
Market Strategies Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"To win in crypto you need to follow narratives. Narratives are what you expect to play out so that you can place your bets early."
"You have to really be able to adapt to the market and you can't be stuck or like in love with one strategy because it's just... you have to change."
"High return potential if you are right with the directional movement."
"The strategies that are going to work right now are going to be more difficult."
"Investing in narratives drive markets. Today I'm going to teach you how to invest in a narrative."
"Fundamental analysis tells you what to buy, technical analysis tells you when to buy. That's big stuff, you know."
"Have a budget in place in case of market fluctuations or recessions."
"Confirmation is a golden goose for most people... trying to outsmart the market in that way, certainly using a lot of discretion like that in execution as a beginner trader, comes with its own risks."
"The rules they use on a consistent basis is what's giving them that edge over the market."
"Is this a buy the dip opportunity Bitcoin dipping down as low as 45,000?"
"Don't let media fud and don't let social media flood drive you out of the market. Usually, you're your own worst enemy."
"If you're high timeframe is bullish...we like to buy dips."
"Jordan Brand can reinvent themselves a thousand ways over and people will jump to the opportunity to be able to buy their sneakers at $200 or whatever else it might be."
"You can't fix stupid... I absolutely no sympathy for any of the adults who shorted Tesla stock around these levels, just none whatsoever."
"I think there is a market and I think bringing in a mini might tap into that market more so than the more expensive HomePod."
"Being generic in the market will get you nowhere."
"It becomes very dangerous to be short when you have counterparties wanting to take physical delivery rather than accept cash settlement."
"You cannot be a dabbler. Hype plays are great opportunities but they are the most aggressive moves in the market."
"The game stonk root has accomplished in three hours what it took the engineers of the legendary Volkswagen short squeeze three long years to execute."
"Start having conversations with Realtors, building relationships with them, and finding out if they have anything coming to Market."
"They're trading mechanisms now. It's the momentum trade. If you want to get long, they'll throw them out tomorrow if the momentum goes south."
"I might start shorting stocks that [ __ ] I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna start buying leak puts on [ __ ] companies like this. I'm gonna try that out because I'm already profitable."
"I do like this this period for individual stocks as well as you know basically being in certain asset classes that are not these big giant consensus duration plays like the S&P 500."
"Catch different market cycles and never become cynical or never get blown out and always be open to opportunities."
"If you're so confident that essence has super high value, why would you care?"
"Bear markets are good for building and talking about the fundamental stuff."
"You're getting that one [ __ ] thing for the part, nothing. We got clothes you want to buy, your new designer, you say what? Not like, poor crap. It's good. Oh no no no bringing [ __ ] back from the past is not new content, that's recycled content."
"Guys, if they can paralyze you, you're not going to buy at 45.5 or 43.5. They're gonna buy."
"It's possible to beat the market if you have the right models, the right training, the resources, the computational power, and so on and so forth."
"You'll never get the exact bottoms. It's a great time to start dollar cost averaging on the way down."
"When markets are bad, that's when we leak our best alpha."
"I went right back into the long in front of the level from this morning on AMC."
"Timing the market isn't easy, but spotting liquidity zones helps."
"But this is the risk, everyone, when the market value drops enough, the customer has to either bring in new money or start selling securities in the portfolio, which is when forced selling sets in."
"We're trying to be prepared for both but we have to take action on one of the sides and my side that I'm taking action on is the bull market."
"Boredom trading or over trading are usually shortcuts leading to disasters."
"Don't follow the crowds; some of the best finds come when others are preoccupied elsewhere."
"This form of market play is about generational wealth. Do you understand? This form of market play is about building something that lasts."
"There is no perfect Trader out there, there's no perfect system, there's no perfect anything."
"Japan and Toyota both laser focused on hybrids."
"And remember if you're trading block to block you're not just going for the huge trending moves and whatnot then it's going to be a very high probability way of you getting involved with the market."
"Do we take entries on breakouts in cryptocurrency during bull market phases? Well, yes we do."
"Never ever ever buy into resistance. That's the worst way to ever approach the markets."
"There's two ways to bring prices down: increase the supply or reduce the demand."
"They're almost just scrambling to put something on the market that they hope can compete with those new cards from Intel and AMD that are coming out."
"Best of luck in the markets and stick to your trading plan."
"When they drop price they are building longs and closing shorts, that's the name of the game."
"Trade it, buy it, sell it, store it, run it, list it, first rename it, cryptologic."
"In terms of you as an individual, you're going to be able to make money in any market condition. You can make money in the market going up, going down, going sideways."
"We're in a cool down period, and this is where you're able to find those deals."
"Token transfer from weekends to strong hands: the backbone of bear markets."
"Is publishing putting black girls on covers to sell books now as bait when they're not the POV character? Is that what's going on?"
"Always follow the trend, it'll get you there."
"If you're playing smart strategies, you're still making a hell of a lot of money in this market."
"Maybe we should look at the tactics of some short sellers and not demonize them."
"Bollinger bands are something that pro traders use all the time."
"We teach supply and demand concepts, smart money concepts, and of course, we teach structure liquidity and our lower time frame entry model."
"For those of us that have been in cryptos for any period a long period of time yeah we've seen that and what have we done every time it's dropped we've bought more."
"Keep an open mind. Don't rule out charting and technical analysis."
"They know that they're in completely different spaces. Sony is tackling the hardware market while Xbox seems to be more focused on the services market."
"I never recommend getting out of the market but I do usually recommend staying hedged."
"It's full of information, it's gonna really help you guys get profitable and know how to trade these markets like I do with consistency."
"When shorting in a bull market like we saw in early 2021, the shorts had to work double time and utilize shorts more often than they really wanted to."
"This efe efp event triggered a scramble of meetings with the lbma to plug this hole."
"Volume profiling can help day traders and scalpers, swing traders, investors or all of the above."
"If you are looking for more strategies, perhaps shorter term ones, then you should probably grab my 22 page Beat the Market Strategy guidebook."
"If you want to learn about how the economy actually works and how to make money in any environment, a bull market or a bear market, be sure to hit that subscribe button."