
Free Speech Advocacy Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"In order for the legal protections of government not to get involved in your free speech to continue, you need an attitude that is pro-free speech."
"Stand up for the freedom of speech. Stand up for the First Amendment."
"It's down to us individually and collectively to demand the free speech of those we disagree with."
"He was a true believer in everything to do with freedom of speech."
"Nobody is standing up for the principle of free speech, the First Amendment."
"The fact that Elon's willing to defend free speech, that's the thing I mean. Is there a greater Free Speech warrior in America right now than Elon Musk? No."
"I do what I say because I do not want free speech to be taken from us because I value it."
"A victory for free speech and an important defeat for the cancel culture mob."
"Free speech is worth saving, it's a hard problem but it's worth trying to do."
"Protecting those freedoms...what a service he's done for the country."
"Supporting free speech is a great message. Do you really think it's crazy for people to see Red Pill Black supporting free speech and then look back a year ago?"
"Freedom of speech not just has to be protected from a legalistic perspective but also has to be believed in people's hearts."
"I'm a big First Amendment guy so I always want the First Amendment be interpreted as broadly as possible where it grants me the right to say or do pretty much anything as long as it's not harming another human being against their will."
"We will always protect free speech on college."
"What we should fight for is free speech. We should fight for free speech which means no government intervention in the issues of speech and no government intervention in the marketplace for ideas and no govern intervention in these platforms."
"Free speech means that you support the right to say things that you despise."
"I completely support free speech for anybody."
"Rumble in the fight for free speech is doing more than Trump's done more than Congress is doing more than Jim Jordan."
"I'm obviously a huge supporter of free speech. It's something that's very important to me." - Jeff Kaplan
"Counter Strike: Global Offensive is definitely one of the best competitive games on PC."
"This is an island of free speech, the last best hope of earth."
"Free speech is fundamental and essential, but it's under wide-scale broad scale attack in the United States today."
"Elon Musk has done more for free speech freedom and just reason and rationality than anybody I can think of in the last decade."
"I look forward to continue going on ahead with us fighting for freedom of speech."
"The enemies of free speech are the enemies of the process that turns potential into habitable order."
"As a real defender of free speech billionaire Elon Musk will continue to tell the truth and expose governments."
"We believe in free speech to the fullest degree."
"Censorship's a real issue and you can kind of see why I would be so passionate about free speech and anti-censorship."
"Free speech is the whole reason why we have a civilization."
"The first line of defense against a culture of violence is free speech."
"This conversation wouldn't happen in China, this conversation wouldn't happen in places that don't have free speech."
"When Dr. Jordan B Peterson made the decision to join Daily Wire Plus, it was a major win for those who championed free speech."
"We really should be having more conversations about free speech."
"Hello to our friends on Twitter and Rumble and all of the other Free Speech platforms."
"You don't have a right not to be offended. Elon Musk, I hope he buys Twitter, I hope he takes it private, I hope he makes it a complete free speech forum."
"Reclaim the right to free speech for all Americans."
"Freedom of speech is otherwise meaningless." - Elon Musk
"This is a fight for the future of civilization. Free speech is the most important thing." - Elon Musk
"We cannot allow attacks on free speech to go unchallenged, no matter where they occur."
"Freedom of speech is the human right that all other human rights are built on, and we simply don't have it."
"Free speech means I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter because that is what free speech means." - Elon Musk
"Free speech is a natural god-given humanitarian right."
"I am for all speech everywhere. I actually want people who have bad ideas to be loud about it."
"Free Speech trumps judicial process whatever it is they're kind of making up is an actual legitimate threat."
"Elon Musk has long been a free speech advocate."
"Elon Musk has said he'd prioritize free speech."
"He genuinely believes that he's on a mission to unleash Free Speech."
"I'm a First Amendment absolutist...the government should not be involved in censorship."
"I'm against cancel culture, wokeness, the mob; I'm in favor of free speech."
"We need to create a patriot/free speech issue economy. We're stronger together."
"I'm old enough to remember there was a time when it was leftists who were the people who spoke up for free speech."
"We shouldn't need to go around saying, 'I believe in free speech but...'."
"The counter to hate speech is more speech, not less speech."
"The idea behind free speech on campus is that both sides have an opportunity to speak unmolested."
"We're not bad, we're not losing. Free speech and knowledge creation empowered by free speech is literally built into the fabric of the universe."