveaways in the future, make sure to subscribe."
"I'm helping the people, that's what I do different on my giveaways, bro, than anybody, bro."
"I'm always doing giveaways, I do them every month."
"Every single video, I have a huge giveaway including tons of my favorite makeup."
"We're going to start doing little mini giveaways starting tomorrow."
"Stay tuned, grocery haul giveaways are back!"
"That's what my giveaways be about, showing people that they can build something with what they already have."
"I do giveaways once a month, I use a comment picker, so you could randomly be chosen."
"I love the giveaways because they allow me to get creative."
"This is by far my most ambitious and creative giveaway."
"The hype train is all set to go, if you all want me to give away video games, I'm going to give away seven of them."
"I'm very excited to start the Dollar Tree giveaways in a different way; I feel like this is more engaging and fun."
"There's also going to be a few giveaways running throughout the vlogs as well, so lots of exciting things to see."
"This month there are still a few more giveaways after this one because I wanted this month to be an amazing kickoff."
"Who doesn't love giveaways? I really love to give back to you guys."
"I always want to have opportunities for giveaways and for just the ability for me to just kind of give back to the people."
"Welcome to the first day of Vlogmas and the 12 days of giveaways!"
"Every time I contact the winners for any giveaway, they are just always so super ecstatic and excited."
"I like to make giveaways of goods that I personally would love to win myself."
"These bags are fantastic; I'll be doing future giveaways."
"Everyone loves free stuff, right?"
"I'm gonna start doing tons of giveaways so make sure to stay tuned for future videos too."
"So that you can feel safe and secure when entering our giveaways."
"Thumbs up this video if you like it and you want more giveaway videos."